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Difference between Ego and Self-Respect

If we consider our life as a line then Ego and Self-Respect are the end points of that line. One end point take us back in our life and another one constantly take us forward. We often confuse between what is ego and what is self-respect, it seems similar but it is not.

When you are carring only about your self not about others’ it’s ego. When you know your abilities, strengths, and uniqueness and your value at same time you respect others, listen to them and belive them it’s self-respect. When one have ego , He will see the whole world putting him self in the centre. Person becomes self centered. 

Knowledge and ego are directly related. the less knowledge, the greater the ego.
– Albert Einstein

When you become egoistic you overates your abilities and thinks like you know everything and you become rude with other people which are lower than you, You won’t even listen what they are saying. Ego has a tendency to break. Once you have self-respect it’s never gonna break.                                                                                                                 

Your self-respect has to be stronger than your feelings.

Once you have a Self-Respect you feel something positive about your self and you become more confident. You have a good quality of life with successful relationships. When you have a self-respect you know that No one is perfect and you respect them.                                                                                          

Now , We are coming to another side of ego. There is a positive side of an ego unless it controls your mind. We have a great example of bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan, He belived that he is a king when he was not so successful, that was his ego but he proved that and achieved huge success in his life. He is also know as “King Khan” . There is another great example of Steve Jobs.                                                                                                                                                                                              

  • Conclusion

Ego is bad but controled ego play a big roll in your success. It force you to do hardwork and makes you more focused towards your goal. In short , ego is not good but controled ego makes you very successful in your career and Self-Respect buid your personality that makes you human and makes you successful in your “life”.

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Simone Morarka

A short but crisp article! Well done :))

Simone Morarka

Looking forward to more of your work!!

Yashaswini Bhat

Thanks for writing on this topic. Short but scrip article.

Kritika Bhair

Very well written
keep writing
good luck

Komal Mishra

Nice work

Jigyasa vashistha

this is such a wonderful article!! thanks for writing 🙂

Jigyasa vashistha


Simran Rai

Informative and concise!

Simran Rai


Sree rekha k zenith

Short and crisp. Good writing

Prachi Piryani

Very well written. Short and all necessary information included.

Rithika Belamkar

It was smart that you didn’t make it long. Great job. Keep it up!


Good one. Keep writing.

Prerna Dash

Very comprehensive and relatable to the current situation.

Sneh Antil

Short, simple and sensational
Great job!!

Sneh Antil

Well done! Looking forward for more informative articles

Mehal Sampat

Much needed article and relatable examples of genuinely successful people !
Loved the Einstein quote!


This made me contemplate. Very well written!

Aleesha Joykutty

When any man is more stupidly vain and outrageously egotistic than his fellows, he will hide his hideousness in humanitarianism. …
If the egotist is weak, his egotism is worthless. …
I have never seen a greater monster or miracle than myself. …
Ego trip: a journey to nowhere.

Riya Rajkotiya

Beautifully Written

Riya Rajkotiya

Great job

Nidhi Dahiya

Amazing work. Keep writing!

Harsh Vikas Jain

A good topic and good start. Just a suggestion, there are a lot of punctuation and spelling erros. I am just saying for your betterment. To express yourself in short is an art. Keep writing.

Devashree Bhandare

Well written…but it’s too short dear..make it more informative.