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Dealing with sudden Anxieties

Hey wonderful people!

I hope its been a great year going for everyone. I hope everyone’s on their way to well being. The previous year has been tough for everyone due to their reasons bit like every dark night is overcame by a bright sunny day we’ve all made through it.

This quarantine has actually been a milestone for everyone. We’ve done few things this year that no one has ever expected from us, both in good and bad terms. We’ve gone through ups and downs as well which led us to joy, elation, frustration anxiety, anger, pain and so on.

I had to include pain cause its normal..Isn’t so?

As someone said..”Every flower grows through dust”.. So for leadings a beautiful life we must have obstacles to say “present, please” at certain times to make us feel the worth of calm in our lives. But whats more important is how we try to come out of it and make ourselves enjoy life at our fullest again.

Well I have some great tricks of mine to overcome my anxieties. And trust me I’ll have great pleasure to share them with y’all.

You know. Just a few days back I was having some hard time in my life.. Everything went upside down all of a sudden..I was fortunate enough to have survived that period though and it was only possible through my own efforts. Personally, I feel its quite important for everyone to have someone, atleast one person to whom you can put yourself out, unfiltered. Secondly, get yourself involved in some activity even if you dont have one then try to search for it. Find interesting diys, yummy recipes, exclusive activities, stand up comedy shows, dance or music tutorials and try them out.

Kids are a great source of mind divertion. Whenever I feel stressed out or low, just a glimpse of my 2 years old cousin’s smile works wonders for me. Playing around and with small kids is of great help when you want to avoid all the ongoing dramas around.

Do you have your unique way of avoiding anxiety attacks?

Well do let me know!

What do you think?

506 Points

Written by Adrika Das

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Jigyasa vashistha

this is really amazing article.. buddy thanks for writing 🙂

Jerry Joy Mathew

It was a nice and short article and I felt pieces of you in it and how freely you were able to express yourself. That said, language and way you present it can be surely improved. But seeing the pretty tips that I myself use and approve of, I believe you can surely improve and let your way of expression take flight. Good work!