Last seen: December 26, 2020 6:03 pm
@manviverma Thank you Manvi. Sure, I don't feel all that awkward now.
@hrushitaa Hey thank you for the warm welcome and dose of positivity. I hope for the same. Great to meet you.
@aananya12Hey thank you for the warm welcome. Duly noted. Great to meet you.
@ankitag11Hello there, Ankita great to meet you.
@sakhishanker Hey Sakhi, nice to meet you. I wish the same. Best of luck. Looking forward to hear more from you.
@shramana Hey Shramana, great to meet you. Thank you.
@nishithas Indeed Nishitha, Thank you. Nice to meet you. I hope you have fun too.
@manjimageorge0 Hey Manjima, thank you. Best of luck for you too.
@isaha Hey nice to meet you. Looking forward to get to know you. It's awesome we have stuff in common.
@yamini24 Hey Yamini, great to meet you too. Haha thank you.
Hey Alby Indeed psychology is a magical subject, sorry to disappoint, but law is not that magical, though it has its merits. Yes indeed, everything ...
Hey Vanshika, it's awesome that you are exploring your interests and at a young age, figured out what your calling is. Best of luck for your future a...
Hey Gauri, I like you also believe that everything happens for a reason. Thank you for elucidating on why psychology as a career is a great option. Th...
Hey Nishitha, thank you for sharing your experiences with us. So glad you overcame it. It was very unfortunate but everything happens for a reason and...
Hey Swarnima, it's nice you had a great counsellor who supported you and guided you throughout your rough times and ultimately inspired you to choose ...