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The Most Beautiful Feeling – Love; A Feeling Beyond Everything

What is Love

Love is one of the most powerful feelings one can experience.

It encompasses a positive emotional and mental state.

Love can vary from person to person, it just does not have to be about romance.

It is even about loving yourself.

It has a range of meanings but it all has the same is a journey from sublime virtue to deepest interpersonal affection to the simplest pleasure.

It commonly refers to a strong emotional attraction.

It has both positive and negative sides.

The virtue represents compassion and kindness, whereas affection represents the unselfish, loyal, and concern for the other person.

Somewhere deep down all of us want to be loved.

It is important to love and be loved.


couple in love


Love has different kinds of effects on the brain and the body.

  1. Thinking about something you love is enough to trigger dopamine release making you eager and excited.
  2. The body releases oxytocin which boosts feelings of attachments, safety, and trust.
  3. willingness to sacrifice
  4. Constant thoughts about them
  5. Jealousy is a natural emotion that can help one pay more attention to the needs and feelings.
  6. Boosted passion
  7. Improves physical health like decreased Irish of heart diseases, lower blood pressure, improved immune system, and faster recovery from illness.
  8. A loving relationship could help have a longer life.
  9. Pain relief
  10. Norepinephrine increases which result in a rush in excitement, energy, and motivation.



Love is a feeling of intense connection and care. It is driven by faithfulness, loyalty, compromise, and confidence. It results in security, peace, and secure children. Love is unconditional. This feeling may continue throughout one’s life.

Lust is a desire for gratification. It is driven by passion, desire, and acquisitiveness. Unsatisfied lust leads to sexual frustration and emotional rigidity. It is interested only in self-pleasure. This will temporarily last long enough to fulfil the desire.



hold my hand


1. Pragma – It emphasizes the practical aspects of love. These lovers are concerned with goals, status, family, career issues, etc

2. Mania – It is characterized by insecurity and possessiveness. Gets easily upset during arguments, feels emotions very intensely, and may have trouble sleeping when in love.

3. Agape – It is selfless love. Others’ happiness is prioritized.

4. Eros – Physical chemistry and emotional connection are important.

5. Ludus – Emphasizes the game of seduction and fun.

6. Storage –  This love develops slowly over time.



1. Liking – In this relationship there is a presence of knowledge of the other persona and a sense of closeness. However, commitment and passion are not present. This relationship is usually shared in friendships.

2. Infatuation – It consists of immediate, intense physical attraction to someone. it’s more like love at first sight. This tends to be short-lived lasting only a matter of months. It is based on chemical attraction.

3. Fatuous Love – The main aspects are passion and commitment. Commitment is premature. They focus on their intense physical attraction, they rarely talk about important things or share ideas.

4. Empty Love – This love is based only on commitment for the children or religious convictions etc. There is no sense of physical attraction, no sharing of ideas, and feelings with each other.

5. Romantic Love – Intimacy and passion are present but no commitment.

6. Companionate Love – Intimacy and commitment are present but physical attraction may be weak or must have died out. Partners love and respect one another.

7. Consummate Love –  This is often known as the ideal type of love. Intimacy, passion, and commitment are present. They enjoy the relationship as best friends and lovers.



love vs lust


1. The triangular theory of love

Robert Sterner proposed the triangular theory of love. It is based on three components of love like intimacy, passion, and commitment. Relationships are based on two more elements that are more long-lasting than those based on a single element. Consummate love consists of intimacy, passion, and commitment, this type of love is the strongest and enduring.


2. The color wheel model of love

According to John Lee, there are three primary styles of love such as

(a) Eros – It is derived from a Greek word meaning passionate. This includes both physical and emotional passion

(b) Ludos – It is derived from a Greek word meaning game. This love is conceived as playful and fun and not ready for commitment.

(c) Storage– It is derived from a Greek word meaning natural affection. This love is often represented by family, siblings and can develop out of friendships.


