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If we are satisfied with everything in our lives then automatically our life becomes easier and beautiful. However, the world does not always work in the way we want. People faces problem and obstacles in their personal and social life. When these obstacles become a threat to their emotional, physical and mental state then it causes stress. Stress is not something external it grows internally in every human being.

Stress is a feeling that gives physical as well as mental tension. It can make a person face multiple emotions which can challenge an individuals body and mind to react differently.


● Frustration

Anger or aggression

● Nervousness

● Obesity (due to stress eating)

Anxiety and depression

● Restlessness

● De-motivated and unhappy

● Lack concentration

● Bad decision and problems with memory

● Insomniac


● Major loss or death of loved one

● Constant worry

● Financial issues

● Unhappy marriage or divorce

● Tension due to responsibilities

● Change in life or lifestyle

● No control over certain situations

● Constant fear

● Negative thoughts and mood swings

Stress has a unique pattern which is different for every individual. This is because every person thinks and interprets similar situation with a different perspective. Some are very sensitive and can easily develop long-term stress related mental illness whereas some are tolerant and can cope with it easily.

One must be aware that our mind plays a dominant role in developing stress. Consider a situation where two employees salary is been cut into half due to companies crisis. Employee 1 tries to manage his finance but end up having stress and constant worry that he won’t be able to fulfil his and his family’s need whereas employee 2  keeps a positive thought and believe that he would find a way to come out of this situation. With this you can understand that our thinking and objective is very vital for developing stress. Stress has a specific nature. Something that is physical as well as psychological. People pay a price after experiencing stress.


Stress can cause three major disorder which can disturb our minds stability.

  • ADJUSTMENT DISORDER: It is less severe in nature, something that is very common among people and  is been experienced frequently. Adjustment disorder is psychological response to a person facing stress due to divorce, marital failure, death of a loved one, financial  business or issues related to job etc. The disorder can be diagnosed only after 3 months of experiencing stress. The person is restless and in a very unstable state to function. Well it is a short term illness and   fades away with time, when the stressor finally realise the situation and learns to adapt the change in life. If these symptoms exceeds a 6 months of time period then it can be a major mental disorder and needs an expert’s help.
  • POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER [PTSD]: Failure to recover from some horrified memories. Usually occurs after a major traumatic events due to life-threatening incident. Events such as rape, combat, confinement, sexual assault or experience with any natural disaster like earthquake, Tsunami etc. Symptoms for stress can be seen immediately after these events in few people as they are not able to manage or deal with the trauma and the fear of survival along with unwanted memories. PTSD is considered to be a very severe mental disorder and in some extreme cases need medical treatment or therapy.

  • A
    CUTE STRESS DISORDER: People have an excessive response, are aggressive in nature and avoid thought related to trauma. They feel detached to the world and has a rush of emotions. This is quite similar to PTSD, just the difference is that PTSD is diagnosed when the symptoms last for one month and more, but the immediate stress after any trauma is considered to be acute stress disorder which can be diagnosed within two weeks of time period. For example- A woman being through sexual assault would not be diagnosed with PTSD immediately after the assault but with acute stress disorder. If the symptoms last for 2 months instead then it will be claimed as PTSD. The development of symptoms are fast in acute stress disorder within two weeks of time after any traumatic experience. People with acute stress disorder are at high risk to develop PTSD if not treated at a early stage.

Stress is not a medical diagnosis so, it does not have any specific treatment but coping with stress can be quite difficult and stressful in your life. Some tips to manage stress are:

● Exercise- To build your intensity and lower the stress hormones

● Meditate – To calm yourself

● Spend time with family and friends

● Try to avoid negative thoughts and have more positive perspective

● Accept the reality

● Doing activities that makes you happy such as writing, painting or swimming

● Improve your sleeping

● Proper balance diet

● Learn to avoid hesitation and be confident

● Listen to music

● Do things that makes you happy

Your mental health is your responsibility be happy and satisfied in life with a peaceful mind.

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Aakriti Lajpal

I think you shared an easy way of learning about stress and ways to cope with it. You have used simple language hence making it more attractive

Manvi Verma

Stress is the root cause of most of the health related disorders whether physical or mental. Informative article. Highly insightful and factual.

Ishita dharwal

Our daily life problems could be leading to overburden or stress , I really loved your post and it’s very informative , wouldnlovw to see more of it !

Shraddha S. Kambli

Very well written, an informative article, keep it up

Jigyasa vashistha

amazing article ..kudos buddy 🙂

Taru Dixit

It is very insightful and informative.

Prarna koul

a really interesting topic and very well explained. I’ve got one question to ask regarding expression of feelings can you be both an introvert and an extrovert at the same time?

Nirja shah

I love that you have left room for individual differences as each human is subjected to different genetic and environmental stimuli which makes generalizing all the symptoms and causes very difficult. Elaborating on the concept of internal and external locus of control and how it affects an individuals ability to deal with stressors could enhance your article. A correlation between Type A and Type B personality theory and the concept of hardiness might emphasize its impact on mental health. A very well-balanced article, with not only the negative impact of stress being highlighted but also how to effectively deal with it. 

Anmol Sidhu

really meticulously written article. The fact that you commented on how individual differences affect stress in commendable, often people fail to realize that psychology is based on individual differences. Job well done


This article has conveyed information in a simple yet effective manner. Stress is something that affects every single individual, but at times, still taken for granted. This writing has provided not only details about stress and its factors, but also methods to cope with it. This factor makes it really helpful. Looking forward to reading more of your works!


