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Surviving under the developing circumstances, circumstances which emphasize us to acknowledge the drawbacks prevailing around here and need utter attention and opinion from every walk. And the major drawback which is been brought in the spotlight is gender inequality. Gender inequality takes place basically when a specific gender is targeted and isn’t served with equal duties, opportunities, and privileges.

Gender inequality raises the need for feminism and feminist revolution movements. In 2020, feminism is a word of every talk and people strive for equality at every stance. People are more vocal and acknowledged about their rights in this age but the most wave of feminism is unable to make its reach in certain areas. Today we have opportunities for women to represent themselves in every sector of society. Defining feminism is really a subjective matter as people view it from a vast number of aspects. Personally, I think feminism is a phenomenon that empowers women, promotes womanhood, and addresses problems that made it hard to survive efficiently for women.


Why do we need feminism?

Does feminism mean equality?

Talking about equality it only prevails when biases don’t exist in the construct and when a gender (men) do have privilege and freedom to do something and the other gender (women) don’t then we really can’t say that we’ve made a gender-neutral environment for women around us. Even in everyday routine, we’d definitely find ourselves violating some equality norms and the really basic example of this violation is treatment with mothers, who work from day to night, made sacrifices so that we can have some ease goodness on our side, being a part of this whole thing we forget that mothers do also deserve acknowledgement of what their rights are.

And we need feminism because there is a need to break the stigma around patriarchy. A few days back I met an old lady and then she shared some instances from past days. She shared the instances of domestic violence which she considered normal and let it go by saying chalta hai and this chalta hai thing flows within the generations and mere strict actions are taken. And this is how normalizing such things make right actions and voices look like rebellious in the view of those who find their dignity uplifted by overpowering and humiliating someone just because she respects them.

           ‘The more intolerant you’re about such pathetic acts, the more feminist you’re’

Talking about the societal notions which gave rise to gender equality-oriented movements. the Glass ceiling is a phenomenon that doesn’t allow the women to grow above the hierarchal boundary. We can find this notion mostly in the working section of the society where certain parameters are been marked for women.

Tokenism is another which is gender-biased in nature and depicts that certain roles and duties are only reserved for only a prominent gender. For example, having a smaller number of male teachers in comparison to the ratio of female teachers in educational institutions is the best of tokenism as women are been tokenized for the teaching job. Another notion is inequality which can happen anytime with anyone. It could be at home or the working space. For example, parents discriminating preferences for male and female children or could be consideration of male employees for promotion in a firm.

Stereotyping is an unsettled norm set by people that promotes gender biases. The best example of stereotyping is a myth that women can’t be a good driver. Other notions are oppression and discrimination which restricts one’s right over one’s freedom. Hence, yet the biggest difference people have created is under the ode of right and wrong.

Labelling certain things justified or right for specific gender and restricting that same thing for other gender creates irrationality. Referring to all these unjustified notions, it creates unrest in people’s lives in many ways. People who somehow support these societal notions tend to be more egocentric and holding prejudice for another gender. And people who’re the victim of such notions tend to be facing mental unrest, emotional imbalances, irritation, anger management issues. Considering the statistics, women have higher rates of getting depressed, having anxiety issues, and eating disorders.

The only remedy which I found quite relevant is the accessible expression of thoughts or appropriate venting out your feeling about anything. If anyone, anyhow feels violated through certain notions I’ve mentioned above, then one should address the unrest that violation has created for you. Creating a gender-neutral environment from the beginning for children around so that they can open-mindedly accept the progressive trends and developments in society. Concluding my blog, I’d like to say that there are chances that my opinion won’t match yours or could end up contradicting someone’s opinion but at the end, all I want to address is my perspective, the perspective of a young adult who is still figuring out certain practices but quite solved enough to address my view this motion.

What do you think?

40 Points

Written by Charu Sagar

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Nidhi Dahiya

Amazing article and nicely written…keep it up.

Lutfia Khan

you go girl! amazing!!



Brinda S


Amna Alim

amazing article!

Bhavishi Rajwal

I am a feminist and I really appreciate this article for spreading awareness of gender inequality , you’ve written really great , and it would’ve been more good if we would know about how in 2020 too people face gender inequality in day to day life.

Jigyasa vashistha

thanks for writing …this is so wonderful article..loved it 🙂

Jigyasa vashistha

very very informative … keep writing:)