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What relatives would randomly say about kids may not exactly be antisocial behaviour, the term in fact has a broader meaning and aspect to it.

Antisocial behaviour may be defined as the behaviour of an individual that may harm them or the society and may violate the rights of another person. Any kind of behaviour that may be considered disruptive to others in society is antisocial behaviour.

It is often seen that when young children act in seemingly antisocial ways, their behaviour is acceptable considering that ‘they are too young to understand’ but in later years this behaviour can cause difficulties in one’s life. If your kid is a little mischievous and you love to spoil them further, there are pretty good chances that they’re gonna be savage by teenage!

Teenage is the spine of your child’s lifestyle, however, if any negative stigma prevails it will hamper the proper moral functioning of the person.

Antisocial behaviour among teens may include vandalism, stealing, showing extreme level aggression, heavy smoking or drinking, intake of drugs, indulging in gambling, sexual promiscuity, porn addiction, immoral behaviour with family, friends, or others.

However one should not confuse antisocial behaviour with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Antisocial behaviour is not a disorder but a malfunctioning of moral or pro-social behaviour. When combined with other symptoms, this kind of behaviour becomes a mental illness.


There can be numerous causes or reasons for a person’s antisocial behaviour that are given below:

  • Family issues: If the relationship between the parents or within the family members is toxic and builds a negative environment for the child, there are high chances of the child showing antisocial behaviour.
  • ParentingRight kind of parenting is the key to healthy and happy children. But if any one of the parents practices alcoholism, drugs or any addiction then their behaviour will have an evident impact on their child.

The child is the father of a man” and so a child may even follow their parents’ footsteps.

  • Traumatic experience: If a person has gone through any kind of traumatic experience in their childhood, they are likely to adopt antisocial behaviour as a coping mechanism or a symptom of PTSD.
  • Economic distressFacing financial difficulties or instabilities in childhood can scar your adolescent into an antisocial being.
  • Physical abusePhysical abuse my parents or anyone in childhood or during adolescence is also a key factor in antisocial behaviour.
  • Foster homes or orphanages: Children who never had families have to make it on their own in this world, and while toughening for the process they might adapt antisocial behaviour. Sometimes ill-treatment at foster homes or orphanages may also be a prominent factor.
  • Social media: Where social media is a blessing it is also a curse in spoiling our youth and embedding hate and aggression in their core. Excessive social media use may also harm pro-social behaviour.
  • Peer group: Researches show that the company one spends time with has a great impact on one’s behaviour. If the peer group is antisocial or consists of individuals exhibiting antisocial behaviour, then there are high chances of the others being antisocial too.
  • Environment: The environment in which a person grows and evolves has a deep and drastic effect on a person’s behaviour. If the environment is pessimistic and shady the person may show signs of antisocial behaviour.


  • Mindful activities: Involving in mindful activities like yoga or Zumba, morning or evening walks, or listening to motivational podcasts may help start the day with positivity.
  • Channelizing energy: Channelizing the energy in the right direction positively is a good way of changing the negative thoughts or actions into the right vibe. Involving in activities such as chess or abacus may also sharpen their mind.
  • Indulging in sports: Involving in sports activities is a good way to exert aggression and release stress. Engage in boxing, wrestling, or other sports that involve movement to release tension.
  • Family counselling: Maybe a beneficial option to change antisocial behaviour to prosocial behaviour.
  • Regulating and monitoring social media: Parents should regulate the use of social media or the internet by their child and they should also monitor the content that their child is being exposed to.
  • Keeping an eye: Parents should keep a close eye on the peer group of their child and should avoid their child’s friendship or interaction with other kids who show signs of antisocial behaviour.
  • Proper attention, love, care, and affection: Apart from all the above points, if parents or family provide the right amount of love, care and affection, and proper attention to their children they will grow into healthy and happy adults.



Antisocial behaviour is not a disorder or illness that cannot be treated, it’s rather a negative trait of an individual that moulded positively. Teenagers are the future of our country and with the right amount of care they will bloom into responsible adults.


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Written by Hiba Javed

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Nidhi Dahiya

Well written and very informative…keep it up

Brinda S

well written!


Hello, Hiba . It was really super informative . The way you delineated every single sub topic was very amazing. “Teenagers are the future of our country and with the right amount of care they will bloom into responsible adults.”- rightly said …let’s all work together make these words into reality.

Disha Dhage

keep up the good work

Disha Dhage

well written

Disha Dhage


Disha Dhage


Disha Dhage


Disha Dhage


Disha Dhage


Simone Morarka

Great job Hiba! Well written 🙂

Simone Morarka

Very informative

Riya Rajkotiya

Very informative

Jigyasa vashistha

very very informative … keep writing:)