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Unfulfilled dreams can cause mental illness?

Dreams always exceed our imagination, it takes us beyond everything. Each and every person in this world tend to dream. We all have dreams in our life and we consider it as our destiny, to achieve that, we seem to work hard for it. Dreams can be small ones for some but it can be difficult for some people. Most people dream higher and bigger, to achieve those dreams they work hard. People work day and night for their dreams to comes true. Often people call dreams their goals and as said earlier, ‘sometimes we have short term goals and sometimes we have long term goals’. Some of us might have a dream of scoring good marks, some might have to travel abroad, some might have a dream to succeed in getting a job, some people’s dreams would be to become rich while others would be too famous. Some dreams would be easy to achieve while some are so difficult sometimes these dreams feel impossible.

Short-term goals are those dreams which can be achieved through putting little effort while long-term goals need dedication, passion, patience, and hard work to achieve them. Short-term goals mostly like scoring good marks or winning a competition or might losing weight and it is temporary. Long-term goals are like want to travel abroad and settles there or it can be becoming rich in the future or becoming a businessman future, etc. Long-term goals can be permanent and an individual has to be consistent even after achieving it. Each person has both goals (short term and long term). Only one thing we have to understand to achieve these goals is ‘Preparations and hard work is needed’, it doesn’t matter whether it is short term or long term. As A.P.J Abdul Kalam said

“Dreams are not the things that we see in sleep, Dreams are the things that doesn’t let us sleep”.

Sometimes dreams have an adverse effect on our mental health if it did not get fulfilled. According to studies, it has been found out that most of the students commit suicide as not being able to achieve their dreams or being pressurized by people. Every person has a dream to become something in their life. Some of the dreams are being accepted by society and some of not. In today’s times as well, Society is not ready to break stereotypes and got used to them. Most of the student’s dream of becoming a businessman or doing something creative in arts or some one wants to become a writer or musician or dancer. Our society seems not so supportive about these fields and they think that there is no career in these fields and because of this, students are being forced to take up engineering or medicine even if they are not interested in it.

Because of disinterest, students become depressed, and eventually, the result of this never comes in a positive manner. Some cases have been like where a person stops achieving their dream in halfway process because it was not according to his/her way. Higher dreams take time to complete, it needs thorough dedication and hard work to achieve, one should not lose hope in between. Passion is everything, if we are passionate enough for our dreams, we will never give up..

Going against their interests sometimes tortures students while being in another field, they find themselves disturbed and everything seems monotonous. Most of the cases are where the people not interested in what they have taken and they end up getting poor marks, they do not feel happy about being in that field but because of fulfilling their parent’s dreams they have to do it, some of them eventually give up and most of them commits suicide.

Most of the cases have been like where the person was good/scholar in studies but till he reaches in graduation, his percentage starts dipping. Why this happens?. The answer lies in his mind whether he is happy being in this, during this process may be, he has lost concentration. We should understand that whatever we want or our heart wants, we should go for that even though it seems difficult nonetheless we should at least try to achieve it. Dreams keep our life going and for that, we should be prepared and should hope. As people say “Prepare for the Worst and Hope for the best”.

Every opportunity comes with time. We should be able to manage the time and should grab the opportunity instead of doing it later when it is completely gone and then regretting losing it. Remember “Nothing is impossible”. We should have faith in ourselves that “I can achieve it and I will achieve it”. If we cannot change the perspective of this society then there nothing to be negative, Show them that you can do it by putting a lot of hard work into fulfilling your dreams.

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Written by Saloni Paunikar

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Glad you wrote on this topic, Saloni. This is something that isn’t acknowledged or understood by many. Nicely scripted. Great work!

Elysia Fernandes

Very insightful and interesting article. You’ve done a great job!


Informative and organised

Jigyasa vashistha

great informative article..thanks for this one

Radhika Saini
Radhika Saini

Great job!

Radhika Saini

Very informative & interesting!

Radhika Saini

Keep writing!

Radhika Saini

Well done!