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Maladaptive Behaviour


Maladaptive Behaviours are adapted habits or patterns that happen to exist due to various factors or circumstances that a person has faced like certain changes in life, maybe after suffering from an illness, anxiety or any major traumatic experiences affecting his/her emotional growth, social skills and fitness issues. It basically stops a person from adapting to new experiences by turning them rigid.

Psychological perspective:

Sometimes in life, we experience drastically changed, different or new things all of a sudden, that makes us either vulnerable and finally running away from the situation or face it and put up with the consequences.

So, in this contrast, people choosing “avoidance” mostly represses their emotions that lead to the emergence of their maladaptive practices leading to unusual and unhealthy behaviors. Further, these people often entangle themselves into self-harm, substance use, uncontrollable anger and signs of aggression (sometimes even passively aggressive).

Maladaptive Behaviours can be controlled by taking professional help from a qualified therapist and proper treatment when recognized at its immediate stage.

Maladaptive Symptoms:

In general “adaptivity” is making a conscious choice of dealing with obstacles or struggles and coping up or finding ways to minimize the unwanted consequences. This conscious choice also helps in building better resilience for its future self. Whereas, “maladaptive behaviour” is rather avoiding the situation further not acknowledging the fact that there’s a situation that needs to be controlled or taken care of ’cause there is a hypothetical pain, that has no certainty, seems unbearable to some people.

This includes disobedience, passive aggression, animosity, temper issues or tantrums, and so on. Though there’s uncertainty in the reasons behind it.

Let’s talk about certain symptoms or observed behavior that defines patterns of maladaptive behavior:-

  1. Tends to avoid new or difficult circumstances.
  2. Often goes into the state of denial and complete withdrawal.
  3. Tends to practice self-harm for temporary satisfaction.
  4. Entangles into substance use to avoid certain emotions (mostly not ready to accept the changes) and often trapped into further addiction and loneliness.
  5. Repression leads to an uncertain outbursts of anger. Can’t manage to exhale their anger or negative emotions at the time of generation which causes social and personal disturbances.
  6. Signs of passive aggression.
  7. Loneliness and improper management of emotions leading to unusual daydreaming for partial satisfaction.

Maladaptive Behaviour

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525 Points

Written by Reema Adhikary

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Aakriti Lajpal


Ishita dharwal

Really loved this post and how it is presented ! Very nice to read !!

Nikita Sarma

The article is very well written. The use of language is very simple and can be easily understood by anyone. However, I would like to suggest that you could add a conclusion to it. Also how to deal with maladaptive behaviours.

P Abigail Sadhana Rao

Good writing, easy to understand. The article defines Maladaptive Behaviour well. Although elaborating on the types and what causes would be great. Also, how to overcome such behaviour will definitely help readers understand it well and also be able to use better coping mechanisms if they are suffering from it.

Shraddha S. Kambli

Very well written article, short and factual. Just a suggestion from my side, adding treatment or may be how to overcome this will help the readers to understand this topic more clearly .

Taru Dixit

The language of the article is simple and easy to compherend.However, it could have been more structured and more points can be added.

Jigyasa vashistha

amazing article ..kudos buddy 🙂

Pranathi Harihar

The article is easily comprehensive as it has been neatly divided into sections, however, a conclusion would make it all the better!

Iarisa Nongbet

Overall a good article. The use of simple language is encouraged. I would like to suggest a conclusion.

Prarna koul

short, crisp and yet so factual. I’d just like to suggest you that adding a few more points regarding the treatment and coping mechanisms would’ve helped the readers in understanding Better.

Shruti Shashidharan

The article is well written and easy to understand. A little more detail about its causes would’ve been more helpful. But overall, it does help people understand what maladaptive behaviours are and what it looks like! Great work! 🙂

Aashna Parekh

The article was really insightful but it could have been better if the information was more structured and mentioned possible treatments for maladaptive behavior. Keep up the good work!

Anmol Sidhu

nicely written article, a small suggestion, you cpuld elaborate on the psychology behimd these beahiours

Anmol Sidhu

also you could make a remark on effective coping strategies.


Very good explanation

Sreejita Sarkar

In the midst of a global pandemic, it is of utmost importance to educate people on the importance of maladaptive behavior. It would be fairly helpful, if you could add the effects and associated disorders with your article. It was very enriching.


Good writing , simple language and easy to understand , although if you could’ve have mentioned ways to overcome maladaptive behaviour that would have been nice and maybe giving a conclusion could’ve added a good structure .

Jaspreet kaur

I liked your article

Thryaksha Ashok Garla

Amazing article.

Shivani More

The content is nice, the language is simple and easy. But it should have been more descriptive and should give more knowledge about the topics. The article can include more specific causes and also possible therapies for treatment.

