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How anxiety destroys relationships and how to stop it

How anxiety destroys relationships and how to stop it

As much as my fellow introverts would like to respectfully deny, humans ARE social animals. It is an inevitability. In most cases, that relationship is purely symbiotic. You take what you require from the other and give what you don’t require but they do. Sometimes it is the mere need of companionship. It will always exist and take whatever form you want it to take.

Humans so far, have evolved far more than any other species and so have their relationships. It is however, also true that these relationships have become awfully tangled up and complicated. It’s not just give-and-take anymore. You are required to put your best efforts and learn how to read between the lines. If you have an outstanding emotional resilience, you will know how to take care of your relations with other people without overexerting your mind. But it is easier said than done. Between you and relationships, there are other factors also at play. Your health, career, aspirations, problems and whatnot. It is a two way process. More often than not, these factors come in between your relationship with people and can affect you mentally. Sometimes the effect is positive and motivating but sometimes it is stressful and unwanted.

Our relationships are one of the contributing factors in the state of our mental health. It may sound a bit of a stretch, but it’s not. Research and studies have been conducted on this topic and they clearly suggest that mental health issues are largely visible in people with unstable relationships. People with stable relationships on the contrary, are less likely to mentally unhealthy. Therefore, it is important to be aware of how you relationships and your mental health affect each other.

Here, I am going explain how anxiety -one of the most common mental disorders- negatively impacts the relationships and how you can deal with it.

What is anxiety and what are the signs that you have it?

Anxiety, as mentioned above, is one of the most common and pervasive mental disorders. In fact, around 284 million suffer from anxiety all around the globe. Nearly 10 million of them are in India alone! Now, you may already know but anxiety is a reaction to stress and makes you feel worried, scared and restless due to the impact of an event. Anxiety disorder can be used as an umbrella term for Obsessive Cleaning Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Panic attacks and many others.

You can usually self-diagnose if you have been facing these symptoms often-

  • Irritability
  • Hyperventilation
  • Lack of concentration
  • Fatigue
  • Sweating
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Insomnia
  • Palpitations

DO NOT IGNORE THE WARNING SIGNS. These little crumbs of ignorance would cause you a great deal of trouble if you let them pile up.

How does anxiety affect your relationships with people?

People are not simply driven by the need to take what we want and go away. No. We form our relationships in an intricate and complex manner, beyond logic and technicality. We play many roles based on them. We can be a son/daughter, a spouse, a sibling, a friend, a guardian, a student, an assistant, a head and much more. These relationships are not necessarily motive driven. Sometimes you are just thankful to have known them and would like to continue having them in your life. No further explanations required.

With relationships come responsibilities, expectations, pressure and motivation. You have so many things to manage, so many people to seek approval from and so many problems to deal with. It becomes too much sometimes. Everyone is not capable of handling so many things going on in their life without breaking down. People become paranoid. They are on edge all the time. As the world progresses, each passing day, more troubles are added to the list and you are forced to just deal with it. In such scenarios, some fight to keep their heads positive and energetic. Some just patiently wait for difficult times to pass. But some succumb to it. They are affected mentally and receive scars that cannot be seen. Others around them don’t even get a whiff of what’s wrong and sometimes brush it off as nothing. But it is always something.

There are several ways how anxiety affects relationships-how anxiety affects relationships

  • Traumatic childhood events- When children are shunned, verbally or physically abused and discouraged, they become emotionally scarred. This develops anxiety, depression or other disorders in them. They have panic attacks and they lose faith in authority figures and shut themselves from within.
  • Over-Dependence- Sometimes anxiety causes people to depend too much on others. They worry that they can’t do anything without somebody else’s help and expect others to always be there for them. This puts strain on both parties and may lead to distance between them. The dependent person becomes nervous and unconfident on her own and hinders their growth.
  • Isolation- Some people have the opposite effect. They tend to distance themselves from their loved ones and don’t express what is happening to them. They lose contact with almost everyone and have no one to rely on. The loved ones on the other hand, become more and more worried due to the lack of communication. This also causes a lot of misunderstandings and wariness.

Experts believe that there is an urgent need to focus on the quality of our relationships, not only as individuals but as communities. People need to understand just how fundamental relationships are to our mental wellbeing.

