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                                                                                                      First of all I would like to start my story with a flashback. I was a very bright, confident student until 8th grade. I and my three other best friends always secured the first to fourth position in class. I always aced every single written exams conducted in my school. Then there happens the twist where my life took an unexpected U-turn. This might seem silly, but our classes got shuffled in 9th grade and I lost my best friends to other classes with only one left with me. I felt so sad. I thought I might get over this soon. But I didn't. Then there comes my Physics teacher. She was new to our school. I think she quite liked my name that she always used to target me. Whenever she comes to class, she will ask me to come up to the board and solve a problem which I hate to do. She always asks me questions in front of the whole class. Also she always stood behind me peeking towards my paper whenever I wrote a test. This really affected my confidence. I became a joke to my class. Whenever any teacher calls me to answer a question, the whole class would turn back to have a look at me to see my nervous face which they found as a funny one. I started losing my marks and thus my confidence. I found it difficult to concentrate in my studies and I started getting nervous and anxious before writing every single exam. This started affecting my grade. My friends and parents supported me but still I missed my older classes and my older life. But somehow I managed to clear my class 10 with flying colours (thanks to my parents and friends). Then I took another bad decision in my life. I took Bio-maths in 11th grade. My life started going upside down again and I even forgot how to smile. Whenever I try to concentrate a class, the teachers will always mistook my concentrating facial expression as a nervous one. Once a teacher even asked my mother if there's any problem in our home during a a parents-teachers meeting just before my farewell. Then I realised this is not me and this is not how I should be . By chance I attended a seminar on Psychology and I started developing an interest in this subject. I always knew that I had a talent in me to console and motivate other people. So I decided this is it. This is my future. This is what I should be. So after completing 12th I enrolled for Psychology in a nearby college. Eventhough some of my family members tried to convince my parents to enroll me for medicine or engineering, my parents totally supported my decision. I will always be thankful to them for that. Now I am a first year Bsc Psychology student and I can confidently say that now I am doing something in my life which I love.





Simran Rai December 12, 2020 7:20 pm


It is wonderful that you are pursuing something that you love. Wishing you success!! 

R.Aishwarya December 12, 2020 7:30 pm


Very relatable events in 11th and 12th. But really glad you chose what you wanted and also great to know that you are feeling happy. All the best to you.

Prerna Dash December 12, 2020 9:03 pm

I can very well relate to your situation. No matter What people say about choosing certain career options, we should always follow our heart. Because our heart goes wherever the brain agrees to, we do our best wherever we are happy.

Mrunmayee Kulkarni December 12, 2020 9:06 pm

@namitham instincts are always about what u actually feel like doing or what you are confident about! I m glad you followed what you actually liked because very less people have the courage to go against all the odds.

Sneha Agrawal December 13, 2020 10:09 am

Hey I know that life never remains constant and change is a part of it.Real intellingence is the capacity for flexible adjustment to our environment.And being insecure and vulnerable at times is a part of life.Good that u found something to continue living life.Hope u succeed in life even more and have a bright life.All the best for the future.And most of all I hope Psychology guides u through life.✨

Aparna Jayachandran December 13, 2020 12:33 pm

Hii, after reading your story, I recalled how much criticism I faced for taking up psychology in my 11th. But thanks to my parents this is one decision of mine which they supported with confidence.

Harshita Vaswani December 13, 2020 12:48 pm

Every story is personal but I think I feel you. This is relatable and I've been here before. 

Thanks for sharing Namitha!

Shobha December 13, 2020 2:49 pm

Really impressed by your story as I can relate to it in my childhood I also losed my many friends and it was quite difficult for me and I am still suffering but after listening your story I am really motivated and I am quite happy that you are happy and Satisfied with your life decisions. All the best for your future ♥️

Shubhangi December 13, 2020 4:56 pm

I am so thankful that you found your passion and that your parents supported it. It takes a lot of guts to go against your relatives, especially in a typical indian family. I hope you continue to prosper and excell in whatever you do. Take care. 

16 Answers

I'm glad you chose what your instinct asked you to. Stick to what you want to do. Good luck💛


Something similar happened to me when I was separated from my friends after 10th. It was very difficult for me to adjust in new environment. 

Glad that you are pursuing something that you like ❤️ best wishes.


Woww! Such a heartbreaking but at the end a wonderful journey. Because only after a fall, success comes.

No matter how much failure you faced but at the end you are really at the place where you wanted yourself to be.

And in this era I feel so good that your parents are really supportive.

May you touch the greatest heights in life.

Good luck🌟


Hello Namitha, that's super cool of you approaching life and giving every situation a positive hit despite some bad situations you have faced. Many school students facing such situations would for sure develop a good will and courage to smash their problems after reading this . Thanks for sharing such an inspiring journey. keep going...best wishes



You did amazing.  It was not at all silly you showed immense strength to fight it.  Thank god you chose what you loved.  

All of my well wishes!:)keep fighting for what matters. 


U made a great choice. 

be happy:)


Thank you for sharing your experience. It's soo good to see you overcoming all the hurdles and finally finding a field that you kove and are passionate about. Loads of luck for your future and hope you continue to shine bright always 😊


I really wanna appreciate, you for taking the subject you have interest in and your parents to support you and your decision!!! 


heyy senior!i did the exact same thing. I choose not follow others paths. My parents too forced me to opt sci but i decided to choose humanities.  I am glad that i am sharing this beautiful platform with this courageous person.♥️


Thanks for sharing your experience. I loked the way you continued to study what you wished for. I hope you get to enjoy your bachelors. Wishing you all the best!!


Glad that you are doing what you love and since you are pursuing Psychology, I suggest you to actually know and research before giving your view to someone. Do not follow google in any way no matter what. Follow only books and if you have doubts ask your lecturers. Don't even get carried away by the stuff they say on social media and google. All the best and keep learning.


Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. I'm sure it will inspire others 💖


Dear friend, let me start this message by reminding you that feelings are never wrong, silly, unacceptable. All feeling are valid, all emotions are valid. So you getting affected by not being able to study with your friends is completely valid. I understand this on a personal level because I too have a group of friends who ace the academics with me. Furthermore, I also understand how the little things that happen in institution/classroom environment affect us deeply and overall. I am so glad that you stumbled but found your niche pathway. All the best for your future. And whenever you tell this story again in future, never say that these things were petty or silly or that you were naive that you got affected by these. This is just how we humans, be humans.


So glad to hear that u r doing what u love. Even though thw discovery in this subject was late due to horrible circumstances, u still made it till here and i am proud of u😊. Giving u loads of wishes of good luck for ur journey ahead! Keep shining💫


I feel so happy when people chose what they love no matter how many hurdles come❤️🤗Best wishes


Hey thank you for sharing this beautiful experience with us. I am glad that i am sharing this beautiful platform with you.
