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Must Read: A Goddess only in the Temple?

Why We Should Kill The Rapist 

Rape is one type of sexual assault. It involves sexual penetration carried out against a person’s consent. This act is carried out either through force, coercion, abuse of authority, below the age of legal consent, disability, or someone who is incapable of consent.

Rape is the fourth most common crime in India. Almost on an average 91 rapes happen daily across the country. The rapes cases have been drastically increasing every day. Consensual sex committed on the false promises of marriage is considered rape by the government. Sexual violence is primarily committed by males against females. Rape by people the victim knows is more compared to the strangers. The least reported forms of rape are male on male and female on female prison rapes.

During the partition of India, around 100,000 women were claimed to have been kidnapped and raped. There have been so many unreported cases. The noticeable rape cases over the years were the 2012 Delhi gang-rape case, the 2013 Mumbai gang rape, the Ranaghat case, Delta meghwal rape case, Kathua rape case, Unnao rape case, Mass rape in Jammu and Kashmir, Nirbhaya case, and the most recent Manisha Valmiki case where the media has not even covered the case.

There are so many more unnamed cases, what about those daughters?

When will this ever end?

There are so many cases where women, children, or even grandparents getting raped in their own homes.

When will it ever be safe for us women to feel safe? to be not afraid? to not worry if we are wearing “appropriate” clothes?

These horrific instances just don’t end with us humans but even animals are prey to these such disturbing instances who can not even ask for help.

sexual assault

Every 15 minutes one rape was reported in India, 2018. It is considered rape if he (a)  penetrates his penis to any extent, into the vagina, mouth, urethra, or makes her do so or any other person (b) inserting of any object or a part of the body (c) manipulates any part of the body of a woman to cause penetration into any part of the body of the woman or makes her do so with any other person (d) applies his mouth to the vagina, anus, urethra of a woman or makes her do so with him or any other person.

It is considered rape if it is

1. Against his/ her will

2. Without consent.

3. With her consent, when her consent has been obtained by putting a loved one in danger.

4. With her consent by intoxication, unsoundness of mind, or she is unable to understand the consequence to which she gives consent.

5. under eighteen years of age

6. Unable to communicate consent.

Anything less than yes is a NO.



Consent is an approval or permission given to sexual activity. No consent is the key definition of rape. Below the age of consent, Duress, Blackmail, Abuse of power, Partner rape, Domestic violence is rape. Women do not ask for it. Their style of clothing, the way they look, the time they are out, does not mean they ask for it.


Types of rape:

1. Date rape – it consists of acquaintance rape and drug-facilitated sexual assault.

2. Gang rape – Consists of a group of people participating in the rape of a single victim.

3. Spousal rape – It is also known as marital rape.

4. Rape of children – It consists of child-on-child sexual abuse and incest.

5. Statutory rape –  Sexual activity that violates the age of consent law but is neither violent nor physically coerced.

6. Prison rape – Same-sex crimes that happen at the prison.

7. Serial rape – Rape is committed by a person over a period of time on different victims.

8. Payback rape – It is also known as revenge rape.

9. War rape – It is committed by soldiers, combatants, or civilians during armed conflicts.

10. Rape by deception – It occurs when the perpetrator gains the victim’s agreement through fraud.

11. Corrective rape – This rape is targetted against non-heterosexuals as a punishment for violating gender roles.

12. Custodial rape –  These victims are generally minors.

13. Exchange rape – This occurs as the result of bargaining

14. Punitive rape – Rape used to punish or discipline

15. Theft rape – This happens when a woman or man is abducted, in most cases to be used as a slave or a prostitute.

16. Ceremonial rape – Rape involving defloration rituals.

17. Status rape – Rape resulting from the difference in the hierarchy or social class.



No factor gives any justification for rape. The factors that lead to the perpetration of sexual violence against women are beliefs in family honour and sexual purity, the attitude of male sexual entitlement, and weak legal sanctions for sexual violence.

Sexual aggression is often considered to be a masculine identity, which characterizes manhood in some male groups and is proportionally correlated to the desire to be held in higher esteem among male peers.  The motives of rapists can be multi-faceted. Anger, power, sadism, sexual gratification, evolutionary proclivities, hypermasculine, less empathetic are few factors.

Gang rape and mass rape are considered as a means of male bonding. This is their way of punishing women for their immoral behaviour for wearing a skirt or visiting a bar. Some carry out rape for financial gain or sexual gratification like sex trafficking and cybersex trafficking. Rape pornography including child pornography is created for profit and several other reasons.


Physical effects:

1. Gynecological disorders

2. Reproductive disorders

3. Sexual disorders

4. Infertility

5. Pelvic inflammatory disease

6. Pregnancy complications

7. Miscarriage

8. Sexual dysfunction

9. Acquiring sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS.

10. Mortality from injuries

11. Increased risk of suicide

12. Depression

13. Chronic pain

14. Psychosomatic disorders

15. Unsafe abortion

16. Unwanted pregnancy.


Emotional and psychological:

1. Victim stays in denial for years together.

2. Confused whether or not the experience constitutes rape especially for victims of psychologically coerced rape.

3. They will not admit it for many reasons like embarrassment, non-uniform legal definitions, and fear of acceptance by society.

