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Nutrition & Psychology


“Eat well to stay well” is the saying which we all have been following from a long time. But, every now and then we tend to eat junk food from here and there. In the same way, one must “Think well to feel well”. Yet, in today’s fast-paced world we are constantly surrounded by ‘anxiety’ & ‘depression.’ Many times, we even skip our refuelling healthy meals in this hectic schedule of our life. Do you know that our psychological health is very much depended on our food habits & its nutritional values? Well, this article is surely going to help you live a healthy mental & physical life. But, before moving towards our major point let us quickly go through the importance of proper nutrition & good mental health.

Why Is Proper Nutrition Important ?

In order to do daily activities of a day, a person needs energy to do work. This energy is gathered from the nutrients of the food that we intake. But, when we eat any type of junk food, it does not carry the proper amount of nutrients that a healthy food item does! As a result, we not only feel unenergized, but we also feel lethargic to do any kind of work. In order to feel exuberant throughout the day, consuming proper nutrients in a balanced proportion is very essential. A balanced mix of nutrients should be consumed in order to avoid any mental as well as physical illness. Through proper nutrition, one can also live a long and healthy life.

Why Is Good Mental Health Important?

Any activity that we do in our day to day basis mainly includes a proper concentration of mind as well as cheerful behaviour. In the absence of these two pivotal elements, any activity will be meaningless and monotonous. Whether you are an athlete, looking to compete and win your competitions or even if you are a CEO of a multinational firm, looking to expand your business and attaining maximum profit, you will always need mental well being! To develop and learn about one’s thyself, good mental health must always be at the peak. Eventually, good mental health will again lead you to live a long, happy & prosperous life.

Connection between ‘Nutrition & Psychology’

A great emphasis is laid on the types of food we eat in the subject of Philosophy. According to it, food is basically divided into three types : Sattvic, Rajasic, & Tamasic. Nutritional Philosophy suggests that a person should consume ‘Sattvic’ food in order to live a healthy and active life. It mainly consists of rice, wheat, oats etc. Whereas, the ‘Rajasic’ food and ‘Tamasic’ food are generally advised not to be consumed, as they promote anger and laziness. Meats, Onions and Fishes are mainly included in it.

According to a meta-analysis which included studies from 10 countries at Linyi People’s Hospital in Shandong, China, dietary patterns may contribute to depression.

Children and Old aged people are less likely equipped with nutrients in their body. If a child does not eat well balanced meal, his or her mental health is affected heavily. As a result, a child can have weak memory, a tendency to stay isolated and introvert by nature. For adolescents, an improper diet can lead them to several psychological disorders such as ADHD(Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), Anxiety, Depression etc.

A study was conducted by Maria Izquierdo-Pulido, PharmD, PhD, University of Barcelona’s department of nutrition, food science and gastronomy on 120 children and adults, who consumed fast food, sugar and soft drinks were associated with high prevalence of diagnosed ADHD. It also showed that children who ate less fatty fishes, fruits and vegetables were at a higher risk of ADHD.

So, whatever a person eats on a daily basis, defines his/her mental state. A person must try to eat fresh, healthy and nutrient rich diet in order to stay fit mentally & physically. Eating junk food, twice or thrice a month cannot be harmful. But, if a frequent habit of eating junk food is developed then an unwanted consequence may arrive.

I hope this article would have made you aware about your eating habits and your mental state.

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Written by Jaimin

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Simran Rai

well written!!

Jigyasa vashistha

this is such a wonderful article!! thanks for writing 🙂

Jigyasa vashistha


Riya Rajkotiya

Interesting Article

Riya Rajkotiya

Well Researched one

Nidhi Dahiya

Amazing work. Keep writing