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What is “Emotional Abuse”?

Emotional Abuse is the most common form of abuse which has certain negative consequences including risk of Depression, suicide, it can cause damage to one’s sense of loss, social isolation can increase tendencies towards pathological dependency


What are Unhealthy Parenting Styles?

Not every Parenting Style is in the child’s best interest. There is a thing as overparenting, which can cripple children as they move to their adulthood stage and render them unable to cope with the merest setbacks.

Few unhealthy parenting styles:-

If your child does something wrong or if he/she commits a mistake and you scold them very badly; it can affect the child in a negative manner.

If you yell or hit your child in front of others. This may lead to your child’s lack of confidence and he/she will always have a feeling of shame.

Making your child feel not loved can make your child feel emotionally disconnected from you.

You must support your child during there stressful times like during the time of examination or stage performances at different events or may it be anything.

If you constantly compare your child to someone better than him/her it may lead to lack of confidence. The parents should understand that each child has it’s own uniqueness.

You must praise your child for their good works. Not praising them and always criticising and scolding them can make them aggressive sometimes.

You have to support your child but it doesn’t mean that you should start pampering him/her. It can lead to social isolation and bad behaviour.

How Parenting affects a child’s development ???

From encouraging school work and sports to modelling values as a child grows parents influence over their children lives. Most parents work day and night for their children but it’s also important for parents to recognize that a child has it’s own personality, goals. While a parent wants to push a child towards a career path which they think is right but the child has his/her own ambition. So they must allow their child to explore their own interests.

Parents must be supportive of their children. They must believe in their child’s capability. A parent’s job is to provide an interface with the world that ultimately prepares a child for complete independence and the ability to pursue whatever path they choose.


Impact of bad parenting on Children

Aggression:- Negative Parenting techniques like rough handling, expressing negative emotions towards child during their teenage or infancy can cause to have high levels of anger.

Depression:- Parents who neglect their children will have children with a higher susceptibility to depression. Bad parenting can also lead to low levels of emotional and physical support, physical punishment, and an unhealthy expression of negative emotions.

Difficulty with Relationship:- Parents who don’t talk to their children or who do not help the child the express his/her emotions in a proper manner will find that their children are unable to handle relationship or friendship.

Anti-Social Behavior :- When a person doesn’t consider how his/her actions might affect others, it is known as anti-social behaviour. A severe form of this can lead to Substance Abuse, Mental Health Problems, Crime, and Poor health. This is observed in children whose parents display critical, negative and coercive behaviour.

Tips for Good Parenting

Hands-on Parenting:- Get involved in your child’s life and take it upon yourself to teach children some of life’s most important lessons. Motivate your children in every possible manner. Say your child that you are there for them let whatever happens.

Avoid Shouting or being Comparative:- Instead of scolding your child, try to calmly explain the reason. Listen to your child and help them in judging or making decisions. Don’t compare your child with any other person.

Give your Child Choices:- Talk to your child about different options he/she might have. It can be any small or big decision. Allowing your child to make choices will boost confidence in making decisions.

Listen:- Listening to your child is the most important part of Parenting. Even if what your child says seems to make no sense, you must listen, as it might be something important to him/her.

Don’t suffocate your child:- Rather than being too controlling and constantly hovering around your child, give them some freedom. If they know the consequences of bad behaviour, they are likely to misuse the freedom you have given them.

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Written by Riya Rajkotiya

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Nidhi Dahiya

Amazing article and very informative…keep it up

Keep it up miss Riya⚡⚡

Amna Alim

very nicely written!

Lutfia Khan

good parenting is so important, amazing

Brinda S

well written!

Amna Alim

well written!

Disha Dhage

good contnt

Disha Dhage


Simone Morarka

A very detailed read!!

Simone Morarka

Looking forward to more of your work!!


Very will written..

Jigyasa vashistha

very very informative … keep writing:)


The article is well explained


Several toxic parenting styles have been glorified for years, to the point that parents believe that these methods are the reason for their childs’ success or failure. To be able to raise your children in a healthy way we need to unlearn first and then only can we learn. Great article, really makes you think.