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What is Sand Tray Therapy?

While you may have heard about art therapy or play therapy, a relatively unknown form of expressive therapy is sand tray therapy. Given its non-verbal form, the approach is especially applicable when working with children or adults who have experienced trauma, neglect, or distress. In this form of therapy, the client is allowed to construct a microcosm of their own using sand and miniature toys. The scene thus created is a reflection of the client’s life and thus helps them gain an understanding of the underlying issues, gives them an opportunity to resolve conflicts, and to accept themselves.

HOW DOES IT WORK                                                                                                                                        

Sand tray therapy is a combination of art and play therapy. Here, the therapist provides the client with a box or tray filled with sand along with a variety of miniature toys in order to create a microcosm (play world) of their own. The toys could range from animals to people, cars, buildings, fences, etc. The main belief is that the client will create a representation of their internal conflicts and struggles in that box/ tray. After the creation of the world, the therapist and client discuss the creation- which toys were chosen, the manner of arrangement, any metaphorical meanings. The client is also allowed to make changes to the creation during this discussion.


Sand tray therapy was developed by Dora Kalff, who was working with Margaret Lowenfield, a child psychiatrist. This from of therapy has its basis in the Jungian theoretical model, further influenced by contemplative practices of Buddhists. The basic notion is that when provided with a safe space by the therapist, the client uses the elements of the sand tray to create a solution to their issues all on their own.

Given that sand tray therapy is highly unstructured in nature, the client is allowed to experience healing in the duration if the therapeutic process. The clients can free themselves of deeply rooted negative emotions because the therapist gives them a space for creative expression of things that they might not be able to address or vocalize, as well as be accepted by the therapist.


Research indicates that sand trays are highly effective in helping deal with a variety of issues, and can be used with a wide range if age groups. In a study conducted by Han et al. (2017), 4-5-year-old children with behaviour problems displayed significantly less aggressive behaviour after having a 30-minute group sand tray therapy session.

Another study by Kang (2017) showed that sand tray therapy along with music and imagery improved behavioural and emotional adaptability in children who had witnessed domestic violence. A study by Jang and Kim (2012) found that sand tray therapy improved positive self-expression and significantly lessened negative self-expression in migrant women.


Like other therapies, sand tray therapy has its drawbacks as well. The main limitation being the accuracy of the interpretation of the sand pictures, which is highly debated amongst experts. The interpretation of scenes or symbols by the therapist may be biased, and when interpreted by the client it may be ambiguous or vague. Often, the interpretations ignore alternate explanations as well.

Finally, adults might be a bit resistant to the approach as compared to children given that most believe that they lack the required creativity or artistic abilities for the treatment to be effective for them.


Han, Y., Lee, Y., & Suh, J. H. (2017). Effects of a sandplay therapy program at a childcare center on children with externalizing behavioural problems. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 52.

Kang, H-J. (2017). Supportive music and imagery with sandplay for child witnesses of domestic violence: a pilot study report. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 53.

Jang, M., & Kim, Y-H. (2012).  The effect of group sandplay therapy on the social anxiety, loneliness and self-expression of migrant women in the international marriages in South Korea. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 39 (1).

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Written by Simone Morarka

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Nidhi Dahiya

Simone, nice concept. You are already doing well. Keep writing.

Jigyasa vashistha

awesome work done 🙂 useful article

Disha Dhage

Informative article

Riya Rajkotiya

Well Researched Article

Riya Rajkotiya

Keep Writing


This is really an insightful article that sheds light on a new and rare method of therapy. Its usefulness as well as its limitations are clearly explained, making the article even more informative. Looking forward to reading more of your works!

Thamina begum

It is an illuminating article. I never heard about sand tray therapy before. Thank you for sharing this.


nice concept.