
Rape and psychological measures to stop it


Rape is a worldwide issue not specific to any country , age , race , caste, dress, language, time etc. It is shocking to digest but the truth is that every  second a women is raped in this world.  Even today  many people in the society have the belief that girls who wears short dresses will obviously be raped, because wearing a short dress means that they are asking for it, Girls who speak for their rights and can’t shut their mouth will also be raped ,girls who are travelling after 7 pm would get raped. According to most of the people rape happens if a girl follows the given factors . But actually rape happens because  some men can’t control their hormones.

Rapists often see women as sex objects who are there to fulfill men’s sexual needs. They tend to hold false beliefs, often described as rape myths. For instance, a rapist can believe that if a woman says no, she really means yes, and that she is just playing around or challenging him. I would like to share my opinions that how can we stop rapes.

  • STRICT LAWS – If the court have all the proofs that the rape has actually taken place, then an immediate punishment should be given and that punishment should be specifically leaving the victim in the crowd of women/ girls so that they can do a equal justice to themselves. A strict law will fear men before they try to do it.
  • SELF DEFENCE – self defense classes should be given in the school. Making the self defense classes compulsory to attend. Teaching them all the techniques so that they can fight own their own .
  • PARENTING Preventing sexual violence starts with what we teach our boy . A mother and father both should talk to their child and should teach them the right and wrongs. Making them understand What to do and What not to do , What is right and What is Wrong . How to respect a girl.? Everything should be taught right from the beginning.



EDUCATION –  When a girl grows up , her hormones changes then her mother or the school takes the responsibility of giving them counseling session on menstruation so why not to give counseling sessions to boys also. As a child grows up, their hormones develops, their sexual instinct is high so their should be counseling sessions in the school which should teach them that how can they control their sexual instincts.

There should be a ” men talk” teaching them how to control emotions, How can they regulate their physical and mental sexual arousal to some degree. We suspect that if an individual is good at regulating one type of emotional response, he/she is probably good at regulating other emotional responses.

Every boy goes through sexual instincts and all they need to know is how to control themselves .  Distract yourself and do regular mediations. Teaching men about legal consent. Teaching men to see women humanity instead of seeing them as sexual objects. Teaching young men how to express healthy masculinity.

SPEAK – The more girls will communicate and speak about their rights , the more people will get awareness about it. Changing someone’s perceptions is not easy but if we will communicate to the public about the right and wrongs there will be some positive effects someday.

To conclude we need to change the false myths behind rapes and increase our awareness about it . following these psychological measures  will  definitely lower the possibility of rapes.


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505 Points

Written by diksha narang

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Shreshtha Negi

Much needed awareness honestly! This article was great!
Also, your bio is really informative.