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Social Cognitive theory and Health behavior changes.


Socialization is a complex entity, treated in two ways:-

In a first way, socialization is just a process of social adaptation. Regarding this many sociologist and psychologist have given their definitions, one of the most known definitions of socialization was given by Chaplin 1975

“Socialization is the process of learning the customs, habits, folkways, and mores of given culture”

In the other way, socialization Means the process by which personality is formed. In relation to this, the main psychologist give their definitions one of the definitions which are given by the Secord and the Backman 1947 is:-

“socialization is a process of change occurring throughout the life career of the individual as a result of his interaction with another person”

So we come to know that socialization is a process which helps us to learn many things which are necessary for our lives.

This process continues from birth to death. Socialization starts with childhood and ends with old age.



If socialization is analyzed on the basis of the Given above definition and the definitions given by other psychologists, then it can be divided mainly into seven parts. Which are:-

Socialization is an adaptive process

  • Socialization is a process of. development or change of the individual.
  • Socialization is a continuous process.
  • Socialization is symbolic interactionism.
  • Desocialization and resocialization.
  • Primary and secondary socialization.
  • Intergroup and intragroup similarities and dissimilarities.



When a child is born, he is mentally and physically unable to understand the social values and his duty towards society. He is not social, not even unsocial; he is just asocial. As we grow we come to know about these things and start learning. The child who behaves according to the values of the society is socialized. On the other hand, a child who doesn’t behave according to the values of society is known as unsocialized. Now the question is if the values of the society are the same for both of them then why

The one is socialist and the one is unsocialized??.

Why are there inter-societal variations????

The answer to this question totally depends on what factors socialization is affected. And some of them are:-

  • FAMILY:- Family is the part of our primary socialization. When a child grows up, he first sees the people of his family. That’s why the rule of the family in socialization is the most important role. In the primary socialization, the child develops self, identities, values, etc. Things which child come to know from his family and

which affects socialization are:-

  • Identification and sex role
  • Parental behaviour
  • Family size
  • Relationship between parents
  • Birth order
  • Economic condition


SOCIAL CLASS DIFFERENCE:-The society is mainly divided into three classes on the basis of socioeconomic status. Which are lower class, middle class, upper class? And the values, norms, folkways, of these three classes completely different from each other so the child of these three different economical states differ from each other

NEIGHBOURHOOD:-Neighborhood plays a very effective role in socialization. When the child grows up, they start to meet different people and that first of all is going to meet the neighbours.

PLAY AND PLAYMATES:– There are some rules and norms of every game. So when the child participates in the game they get internalization of the game. During this day interact with each other and this is the part of socialization when the child students participate in a good game he starts playing another kind of game with bad children he automatically develops bad social elements

SCHOOL CONTACT:- As like The family-school please a mandatory role in socialization. After the family kids are directly involved in the school. The child learns formal instruction cognitive skills from the school. if the child is not in a good school and not getting the proper education the socialization of that child will differ from the addition of a child who is in a great school and getting a great education

PEER GROUP:- After the family, neighbouring, school, the child is most affected by his friends. When the child develops, he is gradually away from his parents’ family and forms a separate group. At one age child start to smoke to believe their friends than their family so if he is with good friends he will be here socialized person and if he is with bad friends he will be an unsocialized person

OCCUPATIONAL CONTEXT:- This is secondary socialization. These days people spend much of their time in the office with their colleagues. In this way, socialization is affected by occupational contact

LANGUAGE ABILITY:- language is one of the things in which socialization is dependent on. In India, we have so many languages with different languages and people from different languages are different from each other.

CULTURE:- different cultures have different values custom tradition and people from different cultures I should realise do with their cultures and traditions and customs standards norms and by this they are differently socialized.



What is the nature of social processes and how is this process accomplished? It has been a complex and conflict-ridden problem. There are so many theories given by different psychologists regarding socialization but the most known theory is a social cognitive theory which is given by bandura.


What is cognition?

In psychology, cognition is the newest field. Earlier, it has been believed by psychologists that we do not use the brain in the learning process. It has been fully established around 1980, there are many different theories given by many psychologists but most of it is given to the theory of Bandura.

