
Mission on Earth

Each time a life is born, it comes with a start, from where everything started, with an ending where everything is likely to come to a final, an end. But it is within this life, in between the start and the end of something, that a person or a thing serves its purpose, in different ways possible, each unique from the other.

There is not one thing around us that does not stand a purpose or a mission of their life they do not need to complete, be it living or non-living. For humans, when we are born it is our start, the moment we come out of the womb, we give out a cry taking in our first breaths and moving working towards our mission, often unknowingly.

When we are children, we become the mission of our parents, and the society lays out its plan for us, according to which we are said to work, go to school, get a degree, get a job, earn money and then start a family, to continue the cycle.

The childhood passes easily, us serving our purpose fruitfully, playing with friends and family, studying at school, we enjoy the starting years of our lives to the fullest, but then comes a point where we need to make a choice.

You have passed your 10th standard and now you parents want you to make a decision, a choice of what you want to go ahead with, maybe  a lot of your friends have found their aim or purpose in life already, maybe even you have. Or maybe you are clueless at this point, you may have never really given a thought to what you want to do, and it is never wreaking to say the least seeing how fast the world around us moves and how you are to make a quick decision.

Trust me, I have been through it, the rush and the risk you might be taking going along with just any choice laid in front of you. You have passed out of college now and all left in life is to work out in that job again laid out in front of you. But then the question strikes, do I really want to do this? Is this really what my aim in life is? My mission to complete?

You are having thousands of thoughts racing in your mind right now, unable to understand what or where to go, you are again in a stand still. It might seem as if there is nothing left for you to do, that you are losing and nothing can bring you back up, that you do not have a purpose to continue your life with, that you are a lost cause.

All of such negative thoughts cloud your mind, it is in times like these that we need to sit down and take a step back. It might seem hard to do this, but trust me this is what you need right now.

Mission on earth, your mission on earth. It might seem like a complex decision that you need to tackle and work on, but really it is quite simple. I might as well list down some ways that might help you look out for your purpose:

Your mission is within yourself

  • We go places, travel and even search for our purpose or meaning to life on the internet but the place we forget to look, the place closest and easiest to look at, is within yourselves. Maybe it ain’t that easy to look for it in yourself so I am just going to list out ways in which you can say, yes the purpose is within me and I have found it now. Your purpose is not one thing but a combination of different parts of your own self and ideologies, the way you might look at the world and what way you might want to impact the things around you. Looking for a purpose you do not necessarily have to acquire a particularly new skill, just enhance and work on your existing talents, the definition of purpose can be understood by looking at this diagram, just focus on all the “you’s”.


how to find a meaning of my existence?


Our purpose in life is not an endeavor that is well defined.

  • It is much wider than a single profession and encompasses more than just how you make a living. Confusing how you provide for yourself, with what your life goal is, is a mistake. Your goal can be executed from within your working framework, but it is far bigger than that. When you meet new or old friends, you still have the chance to enforce your mission, simply because it is a mindset, a sharing of your core talents.

Write down your goals:

  • Writing down things is said to clear a lot of things in the mind, it goes the same when wanting to find your purpose. Stop and think now about values that carry weight in your life, what words mean something to you, you can use Google for this, but beware it cannot give the purpose, your purpose is in the words and within the meaning those words carry in your life.

It might be authenticity for some, or great endeavors for some or maybe even change or charisma for some, if charisma is something you want to carry in a way that is so graceful people are touched by it, follow that. In your own ways follow it so that no one can match or meet your potential in the ways you can, just keep in mind, be yourself.

Easily said than done, everyone keeps saying be yourself, stay true to yourselves, but what does it even mean?! It just means, to not try to be someone you are not, to not agree to something you disagree to, to not stop yourself from showing the world your hidden talents thinking maybe I am not good enough, because you are, you are good enough and so wonderful the world needs to see it.

And if you are not going to follow being yourselves, who will? If you are not going to let your talents and your voices get a platform who will? And if you are not going to do this, who will help you give meaning to the mission on the earth??

  • There is a very famous quote by Richard Bach, in which he states that,

“Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you’re alive, it isn’t!”

That’s the great thing about life, that every human being is tied to something bigger and more important than any other. We’re never going to run out of useful stuff to do! Once it is completed, the redundant essence may be crossed off or forgotten, but only to be started with something new, the world can be funny that way, providing you with an abundance of things, yet so little of it all.

For us, everybody’s meaning can be different and can change over time. It might be regarding family, your job, a cause or your group, you might not know but it is always there, waiting to be found by you.

The purpose of your life lies with what puts you in awe, life would be quite boring without such moments.

Putting you in awe means what excites you, what makes you think, what makes you want to participate in the activity. It is the little moments in life that act like dots and complete the whole picture of your life.

It is about perspective, about what you think and what you don’t because it is quite less likely for two people two share the same idea looking at a particular thing, it is because there is a difference in perspectives and invoices.

You might find awe looking at the sun rise or the sun set, some won’t, and maybe this is why you should speak up and talk about what you think, because each person has a different perspective about things and maybe this is what the world needs right now, a different perspective. A different way to look at things, to keep life interesting.

I know this article was about how to find your mission on earth, but maybe you don’t always need to have a purpose or a particular aim in life and that you can take it as you go about with it. Living as you experience it. Life is not a rat race as some people might say, and it might not exactly be a walk in the garden too, but it is a roller coaster ride.

It is a ride that has twists and turns and certain ups and downs, thrills and boos and that is why it is so interesting right? If life was all sunny it might have been a walk through the desert, plain and sandy; but it is because of the rains and the winds and the colds and thunderstorms that we get to experience and see different varieties of flowers and endeavors around us.

Life doesn’t come with a manual, it just is there and so it does not have rules and regulations we need to follow or we are doomed to failure, it is a tact, that is why it is okay even for you to go just with it, to just go with the flow.

Others around you might have their life figured out, and maybe you don’t, so take a step back and relax, it is okay to not want to run after a particular ambition, even a runner needs a break from the race, so do you.

Sit down and enjoy the things you like to do, stop restricting and criticizing yourself to want to enjoy a good video game rather than going around looking for internships, it is okay to take a break and breathe. Know that you are going to find your aim. Maybe this article is going to help you find it, maybe not, but remember it is just around the corner, just keep a look for it and when you do find it don’t reason out or shy away from it, this is you and your purpose, not someone else’s so don’t let anyone else influence it too.



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