Last seen: January 25, 2021 12:48 pm
I'm glad you pointed out a very important we often forget while learning psychology. The practical one. It's important to know that psychology is a pr...
Loved how you explained some of the important fields of Psychology in such detail. They were so helpful. Apart from this, there are also so many field...
I'm happy that you shared such an amazing writeup with us. It surely tells.a lot about you. I'm glad you're doing what makes you grow. To growing and ...
It's amazing how you explained psychology in some simple and amazing terms. And it's so true, that no matter whichever field you choose under psycholo...
Loved the way it unfolds, and how your words give us some amazing lessons that are so accurate. Cheers to the fall and the shine🌻
It's great to learn how one opportunity taught you such precious things. It's indeed fun to study such a subject that has a good amount of practicalit...
Glad to know, how you did what you liked. To add more value to what you're doing, can suggest documentaries related to psychology and also good reads ...
Hey, I totally get you! There wasn't a single point I could disagree with! It's funny how we now say mental health is important but have to pay oursel...
I'm glad you pointed out the difference between the two. It was very important I think. It is very important to know that both have different roles an...
I'm glad you spoke for yourself. But it's also important to understand that sometimes it's okay when things don't work out our way. There are other pa...
You are so brave! It's very rare that people do what they love, you're just among those lucky ones. I'm glad we belong to a team where people are brin...
You seem quite familiar with how our mind and body are connected. Indeed, in this pandemic, it's not just our body but also our mind that needs rest. ...
Hey, you seem very well informed about the field. As an addition to all your reading, do read about case studies or about how do people apply these th...
This is a new field in psychology. It's obvious that you need to the experts before going ahead. An addition to this are therapy clowns,who go around ...
This was a pretty good and concise information about psychology. Humans are social animals. It is essential that they form relationships with people a...
I loved the quote and the meaning that it carries. I also loved how honest and real your introduction was. Hoping to have a great time with you! Cheer...
Hey, that's an interesting field. I'm sure you'd get the best from this. Hoping to have a great time learning from you! Cheers🌻
Hey there! I love to paint too! Infact, I did like 100 days of art recently and it was so fun. Hoping to have a great time with you! Cheers🌻
Hey, I am currently pursuing MA in clinical psychology and I'm sure you'd have a lot of fun once you start reading about it. Infact I wanted to get r...
Psychology is really an interesting field. And the fact, that you love to meet new people and hear their stories makes me relate to you so much. Hopin...
It's good to hear such amazing words from people who aren't working in this field. It gives us a hope that people are really taking mental health seri...
Third year is surely the most amazing time of graduation. And 'the most amazing' when it comes to psychology. Have a great time having fun and learnin...
Psychology is really an amazing field. It provokes the person to search for more and feels interesting at the same time. Hoping to have a good time wi...
Christ is a very renowned university in the field of psychology Hope you have lots of fun and learning there! Cheers🌻