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What is it actually? Have you ever thought about it? Well, it is a feeling or a state of emotion where you feel disconnected from every being around you. When you feel as if the whole world is abandoning you and your own chaotic thoughts take a seat in your brain and you feel empty and unwanted.

Your brain keeps asking you “What is wrong with me?” This question kills you from inside and you feel as if something is inherently wrong with you today or you say to your own self that “today is not my day”.

The days where you feel the need to hug the clothes in your wardrobe to feel as if there is somebody, the need to get rid of all your suffering and just be on cloud nine and the happiest person alive. Suffering and pain are inevitable and you can never avoid them.

Living in an era where technology has completely changed our lives where we are actually living in a generation of people who believe that having these negative thoughts like anxiety, fear, guilt is okay and who feel that ‘GOOGLE” is the answer to my every problem and the amount of money that I have is the only way to sustain in life.

These are nothing but our own self-made highs so now you would be wondering and emphasizing this word high? High can be any sort of your addiction that you are dependent on for a temporary path to escape from your sorrows in order to get temporary pleasure such highs can be in many forms either of any substance like alcohol, by just always victimizing your own self, by watching porn anything under the sun. Such highs are nothing more than just going on a wild goose.

Such highs make you rely on the materialism around you and ignore the actual cause of your own mental blockage.

You might be aware of the phrase “no pain no gain” just like you are compelling for a  better life for a better girlfriend/boyfriend you need to also believe in this concept of self-awareness which will lead you to your path of self -improvement’’.

You have this void inside you the need for wanting more wanting to be more pretty, wanting to have more always self-sabotaging your own-self the assurance to get accepted by the people around you.

Seeing the people around you and considering your own self as inferior and believing that I hardly have a person who is there and always wanting people to do something special to make you happy. This problem of loneliness is increasing at a fast pace day by day. We want attention, we want to feel good about ourselves. The irony here is we want them to make “we feel good”. Weird isn’t it? We are dependent on humans and dedicating our own lives just to chase a phantasm of contentment and satisfaction.

Getting so overly attached to materialism around us rather than living in the reality. You need to understand and take charge of your own-self rather than avoiding your problems.

Take responsibility for everything that occurs in your life so you aren’t responsible neither you can assume nor predict what is going to happen next in your life but you are totally accountable for the way you deal with it. Rather than living in a state of doubting your own ethics and values why not start accepting them.

Stop making matters worse for your own being. You cannot feel every day as if you live in the Bahamas and as the sun rises there is going to be a birth of a new problem and adversity will be coming your way. Accept this fact that it is life this is the beauty of this life a journey that teaches you everything in its own way in its own process. You and the people around you are on a journey. You need to be aware of your emotions so that you can work upon yourself.  Self-improvement is a constant struggle but its accomplishment and satisfaction you get in the end are immeasurable.

You have this one life you got this don’t let this external environment affect your internal peace of mind. You are a human don’t ever forget the language of good omens and don’t forget to follow your own destiny. You are well aware of universal language and the Soul of the world. Work upon yourself, rather than having expectations from other people set targets for yourself and toil hard in order to convert your dreams into reality. You came to explore the best version of yourself and radiate positivity to every being around you and your life will become a better place to live in.

Explore your own horizons start embracing your own self and working upon your flaws don’t let this opportunity slip by your hand just because you aren’t aware of the importance of this journey of yours. Live it with no regrets. Make it a point every day to smile you don’t need some clown to make you happy this happiness resides in your happiness, kindness gratitude is your own innate qualities make fuller use of them.

Never allow anybody to have control over you and either manipulate you by their crying jags don’t let yourself be dictated or enslaved by anybody. Be good but be firm believe in your actions and have faith in your self that whatever decision you are making is for good and give no in the world the power to deviate you from your aims and remain true to your own self. The second step is to let your thoughts and imagination go in one direction. Imagine what you desire or want for your life. The alignment between your thoughts and imagination will get your act together and will also be like a cherry on the cake for your hard work.

As we all are well aware that there is no enjoyment of success without a healthy mind. Let your inner voices become so loud that you are not able to hear the voices of the negativity outside you. Continue to do this and follow these steps in your daily routine like you eat every day and then experience the joy of a healthy, peaceful and beautiful life.

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81 Points

Written by Kirti Giridhar

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Jigyasa vashistha

this is really amazing article.. buddy thanks for writing 🙂

Saloni Sanjay Shinde

I think everyone would relate to this article somewhere. Thank you for this!


Loneliness is such a scary feeling and everybody faces it at least once in their lifetime. Not only have you tried to explain the emotions in a constructive way but you have also given a touch of motivation to this article. Your choice of words is perfect! Very appreciative. Your article is filled with emotions and I could feel those throughout.
Thank you for writing this

K Kannaki

Excellent ! The article was very relatable and very easy to understand . Every single one has gone through a phase of loneliness and people overcome it in their own style . The article was creative and can include more ways to overcome personal baggage in loneliness and how other people can support each other. Good work.
Keep it up !!


great explanation..


Amazing artice