How to not let anxiety affect your relationships?

anxiety affect your relationships

The simplest way to not let anxiety drag you down is to treat the aliment itself. Here are a few ways that may prove helpful to deal with anxiety-

  • Take a break- Go on a vacation. A change of place can sometimes do wonders.
  • Question yourself- If you feel you’re losing control over yourself in some situations. Ask your some questions. Is something different? When did it start? What triggered it? Is it severe enough to require therapy? When you have analysed your answers, take appropriate measures based on the severity of your condition.
  • Seek therapy- Don’t vehemently deny your condition. You are not lacking in any way. A therapy will help you get rid of the problem before it is too deeply rooted.Pen your thoughts
  • Pen your thoughts- You could try writing a daily journal or just a little something whenever you are too overwhelmed.
  • Aromatherapy- This is a type of healing treatment that makes use of plant extracts and aromatic essential oils to calm your body and mind. You could seek a professional or gather the supplies and try it yourself.


  • Practice meditation
  • Exercise
  • Try something new

Well these were the common solutions for dealing with anxiety. Next I’ve pointed out these small things that could bring a big change and directly help you make sure you’re not letting your anxiety come in between your relationships-

  • Loosen up your schedule and spend some time with family and friends.
  • Follow a no-phones policy when you’re relaxing or out with friends. I know it might be tempting to check on your social media but you can always do that later.
  • Actively listen and observe how people have been faring around you. They might need some support. Try to understand other person’s point of view. Trust me, you’ll have that favour returned in most pleasant of ways.
  • Share what you’ve been up to these days. You can decide what you want to share but make sure they know when you could use some help.
  • Steer clear from unhealthy relationships. Recognise when you’re being negatively impacted by someone. You could try finding a solution to the issue or try avoiding them.

Mental health has never been taken seriously. Well it’ll be more accurate to say that it is considered a taboo subject in many cultures and an outright discussion about it will be frowned upon. But it’s high time we start accepting it as a part of life, as much as we accept physical health.

Never let irrelevant people cloud your judgement. Those who truly love you will love you no matter what. You will do better being healthy and disliked by those with double standards than living in misery just to appease them.

So talk about it. Read about it. Seek help. Even the most celebrated therapists cannot do much unless you seek to change. All they can show you is a path. You choose how you want to walk through it.


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Ritu Mishra

Well written 🙂

Riya Rajkotiya

Nice work !!!!!!

Nidhi Dahiya

Amazing work

Sushmitha Subramani

Anxiety is really detrimental to all our relationships. Nice work. Well done.

Isra Meraj

Hey Shalini, I have read the article and I must say that it was very informative. I just love the way you categorized every things with pictures. The topic you spoke about is very important and it is so under-rated. People should actually try to fight with anxiety because it only use destroys relationship but one’s mental peace too and all negative thought surround us making our life horrible. There should be more awareness about stopping anxiety to live a better life. I would suggest you to use article content box which makes easy for a reader because your article is so good and if you add this plus points too it can make more readers draw attention towards your articles.
Your work is amazing and I loved it.

Femitha Rachel Ebby

Anxiety can be a very strong factor behind issues in any relationship. It’s well written and it felt like a story, not too factual, yet very relatable. I believe many people don’t really know they are experiencing anxiety when they are. There are people who feel physiological symptoms, but they tend to wonder whether it’s the symptom of a heart attack. Therefore, it would be absolutely wonderful if you could write something on the physiology of anxiety and stress—- because having proper awareness and knowledge about this condition helps people a long way. And since you seem to be having good grasp on the topic, consider doing this at some point 🙂 well done.


“Anxiety has a potential to destroy a very strong relationship.”You emphasized it very well.


This article helped me understand my friend a little more. I’ve always felt helpless but now maybe by understanding her a little more, I can be of some help.

Tanisha Jain

Well written and an important topic to be discussed. Please add reference list for the information though!


Well written article plus the fact that you mentioned that one needs to seek therapy is also a very important step as anxiety is difficult to deal with. However, there are many more symptoms of anxiety, that can be added as well and it can be mentioned that only a few of them is necessary for the diagnosis of anxiety

Vinaya Parthasarathy

That was an amazing article, anxiety can be very difficult.


