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Turning Point

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I have never cared about marks but there was a time when I believed in cut throat competition during my 11th & 12th std because I wanted to prove to my parents thst taking up humanities isn't a vague decision of mine. Helping friends was always my thing, I helped around every friend of mine for studies specially.

Boards were near I was all get set ready for giving my boards exam, everything was ready in my mind just like a map that I'll score 80% and have my specialization in Psychology in Xavier's College but you know it was all in my mind I scored 69% not so sad but real sad part was all my friends who studied from MY notes got admission in Xavier's and this was really tough to sink in.

I had no one standing by my side at this point just had 3 people around my parents and my best friend. They were my support system I couldn't explain how difficult it was for me to go through it but anyways I managed to get admission in MSU and realised that was the best decision of my life.

PS: whatever happens, happens for good.

Aashima Kathpalia December 12, 2020 9:51 pm

@grishavora true though , no doubt you never know that something good is coming your way !! ❤️ ❤️ 🌺 🌺 🌺

Prerna Dash December 12, 2020 10:01 pm

@grishavora never lose hope and you'll always succeed. Never stop learning and always be optimistic.

Diya Rao Jaini December 12, 2020 10:07 pm

@grishavora this is such a lovely story to hear! I'm glad you're satisfied with your decisions 🙂

R.Aishwarya December 12, 2020 10:21 pm


What you have said is extremely correct. Life never goes the way we expect, but it doesn't mean we can lose our confidence. Staying strong is the only option. All the best.

Femitha Rachel Ebby December 12, 2020 10:54 pm

@grishavora Hey Grisha. Sometimes, as you mentioned--- life takes unexpected turns, mostly for our own benefits. I relate with you quite a bit, because I also had taken up Humanities in my 11th against my parents' wish. Those two years, I kept studying even when I should've been resting. Right now, I am doing something completely different from whatever I had done all the 20 years of my life.

I am happy to hear that you're in a much better place now. The fact that you emerged stronger and hopeful from the experiences you've had displays how resilient you are as an individual. I hope you influence and make others' lives a happier place with that energy you've got and the resilience you've built for yourself through these years of hard work and realisations. 

Good luck for all your future endeavours. 

Anagha Rohankar December 12, 2020 10:59 pm

@grishavora  heyya 🌻 buddy. I was also disappointed just like uh for not getting the desired clg but uh know what i learnt. Clg doesn't matter at all in this era okayy. What matters are ur skills, passion nd ofcourse dedication so keep calm nd hope uh explore more.

Keep Growing 🍀

Cheers ✌️

Shraddha S. Kambli December 12, 2020 11:07 pm

@grishavora true that whatever happens, happens for good. Thank you for sharing this. Stay positive.

Harshini December 12, 2020 11:48 pm

@grishavora The last thing u have mentioned is what everyone have to understand 💯..Lovely story and Wonderfully narrated.

Karisma December 13, 2020 12:01 am

@grishavora hey, it's so true, 'whatever happens, happens for a reason that maybe at that moment we don't appreciate or understand but eventually we see that the outcome is actually much similar and sometimes even better than what we hoped for.' It's great to know that you didn't let a small blip change your choice and now you are happy and on our way to your destination. 🙂 

Kritika Bhair December 13, 2020 12:04 am

@grishavora I agree whatever happens happens for aa reason

We never know what God has decided to serve in our plate next. So always give your best and never lose hope!

Good luck 😃

Aanandi khanna December 13, 2020 12:14 am

@grishavora thnx this was needed

Prachi Piryani December 13, 2020 12:31 am

@grishavora Hello. such a brave girl you are. Putting up here your life story isn't easy girl. You did it. I am proud. And yes rightly said things happen for good. Keep that trust on yourself and believe me you will touch heights. You have lots of beautiful things waiting for you in the future. work hard and get them. Lots of love. <3

Shruti Shashidharan December 13, 2020 12:49 am

@grishavora I'm happy that you didn't lose hope despite such a disheartening experience! Thank you for sharing this! 🌻

Sneha Agrawal December 13, 2020 1:30 am

@grishavora Don't worry.People encounter hard times in their lives but these times gradually pass away.There might be a time that u will forget all about these days if hardships,and instead laugh around thinking about the whole situation.Definitely,whatever happens is for the best.Best wishes for standing strong in upcoming difficult encounters of life.👍

Aparna Jayachandran December 13, 2020 12:56 pm

Hey, I know how hard it gets. But we need to keep in mind, nothings goes the way we planned. Whenever i feel down there is only one things that keeps me i.e. Right things will happen at the right time.