3. Frames of Relationships 

Davidson suggests three models A, H, and M.

A-frame relationship is one where the partners are dependent on each other for survival. These partners are vulnerable to changes and breakup could be devastating.

H frame is where the partners live parallel lives. They barely spend time with each other, when they do they spend meeting obligations rather than intimacy. It is an independent type of relationship which can end without suffering emotionally.

M frame is where the partners are interdependent. They have a strong sense of connection. They do not suffer devastation because of a strong sense of self-love.



1. Spend good and quality time with each other.

2. Communicate

3. Be open to new experiences, don’t hold yourself back.

4. Express your love and feelings

5. Don’t hold yourself back

6. Don’t be defensive, respect each other

7. Be understanding and generous.


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Written by Brinda S

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Beautifully written!


Love, always makes everything better! It was a good read!


Great work!


I will share with my loved ones.


Enjoyed your content ☺️


Following your writing since the dog article. Great work.


Modern day love is so different to old school love


Spiritual, emotional and physical well being can be increased when one has love in their hearts and actions! Liked the content.


Superb content! The structure and the connect is on point! Keep up the good work!


Millennials have blurred the borders of love and lust today! Dating apps and what not!

Anish Dalapati

This is soooooooooooo true and relatable. Thank tou for writing this.


It’s all about the commitment. Through thick and thin. Through ups and downs. Just making that choice of sticking together is what makes relationships work! There’s no easy formula to this, it takes work everyday, a little less on some days, and lots more on other days. Loyalty and commitment is all it takes!


Enjoyed the blog!


Well written dear brinda


Good writing style


Brinda, nice work


Keep up the good work


Well written dear

Stuti Jhaveri

I’m loving your blogs


Worth reading

Nidhi Dahiya

Amazingly written…good job

Amna Alim

beautifully written!

Hiba Javed

Nice work!

Sushmitha Subramani

Informative and interesting to read. I liked the ideas you have suggested to maintain a long lasting relationship. Well done.


We should all know it through different perspectives ❤️

Kalpana Kumari Singh

Topic of love is very well described. Informative one


Hey Brinda, amazing written, “It has a range of meanings but it all has the same is a journey from sublime virtue to deepest interpersonal affection to the simplest pleasure.” – these words of you are really true and lovely too. wish you have a lovely time in writing and spreading love .

Shamila senthilkumar

Ur article is very informative

Aanchal Sharma

Flawless ❤️
Your writing is as beautiful as your topic is.
How you differentiate between love amd lust is amazing.
Theories of love, types of love .. interesting heading.
Though i would like to suggest you to try to make it more catching by adding some more interesting facts.
You should keep going and keep it up .

Harshita Vaswani

Wouldn’t know all this about love hadn’t I read your article. Really well researched and informative!
Thank you for writing Brinda!

Beautiful writing! Would love to find love someday 🙂

Miloni Modi

Truly our generation have clearly misused the concept of love. Such authentic and informative content. Loved reading it!

Disha Dhage


Disha Dhage

amazing article

Disha Dhage

i will share

Disha Dhage

nice job

Disha Dhage


Yashaswini Bhat

This is one of the interesting and well written article. you mentioned about love and lust that was what I wanted to understand and I understood .

Simone Morarka

So informative and beautifully written!!

Simone Morarka

Looking forward to more of your work!!

Jigyasa vashistha

Amazing content

Nikita Sarma

The article is so beautifully written! Language used in this post is easy to understand which makes it better to understand.
I would like to suggest that you could add “what things to be avoided in a relationship” since you mentioned about how to make a relationship last


Beautiful piece ❤️

Meenu Jha

Wow, this is the guide on love every one needed. How about adding psychological facts and tricks to make it more fun to read?! ❤️

Meenu Jha

Wow, this is the guide on love every one needed. How about adding psychological facts and tricks to make it more fun to read?! And also how to not ruin your relationships!?