The article is very informative. The solutions and ways to deal with anxiety are very helpful . It helps understand relationships and how anxiety affects then a whole lot better.


a lot of them really do have problems in relationships and many don’t know that they could be the problem. Anxiety in fact destroys lot of relationships. but its not impossible to solve it.


Very well written. Wouldn’t change a thing! And the one thing is, this post needs to reach a wider audience because be it OCD or PTSD or panic attacks or anything that causes anxiety, it is not supposed to be ignored and people really need to start accepting this. Also, for aromatherapy, if anyone does suffer from anxiety issues, using lavender oil(or even a lavender Deo or a room freshner) really helps reduce the time span of a panic attack.

Ishita Saha

I love the starting line with introverts being mentioned. And i know how it feels when anxiety eat up all the precious things in life. This is so informative and needed in times like ours where we all are mentally damaged in one way or other. Amazing 🙂

Krishna Priya

The topic that was given can be explored so much and there always is scope to add some or the other thing. I felt like you could also add the various factors that precipitate anxiety, the kinds of relationships in which anxiety could be observed more and while talking about therapies, it is CBT that is used more in treating Anxiety and Phobias. I hope you read about this and all the very best for your next one!

anshika singh

that’s true, not even a single warning sign of anxiety is to be ignored. Another thing highly recommended for every human out there is that it is important to have a clear idea of distinction between anxious/nervousness and anxiety disorders. Many a times people confuse the two. but also, in any case, if its bothering you, you should talk it out so sometime, maybe do something that’ll help you express(art, journaling, listening to songs, dancing), these are my go to ways. And most importantly, just let it flow, do not suppress it, it happened to you, you’re a human, LET THAT SINK IN. And obviously, ALWAYS, be yourself or not, just “BE”.

Soumya Murali

Anxiety is something that is widely seen in relationships. This article was very insightful and made me think and understand so much about anxiety. A great read 🙂

Hardeep Kaur

Very well put across. Anxiety should not be avoided or taken lightly. This needed to be talked about openly and accepted. This is really important in today’s world.


Very well written

Vipassana Gautam

This is a simple and important piece. Surely anxiety affects all our actions and relations but it is important to remember that it’s not your fault. You are not doing these things deliberately on you. I am someone who a lot of friends with anxiety issues and another thing that is important to remember is that I don’t feel guilty or make them feel like they upset me. I would also like you to spread light of this matter, on having better relationships with people with anxiety and coping together

Thank you for this! I’ve realized I experience this a lot and it really helps me feel validated 🙂


amazing work !!


Thankyou so much for jotting your perspectives down. You’ve done a great work in elaborating your views on anxiety disorders, the most common yet ignored disorder in the present time. A certain level of anxiety is necessary for the completion of a particular task by a person. But if and when anxiety starts hindering with your normal routine, then you should immediately consult a psychologist or a therapist. And the line wherein you said that people close to us will never judge, they will love us no matter what, really touched me.
Also, if some people suffering from anxiety aren’t treated on time, they might even start ingesting drugs, and eventually enter the world of substance abuse.
We, as budding psychologists, are obliged to do something about it. And you made a step. CONGRATULATIONS! 🙂


A great man once said, “In a relationship, its not your partners duty to keep you happy. you crave your own and so will they, you create your happiness and they will create theirs. you must not be dependent on your partner for that. ” and that actually opened my eyes. I am well aware of the fact that people with anxiety disorders need emotional support, but emotional support and help should not misunderstood to creating happiness in life.
great articulate, on my way to see more of your works. 🙂

Kavya Gopal

Your article makes a refreshing read…anxiety diagnosable or otherwise is so common nowadays… It affects our relationship with ourselves and with others…keep up the good work

Simone Morarka

Great job, Shalini! Looking forward to more of your work

Simone Morarka

Very informative. Well done!!

Jigyasa vashistha

This is such a lovely read

Jigyasa vashistha

Amazing content

Nivetha Srinath

The article taught me alot about Anxiety! Good job in conveying the message to the readers !

Leanne Rebelo

The information here is wonderfully written; easy to understand and very interesting. Would be helpful if References were included.

Shramana Singha Roy

that was an amazing article