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Current issues in counselling and how to combat it

Current issues in counselling and how to combat it

Novice counsellore:

Various authors have studied problems faced by trainee counsellore. Becoming therapists have Challenges like beings self- critical in practice and have troubling reaction to clients. Novice counsellors experience stress. Trainees counsellors anxiety and counter- transference management. Trainees experience impasse and they reacts with negative emotion because they did know what to do in session. Novice counsellore experience various difficulties and challenges in the session, in the organization in counselling.

Beginning counsellors:

Some authors have spoken of problem faced by beginning counsellore. Nystul has identified the following as common problems of beginning counsellors. focusing on the first issues in a session. Over looking physical or medical issues wanting to rescue clients from their unhappiness having perfectionist tendencies, having unrealistic expectations, getting carried away with the last technique, getting lost in the counseling process, using desire to help, having and excessive need to be like, getting too emotionally involved,  taking things too personally having difficulty differentiating between normal and abnormal being uncertain about self  disclosure, and being uncertain about confidentiality.

problems, difficulties, issues, challenges faced by counsellors:

with regard to problems faced by counsellors, quite to few studies have focussed on school counsellors. Bain who studied contemporary issues of school counsellors in america stated that school counsellore face problems related to job descriptions, mental health issues, families and communities, student success, leadership and issues in technology and so on.

Anagbogu, Nwokolo, andamene and umezulike in this study of professional challenges faced by primary school counsellors in nigeria, found that black of a counselling clinic, have of computer for data storage unavailability of internet facilities lack of equipment like tape recorder, low counsellor- client ratio, lack of dedicated time for counselling in the school time table were the topmost problems faced by the school counsellors.

Arowolo found out that secondary school counsellors in nigeria face the following problems ; wrong ideas about counselling by principals and other members of staff,assigning counsellors to duties other than counselling , lack of counselling office, lack of fund to purchase materials for counselling and non-exposure to in service training. further, agrawal stated that psychologists face several challengers like poor salaries, lack of job opportunities, lack of licensing,lack of awareness about psychological issues and so on.

* the following are the findings of the study. the findings are divided into two main sections as professional problems and personal problems. professional problems are divided into different sub-sections.


practical training was not sufficient during the post-graduate studies.

exposure to actual counselling setting was not adequate during post- graduate studies.

2. Stigma, Awareness and understanding of counselling

Awareness of counselling  is low among people.

People are not aware of the difference between a counsellor, a clinical psychologist a psychiatrist.

The term counselling is not clearly defined in India. It is understood differently different people.

3. Recognition of counselling profession

Psychiatrists do not refer clients who do not need medication for counselling.

Employers are not aware of post- graduate course in Psychological counselling counselling Psychology).

Counsellors do not have their own unique identity as mental health professionals.

4.Stress and Burnout

Overload of work causes stress in the counsellor.

Clients issues lead to emotional exhaustion in the counsellor.

5. Pay/Salary

Counsellors are not paid sufficient salary.

Clients are not ready to pay for sessions as they think that counselling involves of listening and taking.

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Written by J.pavithra

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Janhavi S.

A very interesting topic to have written on! It does seem like the first step to combat the external issues such as recognition and salaries will only be through generating better awareness among populations and sensitization on the importance of mental health. Having better funding for psychology departments and investments in the field may also be required for better qualified professionals.

Ayeman Qamri

Very interesting and new topic!! The heading caught my attention.If you can work a bit with font and style it will make the article more interesting and some images can also be helpful.Overall loved it ❤️

Jigyasa vashistha

Thanks for this article ❤Superbly written.. Wishing you all the very best. Have a nice day

Jigyasa vashistha


Jigyasa vashistha

This is such a lovely read

Nidhi Dahiya

Interesting read! Keep writing

Riya Rajkotiya

Beautifully Written

Last edited 4 years ago by Riya Rajkotiya
Riya Rajkotiya

Keep Writing