How do we usually see? Our retinas are responsible for forming the image and those are taken to the brain by optic nerves for processing. What happens if there is a hindrance in this pathway? The hindrance could be happened due to the formation of lesions. Lesions are the abnormal growth of tissues in our body.
This blockage in the optical nerve track may lead to a visual defect condition called Anopia.
Qudrantanopia is an example of a visual defect just like anopia.
What is exactly quadrantanopia?
Quadrantonopia is a visual defect in which a quadrant of the visual field is affected in both eyes. It is bilateral. Exactly like in Anopia lesions are responsible for the blockage of vision but the formation area is different than in Anopia.
Causes of quadrantonopia:
This condition arises due to the lesions in the temporal and parietal lobes. It is also due to the lesion in the occipital lobe.
There are several types of quadrantanopia also present.
Quadrantonopia also occurs in addition to several other diseased conditions such as stroke, tumor, etc., It may also occur post brain surgery.
Types of quadrantonopia
Homonymous inferior quadrantonopia is a condition in which the vision in the same lower quadrant in both eyes is affected. It is mainly caused due to the lesion formed in the parietal pathway. Here the term homonymous refers to the meaning as same since the lesion is caused in the same quadrant in both eyes.
Similarly, in Homonymous superior quadrantanopia the vision in the same upper quadrant in both the eyes are affected. The main cause of this condition is that the temporal pathway which is also called Meyer’s loop is lesioned. This condition is often referred to with a Nickname ” Pie in the sky”.
Binasal quadrantonopia is a condition in which both the quadrants (either upper or lower) near the nasal cavity of both eyes got a visual defect.
Symptoms of quadrantanopia:
For people with quadrantonopia condition, somewhat their regular activities is affected to some extent. But this condition is not as severe as several other conditions like hemianopia.
They may have distorted vision, decreased night vision, and some hallucinations. But they can quickly adapt to the condition like slightly tilting their head to get the vision that has not been covered before in the visual field.
Treatment of quadrantanopia:
The treatment of this condition includes several optical therapies, compensatory therapy, and visual field restitution therapy. They are undergone various rehabilitation programs. Nutritional supplements like vitamins particularly vitamin A is also added to the treatment process.
The quadrantonopia condition is usually easily adapted by the people with that condition and they may adjust to those abnormalities and lead their life forward.
Quadrantonopia causes constraints in one’s vision and can be fixed with treatment but according to , this could be fixed only within the first 3 to 6 months of onset. After that period, the loss would be permanent. This was very insightful to read about! Really well presented and explained. Would be great if you could also add some references to go through at the end of the article.