Last seen: January 20, 2022 12:02 pm
Hey, totally agree with you , humans are truly fascinating creatures and it's very interesting to learn about them . Very nice to know about your expe...
Thank you for sharing your story. Very nice to know that you found your passion. Good luck!
Everything you said about psychology is so true , it's not just about the abnormal and disorders, it deals with so much more. It teaches you everythin...
It's very nice to read about your journey and know that you're taking steps towards spreading mental health awareness and what better way to do it tha...
@shravanipalnitkar Hi, I'm doing very well , thank you for a warm welcome.
@manasibhosale Hello Manasi, Thank you very much!
@trishabaunthiyal Hey , thank you so much!
@nishithas Hey Nishitha , glad to meet someone who can relate, thank you so much and good luck to you too!
@bharathippriyan-d Thank you so much !
@vidhya Yes I completely agree with you, speaking about mental health and sharing experiences is very important. Hoping to learn from you too and have...
@gourisreekumar I'm doing great , thank you so much .
@kavita I'm doing very well , thank you. Looking forward to work with you !
Hey Shreshtha ! It's great to see people from different fields taking a keen interest in psychology , and I love to write too. It's really nice meetin...
Hey Nandini, I find the subject of neuropsychology extremely interesting as well. And it's great to see people advocate mental health awareness and wo...
Hey Sayeeda, I'm an aspiring psychologist too and I believe a good listener as well. It's lovely visually meeting you ! Hope to connect with you more.
Hello Anagha , it's so interesting to know that you're studying forensic science . I've always been fascinated with the subject of forensic psychology...
Hello Akshata , I completely agree with you about everything you said about psychology, it truly is a fascinating subject and there's always something...
Hey Tanisha , I absolutely love your energy. You seem like such a life affirming and positive person. Hope to connect with you more through this inter...
Hey Nishant, I've always believed communication is the key to everything in life, so it's great to know that you're a good communicator and I'm sure y...
Hey Mahi, I love to read and paint too. Two of my biggest stress busters. I hope to connect with you and talk about books and much more!
Hey Tanisha , it's amazing to know that you're juggling three subjects together. It's great to see people who have a thirst for all kinds of knowledge...
Hello from a fellow awkward person ! Great to see you overcome you're difficulties and working towards making life better for others. Keep up the good...