4. Most victims respond by freezing up or becoming compliant and cooperative during the rape.

5. Memories may be fragmented especially after the incident.

6. Common emotions include distress, anxiety, shame, helplessness, and guilt.

7. Post-traumatic stress disorder

8. Specific phobias

9. Major depressive disorder 

10. Vicarious traumatization.

12. Suicidal attempts.

The victim will be traumatized her all life. By doing such a horrific act, one is ripping apart her self esteem and confidence. One part of her dies after going through this horrific incident.  For some, these emotions will overpower them and they will end up taking their own life. The rest will live with it every day for the rest of their life. Nobody deserves to live like that, nobody deserves to go through such a disturbing act.



Non- genital injuries: 

1. Physical assessment – A complete assessment is done. Medical personnel involved are trained to assess those assaulted. Informed consent is always required before starting the treatment. Some physical injuries are apparent such as bites, broken teeth, swelling, bruising, scratches, lacerations. In worse cases, there are gunshots and stab wounds seen.

2. Diagnostic testing – Testings such as X-rays, CT, or MRI are done. The presence of infection is done by a sampling of body fluids from the mouth, throat, vagina, perineum, and anus.

3. Forensic sampling – Evidence is collected by the complete consent of the victim. Photographers of the injuries may be requested by staff. The patients are advised not to shower for the next 72 hours to gather evidence. The sooner the samples are obtained, the more likely the evidence is present and provide valid results. Evidence of bodily secretions is assessed. Dried semen can be detected with a fluorescent lamp.


After the examination:

Access to emergency contraceptive medications is given to reduce the risk of an undesired pregnancy if used within 5 days of rape. Almost 5% of male on female rapes result in pregnancy. Abortion pills can be safely used up to 10 weeks from the last menstrual period. Physical effects of rape are noted down like pelvic pain, fibromyalgia, vaginal discharge, sleep pattern disturbances, and sexual dysfunction.


Genital injuries: 

A complete pelvic exam is conducted. Oral exams are conducted to see if there are any injuries to the mouth, teeth, gums, or pharynx. Samples of fluids, mud, hair, fibres, and leaves are gathered if present. Samples of fluid are collected to determine the presence of the perpetrator’s saliva and semen that may be present in the victim’s mouth, vagina, or rectum.  Sometimes when the victim has scratched the perpetrator in defence, fingernail scrapings can be collected. Injuries to the genital areas include swellings, bruising, and lacerations. Genetics injuries are more prevalent in post-menopausal women and prepubescent.


The presence of sexually contracted infection can be detected until 72 hours of the incident.  Treatment can be for vaginitis, gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis, and chlamydia. Immunization against hepatitis B is often given. Transmission of HIV is the most concern of the patient.  Other treatments may be necessary for other infections such as

1. Serum hepatitis B antigen assay

2. Microscopic evaluation of vaginal discharge

3. Cultures for Neisseria gonorrhoea and chlamydia trachomatis from each penetrated location.

4. Serum Venereal Disease Research laboratory test.

5. Complete blood count

6. Liver functions tests

7. Serum creatinine level.



say no to rape

1. Educational programs in schools and workplaces

2. Strict actions taken from the side of the government

3. Provide awareness to your children

4. Teach your sons and daughters to be better than all of this.





3. Dial 1091

This has to stop! Enough is enough. We can not let this happen to another daughter. what if this daughter is your loved one? Raise your voice now or it is too late. Let’s make this place safer for all of us.


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Written by Brinda S

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Amna Alim

this was so beautifully written and one of the most heinos crimes in India today

Nidhi Dahiya

This is amazingly written…keep it up

Riya Rajkotiya

We need to raise our voices
Beautifully written

Tina Diksha Duarah

Very well written!!!

Lutfia Khan

this is amazing

Hiba Javed

So amazingly penned!!


The system has to change! Everyone should speak up!

Ritu Mishra

Even reading through it was difficult, it is horrendious how people commit such crimes.

Alby Thomas

Amazing article! As the rape cases are reported each day this article shows how much importance we should give give to sex education and stringent laws against rape cases.

Disha Dhage

great article!

Simone Morarka

You did such a great job of covering such an important topic!!

Simone Morarka

Looking forward to more of your work!!

Riya Rajkotiya

Beautifully Written

Riya Rajkotiya

Keep Writing

Jigyasa vashistha

Amazing content

Parvathy M

extremely important, love how you place emphasis on not victim blaming – very imperative, especially when it comes to our society. But a trigger warning could have been added in the beginning, some of the content – though necessary and relevant – is in descriptive detail and it would have been better if there was trigger warning stating this. Apart from that, another small issue I found was how sexual violence against LGBTQ+ folk was looked over and how sexual violence against men was also ignored – both which are also incredibly prevalent, and valid issues, in our country (not trying to derail the conversation at all). Apart from that, this was a really impactful article which definitely helped in spreading awareness!

Elysia Fernandes

Very sensitive but also an even more crucial topic. You’ve been a voice to those who are too afraid to speak. Hats off to you


Informative one

