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To the falling leaves,

It’s the time of the year again Autumn season
where the tree that nurtured you,
whom you loved with all is finally going to shed you,
isn’t it somewhat like similar to us humans
where someone whom we loved with all our with all
our senses and all our hearts shed us down one day,
the only difference is that you can’t express it
but we humans can and that’s why maybe nobody understands
what you go through. But let me tell you this it’s the best
the thing to not have to be able to say anything because sometimes
your biggest enemy can be your emotions, your words, your mouth
so you are lucky to not have one and still be understood by that tree.
You know it was not until I learnt what broken feels like or
being walked upon when one day I saw hundreds of you being
broken by those thousands of people walking over you and
breaking you into two pieces and then that sweeper sweeping
you right around that corner, isn’t it ironic when you are
lush green and perfectly healthy with all that love, that
tree nurtures on you nobody cares to give a look at you
but once you become pale and you fall down on the road
everybody suddenly starts admiring you, starts loving that
pale yellow half-broken leaf maybe because somewhat somewhere
we all are also left pale and down by somethings.
But thank you for telling me that even after being
broken or after falling down you can again grow back
and this time more Greener and with a small little
beautiful flower with it.

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277 Points

Written by Amna Alim

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Lutfia Khan

this is so amazing!!

Nidhi Dahiya

You have written it so well. It’s wonderful. keep it up.

Anamta Khan

A must read article for sure

Brinda S

very well structured.

Jigyasa vashistha

Thanks for writing this… Loved it alot… 🙂

Riya Rajkotiya

Amazing Article