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Depression: A Colour Blind World

Recently, I was going through some articles, one heading caught my attention – Our country is the most depressed country in the world. Out of curiosity, I clicked on the link. And I was dismayed after reading the article. When it comes to mental health, India is literally in a bad state. Let’s discuss the expansion of depression in India:

What is depression?

Every single person feels low from time to time, that’s normal, but nobody wants to have gloomy days, fidgety nights, crabby mornings and this never-ending unlighted way with absolutely no hint that is ever ending. But this is how depression controls the mental state of an individual. Everything changes like his way of thinking, feeling, perception about the world, and how he does his daily tasks. He won’t focus on his studies or work, no appetite, sleepless nights and won’t enjoy doing activities which he used to love performing earlier.

People say depression is like living in a dark world or colour blind world. It’s a life-threatening situation, the person feels void on inside, valueless and apathetic. In a depressing situation, males specifically, can feel impulsive and restless. If depression left untreated, it can become severe. But recognizing some early symptoms of depression may help the person to find the cause of his depression.


Signs of depression:

Loneliness and Hopelessness:

A desolate frame of mind, the person feels like he can’t do anything and this helplessness won’t get over in any condition.

No interest in daily life tasks:

Nothing seems interesting, the person completely lost his excitement of life. He can’t feel joy and pleasure any more.

Change in Sleep patterns:

The person might suffer from insomnia, or he may oversleep.

Impulsivity or irritability:

The person gets easily impulsive or violent, short-tempered, low tolerance.

Low energy:

Always feel exhausted or lifeless.

Despise their own self:

The person criticizes himself, feels worthless.


Depression in India

Depression is one of the most common as well as one of the most debilitating mental health depressive disorders affecting a huge number of population, living in urban and rural areas and bustee of India. How the hell is India going to develop, when people are mentally not stable? This question got stuck in my mind because were, 7.5% population is suffering from some grievous mental health issues, it is still contemplated as taboo.

But why?

During these decenniums, our country has progressed in every field possible but still struggling with some stigma like mental illness. Disgraced to appear usual. Stigmatized to keep family show concealed. Stigma to secure the family prestige. Ashamed to force yourself out of the need for a helping hand. The deep-rooted taboo has halted millions in our nation from accessing mental health care.

Another reason for increasing these mental health issues is that number of professionals is not enough in our country.

In India, there are just 3,500 psychiatrists – which is about one psychiatrist for over 2 lakh people, 1000 clinical psychologists and 900 social workers are available. India is yet to explore in this field. But it’s high time we grasp the intensity of the situation and grow up. We must spread awareness about the severity of depression. Mental health and well-being need to be a priority, especially in today’s demanding times of COVID-19. We must spread awareness about the severity of depression.


People who all are suffering these days, don’t hesitate and be positive about expressing yourself with your family. And keep one thing in mind, in life we do things. Some we wish we had never done. Some we desire we could replay a thousand times in our noggin. But they all make us who we are. And eventually, they build every detail about us. If we were to change any of them, we wouldn’t be the character we are, so just live and make mistakes. Have wonderful memories and stop bemusing about what you do with who you actually are.

What do you think?

53 Points

Written by Nidhi Dahiya

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Lutfia Khan

your work is great, Nidhi!

Amna Alim

and I am in love with your work!

Brinda S

very informative!



Anamta Khan

Such an amazing article. Your work never ceases to surprise me


Ur work is great NDA

Disha Dhage

very informative

Disha Dhage

Nicely written

Disha Dhage

keep it up

Disha Dhage

very good article!

Disha Dhage

Well done

Disha Dhage

Good work

Disha Dhage

will share

Disha Dhage

a must read

Disha Dhage


Disha Dhage


Jigyasa vashistha

thanks for writing …this is so wonderful article..loved it 🙂

Riya Rajkotiya

Nice Title
Well Protayed


Really informative and nicely written

Jigyasa vashistha

very very informative … keep writing:)