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Essence of Self-Care

Article Outline:

  • What is self-care?

  • Why is self-care so overrated yet not so overrated?

  • Why is self-care necessary?

  • What happens if we lack self-care?

  • Self-care tips to improve well-being

What is self-care?

The word self-care is a combination of two words. “Self” pertains to the person’s being while the word “care” means the act of concern about certain things or an individual. With both words combined, it refers to an act of awareness about your own mental and physical health to provide nurture. Which, it can be classified as a habit of taking care of yourself in both physical and mental approach. 

Why is self-care so overrated yet not so overrated?

The concept of self-care is now being spoken by many. Applying it to a daily routine is beneficial in many ways that experts highly encourage to do this necessary. But why is it overrated at the same time it isn’t? This scenario only happens due to people’s easy way of saying things with a lack of action. In other words, the process of saying self-care is manageable but not doable by others since they tend to forget to set it as a practice on daily basis. The act of self-care should not only be carry on during difficult moments. It should be highly encouraged to apply it in daily scenarios. 

Why is self-care necessary?

The act of self-care is highly encouraged by many especially professionals. The reason why most people advise to do this activity is not only due to its nature that has shown a correlational effect on the stress level of a person but mostly because it is a doable action that is free for everyone. The study of Shapiro et al (2007) revealed that self-care is a vital component that can even complement future therapists’ training. It became an important factor because of its increasing factor of self-compassion that reduces stress and anxiety. Thus, the research discusses that it highlights the potential in addressing mental health needs that should be a potential need in therapist trainees. 

Self-care is not only stress-reducing management but also a way of developing self-esteem and self-acceptance. A proper way of implementing it in daily routines can improve a person’s well-being which makes it highly suggestive by many.

What happens if we lack self-care?

After knowing the benefits of self-care, it is better to know the effects of neglecting self-care to further assess. According to Shainna Ali Ph.D., LMHC (2019), ignoring self-care has a negative effect on both the physical and mental health of a person. An individual who fails to look after themselves has its disadvantaged outcome. This event can lead to an increase in stress levels. Murgia (2015) stated that exposure to continuous stress has its risk. Too much stress can cause a lot of damage such as shrinkage of the hippocampus and the brain itself. Hippocampus is a part of the brain which handles the role of learning, memories, and stress. Due to an excessive amount of stress, the function of the hippocampus weakens. Excessive stimulation or activity of the amygdala, the fear center of the brain, may develop anxiety. The prefrontal cortex whose role is to regulate behaviors like concentration, decision-making, judgment, and social interaction will also be affected. With these being said, learning and brain cells’ connectivity will be difficult to process.

If the neglect towards self-care continues, this may also lead to serious cases such as depression and heart disease. People may also experience problems in sleeping and self-esteem which can cause fatigue, anger, and distractability. The ongoing process will hinder your daily function as it continues without proper self-care. 

Self-care tips to improve well-being

  1. Listen to your physical and mental health. Busy schedules and loads of workload sometimes are the cause of neglect towards self-care. Developing a habit of listening to your own physical and mental needs is the first step to do to fully understand yourself. This will help you to assess what is needed for your attention. 

  2. Get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for the brain and health. It does not only allow the brain to create short term memory into long term memory but also it allows the body to rest. Lack of sleep can take a toll on both your physical and mental health which is why sleep is always highly encouraged. 

  3. Have a healthy routine. Routines are a sequence of actions applied on daily basis. Developing a proper or healthy routine such as taking care of yourself by exercising is already an act of self-care. Establish a routine of taking breaks as you prioritize your health and creating a reward system as you do your daily task.

  4. Identify things that matter the most to you. In today’s setting, the pandemic has taken a toll on everyone. Priorities should be identified in all aspect but make sure that your own health and self is part of your own priorities. This step can eliminate stress as you grow to develop it as a routine.

  5. Learn to say no. Burnouts often happens since you cannot say no to a certain request. It might be difficult to say no to not hurt their feelings but you should also consider your own. Learn to say no especially on scenarios that do not help you grow.

Self-care is an important factor that should be considered by many, especially during this pandemic. It might be difficult to do it due to different demands in life but, understandably, it takes time to build up proper ways for self-improvement. There is always room for time to grow as you implement self-care in your daily function. It is not an act of being selfish but rather an act of love and cares towards your well-being. There is nothing wrong with needing time, love, and care for yourself. The act of self-care should not only be acted during moments of despair, etc. but also as a daily habit.


Shapiro, S. L., Brown, K. W., & Biegel, G. M. (2007). Teaching self-care to caregivers: Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on the mental health of therapists in training. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 1(2), 105–115.

Ali, S. (2019, January 06). Why Your Self-care Isn’t Working.

Perimeter Healthcare.

Murgia, M. (2015, November 09). How Stress Affects Your Brain.

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525 Points

Written by Kim Colico

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Simone Morarka

Such a lovely read, Kim!! You have covered the topic so well :))

Simone Morarka

Looking forward to more of your work!!

Yashaswini Bhat

beautifully written article.

Fathima Muskaan

Wow! Wonderful write-up! Keep writing stuffs

Kritika Bhair

amazingly written.
good luck

Komal Mishra

Good work

Jigyasa vashistha

this is such a wonderful article!! thanks for writing 🙂

Jigyasa vashistha


Chestha Dengri

Amazingly written article. Loved it

Khushi Garg

This article is beautiful I feel like I do have self love after reading this. Thank you so much

Simran Rai

Worth reading!!

Kavya Gopal

Such a lovely and essential read. Self care is important for every one of us . Articles like yours can help everyone know about it.

Sree rekha k zenith

Looking forward for more writing.

Prachi Piryani

Very important topic to talk about. it’s so important. Very well written and framed. 😀

Rithika Belamkar

It’s actually so well and neatly executed. Great job!


Amazing work!!
Well explained. Good luck

Prerna Dash

Informative !

Diya Rao Jaini

this is really well written!


Thanks for sharing an interesting work


Honestly, loved the article. It was very well written, short yet was able to get the point across. Well done.

Aleesha Joykutty

“It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary.” “How we care for ourselves gives our brain messages that shape our self-worth so we must care for ourselves in every way, every day.”

Riya Rajkotiya


Riya Rajkotiya

Keep going

Nidhi Dahiya

Amazing work. Keep writing!

Pravesh Charan Isai

According to me, Self care is not the self indulgence and most importantly it self preservation.