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Sometimes It’s okay to be not okay

Sometimes It’s okay to be not okay

We can all be “happy” or “blue” at times, no one can be miserably sad or perfectly happy all the time. It just a myth that a person can be happy for even a single day.

If so, that person can not be a human being. We celebrate our happy moments but sometimes nothing goes smoothly or the way we want it to go and we find ourselves worrying or stressing out over the situation.

Some people express themselves but most of the people are not inclined to ask for help from anyone like the people struggling with mental illness.

Always seem happy can be even more challenging for them, as a lot of days they feel down. When we feel low, we put on a mask to hide the pain that lies behind the smile.

Getting out of bed can be a big deal by itself. With depression or negative self-talk becomes too loud at times and there is no particular reason for why we feel this way.

When it feels as if we are surrounded by the dark world, those are the days we push people away the most. We do this because it is an easier way to distract our mind and forget about what is going on in our lives and not bother others with our problems.

Because we don’t want anyone’s pity or concerns. We carry the problems and burdens so well but that doesn’t mean they are not heavy. And getting our problems solved and ignoring our problems are two entirely opposite things.


Tips for those days when you feel low:

-Admit it if you are not okay. You can fool others but not yourself. We face those days when we have to smile because there is no other option. But sometimes, it’s alright, if you are not feeling good or you want to cry.

-Don’t control your emotions. Emotions are what exactly makes you a human being. Don’t just shut out your feelings inside.

-Try to socialize with your family, friends. Always keep it in mind that you are not alone or you are not a burden on anyone.

-Exercises play an important role in relieving your stress.

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68 Points

Written by Nidhi Dahiya

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Anamta Khan

Beautiful work.

Lutfia Khan

such a lovely piece.

Amna Alim

this was a much needed article!!! good work!!


Amazing article. I always love your work. Keep going…

Sheetal Malik

Nice work I love your article
Keep it up


Fabulous work



Brinda S

well written!

Monu malik

Its ok to be not ok . I like it. wow ! Keep going ….

Mohit Dahiya

Amazing work


Indeed a notion that needs to spoken about. It’s so important that people understand and accept that always being happy is not possible. Definitely a much needed article! Very well articulate as well.

Jigyasa vashistha

thanks for writing …this is so wonderful article..loved it 🙂

Jigyasa vashistha

very very informative … keep writing:)


Beautiful post!
This is so true! You cannot be happy all the time. Even if you have everything in the world, you can still sometimes feel lonely and want to be alone. You might need time for yourself.
My only suggestion for you would be, please try and add some more points to this. In the end you have given some tips. Please add some more. And also, if you can try and give personal experiences that will enhance your article.