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How much do you know about Down Syndrome…?!! `_(-_-)_/`

Down syndrome is a common congenital chromosomal anomaly which is found worldwide. Check your knowledge score about DS..???;) All the best

  • Question of

    Commonly How many chromosomes are there in a person having down syndrome

    • 46
    • 45
    • 47
    • 48
  • Question of

    Which pair of chromosome effect this syndrome

    • 21st
    • 23rd
    • 22nd
    • 20th
  • Question of

    Which is not a symptom of down syndrome?

    • Slant of eyes
    • developmantal disability
    • small teeth
    • constipation
  • Question of

    Which of the following is not a type of down syndrome

    • asperger’s
    • trisomy 21
    • mosaicism
    • translocation
  • Question of

    How to permanently cure it?

    • Speech Therapy
    • No cure
    • Cognitive Behavior Therapy
    • Schooling by a special educator
  • Question of

    This syndrome is name after which British doctor ?

    • Jean-Étienne Dominique Esquirol i
    • Édouard Séguin
    • Sigmund Freud
    • John Langdon Down
  • Question of

    which is the leading human rights organization for all individuals with Down syndrome

    • DSN
    • WDSN
    • NDSS
    • NDS
  • Question of

    In which country Down Syndrome is most common

    • India
    • USA
    • Brazil
    • Mexico
  • Question of

    Is it true that people having DS can never to lead a fulfilling and productive life even after people’s support and early age therapies??

    • Can’t say
    • No
    • Yes
    • Maybe…
  • Question of

    Which fact about DS is wrong?

    • Down syndrome occurs in people of all races and economic levels
    • We celebrate World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st.
    • Patients with DS are not capable of forming all types of relationships with people they encounter during their lives
    • DS leads to stunted growth in the child
  • Question of

    Hope you enjoyed the quiz:)

    • Yes;)
    • Not so much :b
    • Neutral-_-
    • Nah!:(

Written by Ananya Praveen

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  1. Hey Ananya!
    I appreciate your efforts to create engaging quiz questions but at the end, you asked for the feedback and among all options only ‘yes’ is being reflected green. You can edit your settings if you are asking for feedback.
    Rest of the questions were smartly constructed

  2. It’s so sad that people often misunderstand what down syndrome is and they really generalize how people should be who have down syndrome. You made a great effort in the form of quiz to educate people and also engage them through the quiz.

  3. All questions were smartly constructed and reflect your effort, great quick quiz. There seems to be something with the last feedback question. The yess is only green, take that into attention. Great quiz though!

  4. It was very informative from your end. There are lots of kids that I have come across having this syndrome but people behaviour towards them is in a very much uneducated way