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Agoraphobia ( factual essay)

Introduction:- agoraphobia (a.guh.ruh.fow.bee.uh) :-it is a type of anxiety disorder in which you fear and avoid places or situations that might give you panic and make you feel trapped, helpless or Embarrassed a person who has this anxiety disorder have a bad memory or a bad experience at that particular place. Generally phobias last six months but people suffering from agoraphobia last forever only 1 in 2 people recover from it fully .

Symptoms :- it is usually self diagnosable, it includes fear of certain places that cause panic attacks or severe anxiety.

Treatment:- there are fee ways to treat it :-

a) therapies :- cognitive behavioral therapy ( with or without medicine)

b) self care techniques :- relaxation techniques

People who suffer from this type of anxiety disorder rarely leave their houses and prefer to stay there in comfort of their houses. But not at all people with this disorder can fully depend on others for their well being so they prefer to have a schedule planned out and some people feel calm when they can see the vehicle they can go home to. Basically it’s a fear of fear. People who have this disorder can suffer from many other if it is not diagnosed on time.

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507 Points

Written by Aanandi khanna

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Jigyasa vashistha

this is great content .. keep posting! 🙂

Disha Dhage

Informative article

Hitanshi Sanghadia

Great article!
Untreated agoraphobia can severely reduce a person’s quality of life. For example activities outside the home such as work, school, socializing, hobbies and many forms of exercise are totally out of reach.

Harini Soudarmane

Very informative. Thank you.

Riya Rajkotiya

Awesomely Written

Riya Rajkotiya

Very informative
Keep Writing

Sraddha Kausthub

Short and sweet account of the phobia