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Fear is a natural and  basic emotion which is faced universally by every individual in some or the other way. It is known as an immediate response to danger. When a person senses danger then we say that he/she has a fearful response  or emotion. The feeling of fear can be triggered due to real or imaginary threats which can be psychological or physical.  Symptoms of fear include: phobia, anxiety disorder, panic attack, PTSD( post-traumatic stress disorder) and sometimes trauma.

There might be something that you are afraid of: insects, water, height, clown, ghost and many more. Do you think having these fears are normal? Well yes, if these fear are not strong and is not creating a difficult situation such as panic attacks, anxiety or stress then they can said to be normal but if these fears are strong and constant then it can trigger unreasonable and unpleasant irrational causing the person panic disorders then these fear can lead to phobic stimulus or phobia.

Phobia a type of anxiety disorder that result in rapid response of fear due to the things that we feel are harmful and threat to our life, whether its real or imaginary.


Fear are quite normal and everyday part of life.  Emotions of fear are natural and manageable. Phobia are more complex situations in which fear is nearly impossible to control. Phobia can be described as an extreme case of fear that can lead to major mental health conditions. Dealing with fear is simpler than dealing with phobias.

There are many cases of phobia some known and some quite unusual. Did you know about eurotophobia?


The type sound quite unusual and rare. Fear of female genital is not seen on a regular basis. The statistically the phobia is seen one in million. The phobia is rare and a very serious phobia. It can disturb a person’s behaviour and can create sexual fear along with psychosexual anxieties. People who face eurotophobia face problem going into a relationship with a women or are uncomfortable with women. Fear of women and fear of female genitals are often misunderstood, people think that they are same but no, eurotophobia is different in this the person fears female genital: vagina and is not comfortable around women. An extreme case of eurotophobia can lead to fear of women. The phobia can make a person live a homosexual lifestyle.

The symptoms of eurotophobia varies from person to person. Few common symptoms are:

• Feeling nervous around women
, specially men faces this issue where he is uncomfortable with the presence of female.

• Extreme anxiety, hypertension and stress.

• Panic attack after seeing female genitals
or even after seeing pictures of female genitals.

• Abnormal behaviour while taking or learning about female and their body parts

• Exposure to female genitals can cause dizziness, increase in heart rate, heavy breathing, chest pain, weakness etc.

There is no specific reason behind this phobia. It is sometimes cause due to low self confidence or sometimes to avoid sex in a relationship. Rejection, sexual fear, trauma or any childhood incident can be the reason of eurotophobia.

The most common reason of phobia are past incident and tragedies which has an impact on your present life. People start to fear the things related to these tragedies. For example: if a man is sexually assaulted by a women and is exposed to female genitals, he may have a memory of that incident which grows fear, disbelief and sadness into a phobia. If not treated on time then extreme cases of phobia can lead to trauma for lifetime.

There is no specific treatment given for eurotophobia. The most treatment is Counselling and therapy. The patient is treated by social interactions and understanding. The therapist or the counselling first finds out the reason why the patient is facing eurotophobia and then makes him understand the phobia so that he/she can cope with it. Where men avoid having sex due to eurotophobia women also struggles with this phobia. They fear touching their vagina or touching their body part. Female faces this fear most often, their body freeze while inserting a tampon or having a check-up with the gynaecologist.  Sometimes medication is given if it suits the person suffering or if they are in desperate need. Different technique and shock therapy is used in certain cases. Techniques includes shock to their fear, where the sufferer is exposed to many female genital pictures. This is done so that he/she can gain self-confidence and does not avoid the reality.


  • PSYCHOSEXUAL ANXIETIES: It is a disorder caused due to sexual and physical condition where the person is mentally disturbed and faces psychological issues due to sexuality. Psychosexual anxieties are common in people facing eurotophobia because they have the stress that they would encounter the female genital during sexual intercourse. The thought of female genitals makes them nervous and stressful leading to psychosexual anxiety.
  • SEXUAL FEAR: Eurotophobia can further head to sexual fear if not treated immediately. Sexual fear is the fear of have sex or intercourse with respective partner. If a person is facing eurotophobia then this phobia can be a problem in any normal relationship where the partner going to the phobic stimulus may not be comfortable having sex and is scared of the female genital. This can bring erotic responses leading to sexual fear as well.

The phobia is not a common rather a serious issue. But one should believe that all problems have a solution similarly every illness has a cure. Eurotophobia cannot be treated complete but it will fade away with time. There are therapist and doctors who can help overcome our fears. One should always remember that fear is the weakest part of our brain. We can overcome our fears by believing in ourselves.

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Jigyasa vashistha

this is great content .. keep posting! 🙂

Disha Dhage

Informative article


It was very informative and thanks for choosing this topic as very few people know about it.
I didn’t know that something like this phobia exists. Writing style was simple and effective as well.

Rahat Dogra

Very informative

Riya Rajkotiya

Wonderfully Written

Riya Rajkotiya

Great peice of work

Athya Ashraf

There are existing phobias, some strange,some unbelievable, but still existing. Often people are unaware of most of these phobias. Thanks to you the readers are now aware of one of those.
Very well written, informative and educative.
Keep up the good work!