The social cognitive theory is also known by three different names which are:-

  • Observational learning:- cognitive learning is also known as observational learning because in this according to bandura people learn by observation.
  • Social learning:- This theory is called the principle of the social lion because the people from whom we learn it are the people around us, the society in which we live is the people and the way they do anything.
  • Modelling (Imitation):- this theory is also known as modelling because a child imitates every person around him and by imitating he learns socialization.


EXPERIMENT:- To prove this bandura has done an experiment which is known as an experiment on bobo doll.

In this experiment, there was a child playing with a doll called Barbie dolls and at the same time, the child sees another boy inside the television playing with the same doll as the boy in the television group the hand of the bobo doll the child also broke the hand of the doll.

Another behaviourist was unable to explain why the child broke the doll’s hand but bandura describes it by his theory that it is all because of observational learning or social learning or modelling or social cognitive learning.



Vicarious means felt or experienced by watching or reading about somebody else doing something, rather than by doing it yourself, three are three kinds of vicarious

  • Punishment:- As we all have seen, if all the children in the class are making fun and anyone child is punished for it, then all the children themselves become calm themselves. This is an example of vicarious punishment
  • Reinforcement:- A good example of this is When a child scores well in the examination or in games he is awarded and everyone claps for him his parents give him give by this other child get to learn that if they will also do so they will also get awards and rewards.

So we get to learn vicariously doesn’t matter that if it is Vicarious punishment or reinforcement.

Causes of learning:-

According to bandura learning happens in reciprocal determinants (causation). Which is like this 

why this it is clear that environment affects behaviour affects cognition and communication effects environment for example -if a child goes to school and start sitting with good children he will learn good behaviour and he will copy them, on the other hand, the same child starts sitting with the people who are related to his environment like we see that there are groups in a class some students as good in studies they stay together some who are little bad in studies they stay together so this is how it works. In this theory, bandura tell us when another process of learning which is like



In this process that for learning something, first of all, we have to pay attention after that we e-learning which is known as retention after that we start doing that and when we start doing that it gives the result and motivate us to do much better.


Self behaviour modification

in this theory bandura also tell us that learning from others is important but still behaviour modification is most important. If a person changes his behaviour by his or her self and modifies themselves then they will achieve their goals and can be successful in their lives.

For achieving goals order self behaviour modification the first thing which helps the most is self-regulation. So the question is what we have to do to in self-regulation on what is self-regulation??

GOAL SETTING:- first thing we have to do for self-regulation is to set our goals which we want to achieve

PLANNING SELF:- after goal setting we have to plan things according to our goals

SELF-MONITORING:- in this when we plan how to achieve our goals and we see that we didn’t work according to our plan that is called self-monitoring.

SELF INSTRUCTIONS: after monitoring give instruction to ourselves that what we have to do to work according to our plan to achieve our goals.

SELF MOTIVATION:- after doing all the things and achieving our goals what we get a self-motivation.

The second thing in self behaviour motivation is self-efficiency.

Self-efficiency are of two kinds

  HIGH EFFICIENCY:- people with high efficiency have a positive attitude which helps them to achieve their goals and they believe that they can do it. For being successful it’s very important to have high efficiency

  LOW EFFICIENCY:- people with low efficiency have a negative attitude and They give up quickly but to be successful it’s important to never give up.

LEARNED HELPLESSNESS:– in these two terms, there is one more thing which is known as learnt helplessness. It is developed when a person tries again and again but he fails after that he believes that he can’t do it. It can be developed in both low and high-efficiency people.

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Written by Swadha-G

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Nidhi Dahiya

Very informative article…keep it up

Lutfia Khan

nice work

Brinda S

Very informative!

Manasi Bhosale

Very informative article. Good research done!

Disha Dhage

keep up the good work

Disha Dhage

well written

Disha Dhage


Disha Dhage


Disha Dhage


Disha Dhage


Disha Dhage


Riya Rajkotiya

Very informative article

Riya Rajkotiya

Good peice of work

Jigyasa vashistha

very very informative … keep writing:)