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Anger Management: How to control your anger?

What is anger buildup?

Anger is one of the issues that many people face nowadays. It is more prevalent among the youth. Many times, we say a lot of things we are not supposed to say or take the wrong decisions just because we were angry. Storing anger and grudge in our mind affects us mentally and physically. The anger that we do not let out is stored in our mind just like how air is in a balloon. We keep on accumulating anger in our mind just like how a balloon is inflated, and then one day, when our mind is filled with anger beyond the threshold limit, we burst out our anger in an unwanted situation., just like how a balloon bursts when we fill it with too much air. Sometimes we channel our anger to the wrong person, usually an innocent person who knows nothing about the matter.

Anger affects people in so many ways. It can spoil situations and relations. Two close people can become strangers to each other overnight due to an angry outburst. Storing anger has a lot of detrimental effects; it affects mental health and may even lead to depression. Anger sometimes makes us distance ourselves from other people. People tend to think negatively when they are angry. Anger also makes people antisocial. People with anger issues are seen as the fringe elements of society by other people. Thus, they are excluded from functions and social gathering. This may lead to even more stress.


Anger Management

How then, can we control our thoughts and anger? It is not very easy to control anger. Anger is a human tendency. It is normal to be angry at people and situations. It is more important to control yourself from doing anything toxic. Being in control of the situation is the best thing we can do when we are angry. Instead of channelling out the stored anger at a person, we can go to a private place and channel the anger. In this way, we can get rid of the anger, and also not hurt anyone in the process. Counting to ten when one gets angry also works to some extent. It deviates the mind to counting, and the person forgets his reason for becoming angry. Fooling your mind to think something else while you are angry is another good, but difficult way to reduce anger.

If a particular situation makes you angry, it is best to get out of that situation. If a particular group or community does not accept your views or makes you angry, it is best to leave that group or community. We usually tend to cling on to things that make us sad or angry. We must learn to let go of such things, and focus on our wellbeing instead. Meditating daily helps reduce arrogance and anger. Doing yoga daily keeps your mind fresh. Being grateful for the things you have can reduce your craving for more, hence reducing unwanted situations that induce anger.

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Written by Creig Luke

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Nidhi Dahiya

It’s important to learn how to deal with our anger. This is amazing…keep it up.

Lutfia Khan

this is really important, great work

Amna Alim

very informative and an mportant article in today’s world!

Brinda S

well written!

Hiba Javed


Sushmitha Subramani

Well conceptualized.

Sreejita Sarkar

I am certain this article will work like a charm for many. I thoroughly loved through your article and am awestruck by your writing. It would be amazing if you could highlight Marshmallow’s work or provide some anger management questionnaire links and tests to this. That would have been a brilliant addition. I loved your work and concept.


Helpful for me.Great work.

Gurleen Kaur

Anger « the term itself is horrifying to me

Harshita Vaswani

Okay so channelling my anger to a safe and private place and fooling my brain to think of something else is the advice I’m taking from you
Thanks Creig!


Channelising anger is very important and most of us fail to do because we lack patience to evaluate our feelings and emotions. Self awareness and acceptance to our mistakes can help us determine the feelings and emotions we have and it will channelise our anger. An amazing article. Gave me lots of insights.

Shruti Shashidharan

Anger is a complex emotion and suppressing it will not do anyone good. The tips you’ve suggested to control anger are very helpful. You’ve focus on the topic well and provided nice, concise information. Well written!

Simran Rai

This was helpful…thank you 🙂

Ayeman Qamri

Nice work..keep going

Laiqua Mustafa

The above article was very simple but crisp and clear. These days many teenagers and people to older age are more prone to anger due to many reasons. I am sure this article helped them to understand how to control their anger in important situations.

Jigyasa vashistha

very very informative … keep writing:)

Riya Rajkotiya

Well Written

Riya Rajkotiya

Keep up the good work

Laiqua Mustafa

This was a very crisp and clear article. Anger has been very common in the youth. They donot know how to control or manage their anger and eventually that leads to huge problems. They tend to take out their anger on wrong people which can creat a rift in thier relationships. I hope after reading the above article, people can learn to channelize thier anger in a more socially acceptable way. Looking forward to more such informative articles from you.


well written.keep it up


Anger management is a psycho-therapeutic program for anger prevention and control. It has been described as deploying anger successfully. Anger is frequently a result of frustration, or of feeling blocked or thwarted from something the subject feels is important.your article may help lot of people.Thanks for sharing:))