

The outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the year 2019 has changed our lives completely.

The fear and anxiety about this new disease and the uncertainty have caused strong emotions among us.

The pandemic has triggered mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, substance abuse, etc. Social distancing, lockdown, quarantine, and isolation have made people feel lonely.

Many people lost their jobs and the source of income, people are far away from their family, many students abroad are stuck in their dorms- anxious about the pandemic and their studies as well, many have lost their loved ones due to COVID-19.

People are scared and anxious because they don’t know what is about to happen next or if this will ever end.


Stress during an ongoing pandemic can cause the following issues:

*  Fear and anxiety about their own health and the health of their loved ones.

* Fear of losing jobs and not being able to meet their basic needs.

* Changes in eating patterns.

* Changes in sleep patterns and insomnia.

* Difficulty in concentrating and lack of motivation to study or work.

* Worsening of health conditions.

* Triggering and worsening mental health issues.

* Substance abuse.


Here are a few of the major concerns during this pandemic.

*  ECONOMIC CRISIS: Economic crises have produced mental health issues in many people. In this ongoing pandemic, businesses are shut down, many people have not received their salaries for months, many people have lost their jobs and it has become difficult for them to meet their basic needs. As a result of all these issues, many people are anxious and depressed. Due to the economic crisis, suicide rates have also increased.

* DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: Stress, loss of income, and isolation in lockdown have increased domestic violence. Many countries reported a 15-30% hike in the number of distress calls received from a number of women who were confined in their homes with abusive partners and abusive families. Many of these domestic violence cases remained unreported.

* SUICIDE: Quarantine/lockdown have induced anxiety and fear in many people. In India, the first suicidal case was reported from south India on 12th February 2020, where a 50-year-old man co-related his flue with COVID-19. He quarantined himself but later committed suicide because he was very disturbed after reading the mortality rates in the newspaper. This is just one instance, there are several suicide cases reported in different parts of the world.

* LACK OF MOTIVATION TO STUDY/WORK: Staying at home for months, it’s difficult for the students and the people to study or work from home. They don’t have the motivation for studying or working.


Self-care is often the first thing that gets sacrificed when everything becomes stressful. But looking after yourself is important and is very helpful for you to get through difficult situations. This ongoing coronavirus pandemic has caused psychological distress among many people. During this pandemic, many of us have forgotten how important it is to take care of ourselves. The entire world has been put on hold to focus on flattening the curve and reduce the further spread of the virus. Many people have developed unhealthy coping mechanisms such as substance abuse, overeating or eating too less, isolating themselves from their loved ones, etc.

And when people are at home for months, self-care is important more than ever. Amidst the fear, anxiety, and confusion due to the pandemic, a self-care routine can help you to make healthy choices, concentrate on your work and feel better. Self-care helps in preventing anxiety and stressful situations. Self-care helps in making you more effective. Not only your mental health but taking care of your physical health is also important.


We have been dealing with this coronavirus pandemic for months and still, we don’t know what is about to happen next or if this pandemic will end. This pandemic has challenged us in different ways. It is very important to take care of ourselves.

Here are few self-care tips during this pandemic:

* EAT HEALTHY: it is important for every one of us to eat healthy food. It helps in boosting our immunity and keeps us healthy. Make sure you eat enough, not too much or not too little.

* PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: In a lockdown, most of us has become a couch potato. And it’s not a healthy choice. Staying active not only keep us fit physically but also keeps our mind fresh and active. Working out, at least twice or thrice a week, boosts energy, sharpens our concentration level, and also improves our sleep pattern.

* PRIORITIZING SLEEP: When it comes to taking care of your physical and mental health, prioritizing sleep is very important. Our brain needs good quality sleep to function. Sleep helps you to be more patient and focused and we are more likely to make healthy choices.

* SOCIAL MEDIA DETOX: Social media help us to stay informed and connect to our friends and family who are away from us. But social media can become excessive and time-consuming. And as a result, we cannot be productive. Also sometimes social media can be just too much for our mental health. News through social media can be stressful for us. Remember it is okay to take a break from social media.

* MEDITATION: Meditation is thinking deeply or focusing our mind for a period of time. Meditation is beneficial for reducing stress and anxiety. Practicing meditation for at least 20 minutes a day is very much beneficial.

* PERSONAL HYGIENE: Hygiene is very important, especially at this time. Wash your hands and face properly every time you come home from outside. Wear a mask when you’re out.

* MUSIC: Music helps us feel good and relaxed. Listening to your favorite artist and their songs gives you a sense of comfort.

* SKINCARE: Due to stress, it is quite common for many of us to experience skin breakouts. Mask, which occurs when sweat, dirt, and oil are trapped in your skin due to mask has become a common skin condition nowadays. Skincare can be really therapeutic. Take a break for at least 10 minutes and give time for your skin.

* PRACTICE KINDNESS AND GRATITUDE: Everyone is struggling with their own problems and things are hard for everyone. Some of us are away from their home and it must be very difficult for them. In these difficult times, let’s be kind to others. We shall also be grateful to the people who have been there for us to help us.

* PRACTICE POSITIVE SELF TALK: Remember to appreciate yourself for everything you do. You did not give up even in such stressful situations. You deserve it.


We all understand the depth of the situation yet we are not sure what’s going to happen, will this even end? Are we gonna survive? What about the vaccine? So many questions but we don’t know the answers. On the way to find the answers, we go through a lot of fear, anxiety, and stress. In this coronavirus pandemic, everyone in this world is going through a lot of difficult and challenging situations but we must remember that we are not alone and we will get through this, together.

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Written by Nikita Sarma

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Dikshitha Surana.Y


Last edited 4 years ago by Dikshitha Surana.Y
Aanchal Sharma

Very well written.
This question should be asked from everyone so people can think about mental health.
Keep going.