Amrita Jain December 13, 2020 1:52 pm

do believe in yourself because if one door closes another opens may there's something more exciting out there which is planned for you.

Shatakshi Garg December 13, 2020 5:57 pm

This is a great experience to read about. I feel happy for you ❤️ never give up on your dreams

Mohini Agrawal December 13, 2020 8:09 pm

Hey! It's okay for plans to not work out just believe in yourself and keep going!

Kirtika Tiwari December 13, 2020 8:42 pm

Yes glad you made the right decision even when you were upset. Proud of you!

Akshita Wasnik December 13, 2020 11:39 pm

I really like your positive attitude, Good luck for your future milestones.

Manasi Bhosale December 14, 2020 2:29 am

Your percentage never define you. You are a lot more than that. Glad you found your way. Chase your dreams. All the best!! 


SUBHASHREE December 14, 2020 6:57 am

Life is full of unexpected twist and turns. All the best for your future. 

Ritu raj December 14, 2020 5:57 pm

All the best. Thank you for sharing your experience👍

Reva Garg December 14, 2020 6:29 pm

Hey Grisha! It is always a belittling and upsetting situation when our education system forces us to judge ourselves on the basis of marks. They are a product of flawed system and always remember, YOU ARE NOT YOUR MARKS! More power to you. All the best <3

Janvhi Agrawal December 14, 2020 6:33 pm

Yes, life tests you in it's own way. but it only makes us stronger. All the best for your journey 😀 

Shobha December 14, 2020 6:38 pm

Hey I am glad that now you are in a college and that's really ok that sometimes we plan a lot of things but God has also many different plans for us and I believe everything happens for a Reason anything good is always there what the things are happening to us now . I am happy that your best friend and your family is with you ..I hope you achieve everything you want in life now god bless you ♥️

Poojitha December 15, 2020 12:38 am

I'm happy that you got over that phase. Education is such a stressful thing in India. And I'm also happy that your parents were there for you when you needed them. Parents are always going to be there for us no matter what. Anyway all the best with you course and life. I hope you fine everything you want and all the happiness 🙂

30 Answers

Girl! Me also humanities student! It's glad to know u had a well defined plan in ur mind about ur future in 12th itself! Dream high and conquer the world!❤️

Sani Lavakush December 13, 2020 8:20 pm

I was always demotivated by my parents. They still think that I cannot do anything in my future. I'm never appreciated not even after scoring 97% in my boards examination. Just like you, I also had my elder sister who supported me when nobody did. She motivated me and guided me through.


Hello Grisha, 'whatever happens, happens for good.' - rightly said buddy. The best part is you didn't give up on your passion just for the sake of marks and that's really great. stay positive as always 😊 😎 


How leftout you must have felt then, and yes whatever happens happens for good, you now got to know who are actually your people to rely on, and others will one or the other way be grateful to your help some point of time. Goof luck


All of us have our turning points and your turning point is a one that almost all of us face in our everyday life. We all have expectations and then they break but again we learn from everything and we become better versions of ourselves. So this turning point should have definitely made you a better version of yourself. We all grow and that one incident changes us. 

But I'm glad your turning point got the best of you....




We Always have to be positive...

Something great will really happen...!!!



Thanku for sharing your experience.



This message was so wholesome to read. I am glad you were able to deal with your bad times and are now in a better place and happy. I understand you. I too believe in your last line. It is so important in life to take a step back, from time to time, sit down and connect the dots, only to realise that whatever happened, happened good. The system that this world runs on is so toxic and it wants us to believe in the virtue of competition. But knowledge should be above competition, right? I hope everyone sees that. All the best for your forthcoming learning. 


Heyy m too humanities student and like yours my mother too forced me to opt sci or commerce. I hated when society people used to say "you will waste your life in humanities stream " but i will prove them wrong!

