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Binge, watching or marathon watching is a practice of watching content for a prolonged period. During the Covid-19 pandemic, binge-watching became a common practice, because of its availability. So now we can say binge-watching became a common practice to us. It allows viewers to enjoy full seasons on linearly scheduled television in favor of watching them all at once at their convenience, (Sodano, 2012). Binge-watching offers a sort of instant gratification to the watchers.

Binge Watching Criteria

So now we know what binge-watching is, but there are controversies among researchers,

  • According to Wheeler (2015), binge-watching is watching back-to-back episodes of the same program in a single setting.
  • According to Walton- Pattison (2016) binge-watching is watching more than two episodes of the same sow in one setting.
  • According to a Netflix survey (2016), binge-watching is watching a minimum of two shows in one sitting, with a session average of 2.3 episodes.

Does Lockdown have any impact on our binge-watching behavior?google trades

Fig 1: Binge Watching rate in India from January 2020 – December 2020.

Fig 2: Binge Watching rate in India from 2016 to 2020.

From figure 1 and figure 2 it is clear that the covid 19 pandemic has an impact on our binge-watching behavior. we all know that mental health issues also increased due to this pandemic.

Fig 3: Depression rate in India from 2016 to 2020.

Fig 4: Loneliness rate in India from 2016 to 2020.

Fig 5: The suicide rate in India from 2016 to 2020.

  • Panic Attack

Fig 6: Panic Attack rate in India from 2016 to 2020.

From these graphs, it is very clear that mental health-related issues increased during the lockdown, and binge-watching also has some impact on it.

Binge Watching & Mental Health

  • Binge-watching and depression: research suggest a correlation between binge-watching and depression. High binge-watchers tend to be more depressed than low binge-watchers (Ahmed . A.A.M, 2017).Positive correlation between depression and binge-watching(Katherine 2015).
  • Binge Watching and Stress: research found some correlation between the level of stress and frequency of binge watch.Positive Correlation between Stress and Binge-Watching; Negative Correlation between Anxiety and Binge- Watching (Katina Letrice Clarke, 2019).
  • Binge Watching and Sleep Deprivation: the  frequency OF Binge-watching  is positively associated with poorer sleep quality, increased fatigue, and more symptoms of insomnia (Exelmans .L ,2017) Sleep deprivation affects our memory, attention as well as the affective state.
  • Binge Watching and Anxiety :In a study done by the University of Toledo , binge watchers group report high level of stress, anxirty and depression than control group.
  • Binge Watching and Loneliness:  research found a positive correlation between loneliness and depression( Ahmed.A.A.M, 2017)

Why binge watching rate increase during the lockdown period?

Firstly covid 19 situation was new for all of us, we all were confused about how to deal with the new situation. secondly, social isolation affects us negatively, it creates a kind of mental isolation also, and during those days binge-watching became our companion because of its easy availability and addictive nature. several studies have done on binge-watching motivation, and found –

  • Escape motivation
  • Engagement motivation
  • Companionship
  • Entertainment
  • Relaxation
  • Arousal
  • Habit
  • Information

Some people use it for the engagement purpose, some use it to avoid their current situation or to escape reality. those with depression, anxiety mainly binge watch for their escape motive.

Emil Steiner identified six motivations for binge-watching:

  • An improved experience from spending more time  in the session.
  • A sense of completion ocures , which goes back to the Zeigarnik effect of wanting. to complete all things.
  • Cultural inclusion is also a motivation factor, need for belongingness, so that your friends won’t isolate you, for the belongingness in the group.
  • It is most convenience, because it is easy to pick up where you left off whenever, wherever.
  • It helps to catch up before a new season drops.
  • Relaxation and nostalgia are another motivating factors, from catching a break and seeing what’s familiar.

How to control binge-watching:

  • Turn off auto play .
  • Set a time limit on your mobile phone or in your laptop , you can use other gadgets as well .
  • Avoid binge-watching as a coping method.
  • You can use your favorite shows as a reward system.
  • When you’re feeling low , instead of binge-watching call your friends or sped time with your family or do something that is not addictive by nature.

Binge Watching   : Good/Bad?

Many people use to binge-watch to cope with their boredom, to cope with depressive mood , life problems, etc . as well as research also found a relationship between creativity and binge-watching . so it is not like binge-watching is always bad . rather we can think of it as a continuum , with two poles – good and bad . high binge-watching affects us negatively though research also found that binge-watching buffers loneliness ,  and it gives us   a source of engagement .


I would like to share some references , hope it might help you

  • Katherine S. Wheeler, 2015, The Relationships Between Television Viewing Behaviors and Attachment- Loneliness, Depression, and Psychological Well-Being.
  • Ahmed . A.A.M,2017, New era of TV watching behavior: Binge watching and it’s psychological effects.
  • Exelmans .L, Bulck .J.V , 2017, Binge Viewing, Sleep, and the Role of Pre-Sleep Arousal
  • Sarah E. Erickson  , Sonya Dal Cin , Hannah Byl ,2019, An Experimental Examination of Binge Watching and Narrative Engagement
  • Sommers, J., & Vondanovich, S. J. (2000). Boredom proneness and Its relationship to psychological and physical health symptoms.
  • Sung .Y.H,  Kang .E.Y, Wei-Na Lee, 2018, Why Do We Indulge? Exploring Motivations for Binge Watching

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Jigyasa vashistha

this is really amazing article.. buddy thanks for writing 🙂

Apeksha Sharma

Very well written and informative. I suggest using a few simpler sentences so that more and more people can understand it.

Vaishnavi S

Good topic. Very informative.
Happy writing