The article is very well written . It’s informative , precise and to the point. You have taken a very simple yet important topic and articulated it extremely well. And you have explained it in simple language which makes it easier to understand and comprehend , very well done !

Sreejita Sarkar

Your description of stress was very clear. The points that you have incorporated are very helpful. I would appreciate it, if you could add more disorders and therapy related information. However, it was fulfilling read.

Megha Sarma

you could have also added the types of stress. it’s a helpful article tho for the ones who are not related to psychology

Radhika Saini

I really liked the simplicity of the article!
I would like to give some friendly suggestions if you don’t mind.

  1. I would advise you to lessen the bulletins and add more info in the form of paragraphs as the article seems too short because of the bulletins.
  2. Pay more attention to grammar and punctuation

Best of luck!

Suja P

It is very insightful and informative. You have taken an important topic and written it extremely well. And you have explained it in simple language which makes it easier to understand and comprehend

Thryaksha Ashok Garla

Very informative and detailed article

Khushi Thakkar

stress can indeed turn into chronic disorder if not handled well. I feel it would have be nice if you would’ve added about eustress and distress. Overall, I loved the article!


I think the author would have made enough loyal in exploring the article to readers. It was informative, and insightful. The quote was much more catchy and techniques may very much useful to those readers.

Anushka Kapadia

Thank you for writing this article. it is extremely well written, with perfectly laid out points. to make it easier to understand and keep it a quick read

Aditi Dhoundiyal

The article is well formulated and informative too. Keep up the good work

Ayeman Qamri

Well written loved it. The article is well structured and keeps the reader engaged.


In the last you have suggested good ways to keep ourselves from stress. Being positive will be a good way to stay away from stress.

Shruti Shashidharan

This is a very informative and detailed article. It’s really important to understand that different people have different stress reactions to the same situations. That will help be more empathetic. Great work! 🙂


It is a precise and comprehensive article that is easy to read through making it more interesting. Maybe you can brush upon the physiological reaction to stress too next time? But of course that is just suggestion. Good job

Kirti Giridhar

Impressive article and also it was precise .

Pravesh Charan Isai

Stress and Mental Health is one such common psychological aspect that every individual faces everyday. Most importantly, excess of stress can lead to serious mental health problems as well.


A great deal of research demonstrates the role played by biology, early life, personality, and social influences. The knowledge of stress biology and its consequences helps researchers to work on new therapies. It can also help to predict who is at risk for a mental health disorder and discover the best time to intervene later to avoid ill health. keep up the good work.



Gurleen Kaur

Beautifully written, simple and easy to understand. Loved the addition of the quote you put in the end.

Riswana A

Nice one… keep going

Kirti Giridhar

You have presented your article in a simple manner you could have researched more.

Taniya Singh

This language used in this article is simple which makes it more effective and appealing. Stress is so common nowadays still people take it granted and don’t pay much attention to it. The coping ways to the stress is what which adds more value to it because one could easily get the general material on website. Looking forward to reading more articles of yours. Best of luck!!!

Harsh Vikas Jain

A very beautiful article with an extensive research. Just a suggestion, it has little more technical aspect. Rest it’s really beautiful. Good portrayal of the article. Keep writing.

Last edited 4 years ago by Harsh Vikas Jain
Reema Adhikary

Very well written but I would suggest you to specify some of your “causes” and “signs” a bit more. It would be more helpful for the readers. Otherwise your write up is on point and justifies what you wanted to portray! Much love, keep writing more! ☺️

Last edited 4 years ago by Reema Adhikary
Kritika Bhair

Must read!
Very informative

Trisha Baunthiyal

Very well written ! Good to see that you didn’t generalize anything because everybody has different experiences.

Hardeep Kaur

The article is very easy to relate because of the bullet points. You made it easy for readers to understand and specially for those who don’t have enough time to read. Even though it’s bullet points but it’s still very informative and very well written. Also easier to relate. Keep up the good work.

ridhi bhatia

It is really relatable, It is an interesting topic and you explained it well. Great work!

K Kannaki

The article is well written and conveyed very well. It was informative and gave insight about how stress can cause damage to our mental and physical health. stress is very common factor in every individuals life and the tips you gave was very useful. Stress can be good to one and harmful for another, so emphasizing on individual difference is must and can give more ideas on how the people around someone going through stress can help and guide them as many are not aware of the symptoms and how overcome it.

Good luck!!

Devashree Bhandare

Hey…lovely work…a suggestion…just use simpler words..

Sima Saleem

Our lives are full of stress and anxiety. It is not the way to be frustrated or tired from all the situations. Whe should know how to deal with all the stressful thoughts and feelings to have a great life. Thank you for choosing this topic

Rahmath shaikali

Well written. It is an amazing article. A Very informative article

Aanaida Rehman

Good one actually says alot.. ADJUSTMENT disorder and how its caused will help. Keep writing

Siya Naik

Well balanced article. Insightful and factual. Very precise information. Keep it up

The article was simple to understand with rich information about stress and its effects. Stress is actually something everyone experiences these days, we do need to show awareness towards it.

Karishma Borah

Good way to highlight the daily connotation of stress


I actually liked the article a lot. it gave brief insight of the topic stress and our mental health and made us realize hoe important it is for us. and what are the basis tips that we can keep n our mind so that e can overcome stress.

Riya Arya

Your mental health is your responsibility be happy and satisfied in life with a peaceful mind…

Stress is the thing which should be discussed on daily basis…

a really interesting topic and very well explained…


Belly breathing is the solution for any type of stress.nice info yaar..well written

Reshma latchoumanane

Nice content…. In now a days more people have stress… They want to overcome from the situation…it help them to know more about this..