
MISOPHONIA; Meaning, triggers, symptoms, treatment



Hatred of Sound!

Misophonia is hatred of sound. People who suffer from this are extremely sensitive to certain sounds.  The sounds are not annoying, it’s unbearable! Like smacking gum, crunching ice, tapping pens, clicking pens or dragging feet it can be anything!

Misophonia is a condition and it’s not a mental disorder. The word “Misophonia” has its origin from ancient Greek meaning  “hatred of sound”. Misophonia is known as selective sound sensitivity syndrome, it’s an abnormality with both psychological and physiological symptoms of the brain .

Misophonia – Triggers!

Each and every individual is unique so is their responses to their triggers. The triggering sounds may change from time to time or may remain the same. One among the very common triggers are the sounds that’s from the people’s mouth.

These include :

  • Munching
  • Gulping
  • Swallowing
  • Throat clearing
  • Lip smacking
  • Yawning

Other triggers include:

  • Sobbing
  • Writing sounds
  • Papers crinkling
  • Clock’s ticking
  • Slamming of doors
  • The sounds made my birds, insects and animals

Visual triggers include :

  • Foot swaying
  • Nose rasping
  • Hair twirling

These triggers create a fight-or-flight response that provokes anger and a desire to escape.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of misophonia  include :

  • Aggression towards the trigger
  • Escapism from the embarrassing situation
  • Mimicing the trigger
  • Expressing uneasiness towards the trigger

Causes of Misophonia

The causes of misophonia are unknown. Researches are still on!

People with the following conditions are found to be having Misophonia :

  • Obsessive – Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Tourette Syndrome

Misophonia appears to be more common in people who have tinnitus. Tinnitus is a disorder wherein people suffering with this hear sounds, like a ringing in the ears, which no one else can hear.

Coping Strategies 

The coping strategies of misophonia include avoiding triggers, exercising and meditation, eating well, sleeping well, taking care of oneself.

Available Treatments 

Treatment for misophonia often involves a multidisciplinary approach combining;

  • Sound Therapy by Audiologists
  • Talk Therapy
  • Tinnitus Retraining Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Counseling

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