Last edited 4 years ago by Shivani More
Khushi Thakkar

The post is simple and easy to understand which is really great. But I found the ending a bit abrupt. Maybe you could’ve added ways to cope up or some conclusion. Other than that i found the post really nice.


The article was much informative about psychological factors involving in maladaptive behavior.
But the psychological perspective was restricted with explaining the environmental stress.
Other factors also do inhibit for such behaviors:

  • Biological factors (gene – specific dysfunction in DNA/ hereditary habit of behaving insanely);
  • Psychological factors (any disorder could contribute to maladaptive behaviors such as: personality disorder, substance abuse, conduct disorder, ASPD, deviance behavior, faulty parenting, wrong role models, lack of insight);
  • Medicinal side effects or drug abuse may even contribute to such behaviors.
Anushka Kapadia

Very well written article. As a suggestion, you can add more information related to causes and symptoms to help a new reader understand maladaptive behaviour better. Great article overall.

Maanasa Balaji

Very informative. Would have loved to read more in detail.

Ayeman Qamri

A different topic that you have chosen. If you can research more about it and add that will be quite helpful. It was a nice read.


The article is very informative. The symptoms are clearly explained. Mostly the causes that lead to this situation are any serious injury or trauma experienced in their life.


Thank you very much for sharing such an amazing and informative article. The detailing was great and I really liked that you explained maladaptive behaviour through a psychological perspective too. People tend to just see the behaviour and not understand the root cause of that behaviour. The symptoms mentioned were also on point. I loved reading the article and I also reflected on myself to see if there are any maladaptive behaviour that I use


The article is written using words that are easy to comprehend while remaining very informative. But, I would suggest elaborating on the causes and techniques to cope with such behaviour.

Janhavi Shrivastava

Really interesting topic and very well written! The language is simple and can be easily understood, so, well done!
Just a suggestion that you could try to bring more relatabilty to your content by talking about some real examples so that it would make it even more interesting. Also the end was a bit abrupt so a conclusion would be nice.

Cheers! 🙂

Kritika Bhair

Written in simple words and is quite interesting


Due to the likelihood of expensive outpatient placement and a major impact on individuals, maladaptive actions (especially extreme violence and self-injury) are adequately assessed in terms of the prevalence and causes as well as appropriate care for this population. we should keep this in mind. good work. keep it up.

Megha Sarma

great. you could also add ways to deal with maladaptive behaviours or overcome them

Pravesh Charan Isai

Does Maladaptive Behavior is corelated with Schizoid type of personality disorder? On the other side, the content of the article on the given topic was relevant.


First time hearing about this! Great work

Mehal Sampat

Reema, an amazing topic picked up by you and well-written! Kudos to you!

However you could have elaborated on nature vs. nurture debate on the behavior. You could have stated the roles of home environment, parenting styles and society as whole in maladaptive behaviors.

An otherwise great article!

Gurleen Kaur

Simple and easy to understand. Although, I’d recommend adding elaboration to the treatment and a conclusion to round up this well written article

Parishree Pandya

I think the article could have been longer and more informative. Just do a bit of more research and I’m sure you’ll find more content to write about.

Saloni Sanjay Shinde

This is so well written!

Taniya Singh

The article written is good and easy to understand. The article very well defines Maladaptive behaviour. Just a suggestion if you could elaborate on the types and causes of it, it would be much informative. At last asdding some coping strategies would help the readers to understand and help others to.

Kirti Giridhar

Admirable article and loved the way it was presented

Gajalakshmi karuna

well written article. keep going

Apeksha Sharma

The writing is very simple and easy to understand. I suggest adding a few more points to make it even more informative.

Anahita Sharma

Very well written and informative! You’ve mentioned all the important details and information that is required to get a general overview of the topic. The signs, the reasons, definition of maladaptive behaviour, and differentiating it from adaptivity were all included, and simple diction was used to help people understand it better. A very professionally written and engaging article!

Trisha Baunthiyal

Well written, giving a psychological perspective was a great idea. But I wish you could’ve concluded your article by giving strategies to deal with maladaptive behaviour.

Hardeep Kaur

Very well structured and very informative. Very relatable because of the use of simple language. It would have been great if you had mentioned coping strategies. Overall good job.

Jiniya Chakraborty

Great article. Was adequately informative.

Vaishnavi S

Well described article. Great work. Can add some pictures to make it more interesting.

Devashree Bhandare

Hey!! Well written…Just a could simply add a pointer of treatment to it so it could be more informative…or else language and all used is perfect buddy!!

K Kannaki

Very informative article. It was short and crisp, the information was conveyed in simple language and easy to understand. Not only knowing the symptoms of maladaptive behavior
is needed but the ways to overcome unpleasant behavior and how people around them can identify and treat them. Psychological and social world also play a important role in maladaptive behavior.
Good luck !

Rahmath shaikali

Well written and it is easily understood but should have added some more points