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The positive impact of social media among the people

The positive impact of social media among the people


Social media has grown too much in the last decade.

It has become an essential part of our day to day activities. It has changed our way of communication.

The rise of social media has made us more connected with their friends than ever before.

Social media came into existence in 1975 with the invention of email. It becomes popular after the creation of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram Snapchat, and WhatsApp.

It not only allowed to send text messages but also share photos, videos, and stories. This type of social media become popular after Facebook opened up for the general public in 2006. In 2019, social media had more than 3.484 billion users.

Every year, there is a rise of up to 9 per cent per year.

Social media is defined as “an online community that allows people to develop profiles of their backgrounds and interests, communicate with friends and strangers, and share thoughts, photos, Internet links, music, and more”.


Human as a social animal

The Greek philosopher Aristotle said, “Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human”. Neurobiology also claimed human, inherently social. We share the same social behavior like aggression, affiliation, the establishment of territoriality, and hierarchy with different animals. Even species with a primitive brain shows this type of behavior. Though having genetic advancement, human behavior has more complexity than this but have a similar nature.


Why people share information?

Research of the New York Times consumer insight group divulges the people’s motivation for sharing information.  The reason behind the sharing information includes “to support a cause or issue”, “to pass valuable information”, “to build their image”, “to make sense of their relationships with others”, “to participate and involve in the growing world”.


The positive impact of social media

A preliminary study found that three aspects of human health positive mental health, self-rated health, and social well being depends on how routinely it is being used and how much is it emotionally connected to a person. The routine use of social media has a positive association with all three aspects of health outcomes. But emotional connected to social media is found to have a negative impact on all three parts of health outcomes. In other sense, mindful use of social media is not harmful rather beneficial to use.

Social media allows students and researchers to discuss educational ideas, technological skills advancements, improve communication skills, learning new cultures, and lifestyles from users. Younger students can also teach their older relatives about the effective use of technology in their daily lifestyles.

Effective use of social media is also found to improve their quality of life and also helps to reduce health risks. It is easier to make a large number of friends within a short time.

It allows people to express their creativity in the form of text, video, or blogging to generate new ideas and stories. They are allowed them to share their interest, music, videos, TV shows, events, and other hobbies as well.

Social media is also found beneficial for expanding the business of people through low-cost advertisements, speedy communication, target audience, potential employees, and better decision making.

Social media can provide a sense of community, spread social awareness, foster empathy, and kindness. Additionally, they can get feedback about their work, enhance their productivity and creativity. It is also helpful to build a common ground of interest on social media.

Social media can also help to shape politics, society, commerce, training, and development.


Though social media has many positive impacts among peoples also found many negatively associated with mental health such as the risk of depression and anxiety, low self-esteem, poor sleep, attention span, and memory. The electromagnetic radiation is another negative effect on human health. Some of the common adverse effects such as cyberbullying, lack of privacy, hacking, cybercrime, and sending viruses are more common on social media. The mindful of social media is an effective solution to restrict the adverse effect and enhance positivity in our life.


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Riya Rajkotiya

Well Written

Brinda S

Well written!

Nidhi Dahiya

Great article and amazingly written

Azha Amina Akbar

Even thought the negative impact of social media is a widely discussed topic, I feel that there are a lot of worthy and insightful matters too in online platform. Firstly, it is a place where we can connect with a lot of like minded people. Secondly, social media is a platform with a huge number of educational contents and informative stuffs. And finally, during the pandemic of covid 19, social media kept us rooted to our daily routine and activities to a great extent! I all depend on how each individual view the social media!

Deshana Pragya Jain

An amazing piece of work. Ryan Lilly has right said ” Social media is not just a spoke on the wheel of life. It’s becoming the way entire lives are built” Social media plays a key role in our mental, emotional, physical and over all development of mankind. Another important point is that social media is a place where we are entertained and can feel all our emotions in different stages. On social media we post a memory of our today that we know will be stored there forever. Through this we re-live the good moments of our lives all over again and feel the ray of light in darkness.
Everything has its own pros and cons and its on us at the end of the day as to which side we chose to make our life better.
Thank you.

anshika singh

It is true of social media also significantly having a positive impact. Expression of creativity through- blog posts, podcasts, igtvs, reels, art, dance, singing, and the list is endless. With an increasing spree of people wanting to advocate about mental health, online support groups, art journaling courses and all kinds of mental health services are helping and contributing towards social media being regarded of having a positive impact on humans. Also, with all the kinds of different kinds of info flowing about sciences, technology, environment, climate, nature, history, and every discipline, if used wisely social media does have a positive impact on any individual, leading to a broader base for facts and information about almost anything!!

Disha Dhage

nice topic! 🙂

Sushmitha Subramani

Well conceptualized. Mindful use of social media is imperative especially during this pandemic period as everything is happening online.

Simone Morarka

A very interesting choice of topic, given that mostly only the negative is highlighted!

Simone Morarka

Looking forward to more of your work!!


Informative and well written

Jigyasa vashistha

Amazing content