Thank god i am sharing this platform with beautiful souls♥️


Your experience is inspiring to each and every individual. I hope you continue to reach out people especially school students about how your passion can take you wherever you want to reach in life. All the best!!


I completely get what you are going through . So I had This friend of mine , I felt really close to her and I would wake up at 4 am and teach her lessons on video. Call but after explain a bunch of chapters my exams came near and I did not know physics ( I had learnt chem and before I could do phy she said teach me chem and I’ll teach phy so I spent time teaching chem when I was suppose to learn phy ) and I said that it’s late and now your turn to teach me but she had done her physical and bio earlier , chem I explained to  her . So her bailed on me and said her she has to do her revisions so Ilearnt not to ever help other self lessly. I even helped her with notes and class exams and she helped with none , she got an amazing score in all but I barely got passing marks in physics  . So I ended up growing and learning . If we look at the positive side of it 


omg, we have the same situation almost. It's just that I got a 96 but still didn't get into any good colleges. I was shattered honestly. But now that I'm in college, I really like it here, the people are nice! I'd love to have more conversations with you !


Hey! Information is relatable I was once gone through the same phase. It will be definitely a tough situation though to overcome that. Too good to hear u have achieved it. Just keep going. All the best dear.



Rightly said❤️🤗

I am so proud of you❤️Warm hugs🤗


Hey Harisha!!

I know degree has value but experience is much more important than degree. 



It's soo true when you say whatever happens it's happens for good. Some time these small failures in life can lead to big success in the future. It's great to know that you had your goal set in the start of your journey, even if u couldn't reach it, you achieved something better and the main part is make sure your happy and passionate about what you are doing. Hope you have a great future ahead!


Hey , hope you're doing good now. 


Beautiful written. And I can surely relate with this.


all the best for your future!!! and you were right "WHATERVER HAPPENS, HAPPENS FOR A REASON" ❤️ 


Hey strong soul. 

I know now we say marks don't matter but in our immature years with the kind of deadly competition we come into the influence.  But just know this, colleges don't matter.  A person with no education can also earn money and fame. Marks don't matter too.  What matters is the hunger for knowledge and the determination to do what matters. 

I'm proud of you. 

All the best. 

God bless:)


Hi Grisha!

First of all, don't get disappointed or dejected by anyone or anything. Getting the college and university is not of much importance in the matter of your professional success. 

Second of all, if you understand the subject and know how to implement it, then the marks you scored in class 12th are immaterial.

Best wishes for you future,



Yes everything happens for good. Maybe you giving your notes to someone helped them in their life. So don't regret that and move on with your life. Hope you will be happy ahead in your life and brave to overcome your difficulties.


Yes, so you should never give up. the best might be just a step further.

good luck!


Hey, marks never define what a person is...all the best !


I know how you feel...I went through almost the same thing but I learned that in any field you go even psychology it's not the college that matters but the skills you have. Having a great college does make things better but trust me with good skills no degree out there can compete with your skills so just develp your skills.


I can't say enough that how strong you've been throughout. All I got to say is we are all proud of you and your decision to take up Humanities and all the very best for future.


Grisha, you're absolutely right when you implied that some things are just meant to happen for your own good. Live and let go. Study hard, and have faith in your fate.🧡

Beautifully written! And congratulations on your success!💗


I would say I don't know about who stays and who don't because I had a bad experience with people but what I have learnt and heard is that family always stays. So, don't rely on anyone and just be strong for whatever life throws your way. 


People leaving made one thing clear that who all will be there in your bad times when you need support and those are the true people and rare people you have, treasure them because some people do not have even a single person to talk to or they have been betrayed so much that its hard for them to trust anyone and believe me that situation is really painful.


hey dear,  turning points are part of life otherwise it's just simple and no fun. 

And I want to say you one thing... Doesn't matter what you are doing now,  just keep one thing in mind life is really big,  do everything your soul want to do dear.  No one is stopping you from holding multiple degree and doing what you love.  Become financially independent and keep doing what u love. You can do anything anytime. 🤘


This is a great experience to read about. thank you for sharing and i just wanna say a thing ups and downs are the part of your life and everything happens for a reason so please keep believing in yourself and your hard-work will pay off. ❤️ 
