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My guidance to Psychology and Literature.

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Hi, this is Rashmi. Warm welcome, I hope you're having a great day. As per my title, you may be tumbling here down to really look of what type of guidance I might be providing. It's actually nothing unusual or far from normal. My guidance through life would be (obviously which I have learnt due to Psychology) is Try to learn from everything possible.” For example, I recently had a fight with my close best friend due to personal reasons, more like not giving enough attention to her than others. Things are supposed to get toxic sometimes, doesn't mean you have to allow it to harm you. The most I could have learnt from that is firstly, to be verbal about the things you want, the way of love you want or even care. Secondly, relationships, any type of relations do get boring, toxic or irritating sometimes. You feel like giving up, letting go. But the greater prospect would be, if both the partners would be ready to fight through this. No relationship is always rainbows and lilly, it's upon us how we let it flourish or fall down. And most importantly, “Do let the other person know how you feel, being verbal is never a black dot to your respect.”

Aparna Jayachandran December 13, 2020 12:20 pm

Hey, I completely agree with you. I feel in today's time it has become more than necessary to communicate properly what you are feeling and get those negative things out in the open and sort it out.

Harshita Vaswani December 13, 2020 12:38 pm

Dealing with a little dispute myself with a friend of mine. I needed a reminder that no relationship is all Lillies and rainbows and bad stuffand toxicity do come along the way tand that if we really want us to be together, we'd make it through.

I guess I've lost dozens of relations the moment it turns toxic

What really matters is if we want to fight

I'm repeating you haha 😂 

But this is really something I need to remember

Thank you for sharing Rashmi!

Simran Rai December 13, 2020 12:42 pm

This is so true!! Instead of ignoring others and being silent, we should be communicating. Communication is the key!! Instead of bundling our feelings inside, we should be open about them.

Divya Chopade December 13, 2020 2:55 pm


Thank you for sharing dear ! Even I have in such situations , it's hard to prevent it from harming us! 

I really felt good reading your bit !❤️


Karisma December 13, 2020 2:58 pm

I completely agree, every relationship will have it's ups and downs and just because at times it will be going smoothly doesn't mean you stop putting effort into maintaining the relationship. And yes expressing yourself is very necessary especially in a relationship, just expecting the other person to understand always will only cause miscommunication and disrupt the relationship. 

Elysia Fernandes December 13, 2020 8:59 pm

So accurate! So beautifully written! You’re doing a great job. Wishing you all the best in your future 💖

Aishwarya December 13, 2020 11:22 pm

Very much of a wise advice regarding toxic situations. Thanks a lot for your guidance! Have a good day!! 😀 

Sayeeda Zaiba December 13, 2020 11:22 pm

Hello Rashmi. I totally agree with you. We often think that people will understand but we tend to forget that communication is the key to build an understanding between each other and maintain a good relation. 

Pooja Choudhary December 14, 2020 11:03 am

@rashmiparab Relationships of any kind can be a challenge. I have been there, done that kind of toxic relationship where I wasn't allowed how to feel. When I expressed my emotions I was shut down. I WASN'T EVEN WRONG. 

Never let anyone tell you what to do, except those good friends who actually pull you out the rabbit hole and think what's best for you! 

6 Answers

Yes, cant agree more. No relationship is perfect, but its not like they dont happen at all. When misunderstandings are ceased to happen, then any relationship can bloom and blossom. Great knowing ur experience. Goodluck for ur journey ahead💫


Rashmi, you addressed the most important issue that is lacking these days, Communication. It is very important to realize that letting others know how we feel in a relationship and communicate directly with the one we have issues with plays a vital role in progress and strengthening relationships. You explained it really well with an example. Keep it up and all the best for your future.


Yes, in full agreement about your views about relationships. They can't survive and thrive until we are vocal about our needs and wants. I've realized this the hard way and am still in the process of learning to be more vocal. This is how relationships work, by sharing your thoughts and not suppressing them; and I'm not talking just about romantic relationships here, it may be friends, parents, colleagues anyone. This was such an understated yet important point. Thank you for putting it out there🌸


You are so correct. Thanks for sharing your experience. Loved your ending statement


Hey, you've penned it down so beautiful and it makes absolute sense. I believe that all relationships have its own journey, own pathway and own expiry date. When we fail to realize it, take things for granted, di not nurture our relationship, we experience boredom, irritability, anxiousness etc. Either we stretch a relationship for too long and unnecessary or we give up on it before time. I agree with everything you've said. It is so important to be expressive, communicative and authentic. And Psychology, from the very first thing, teaches you this. Use all the knowledge of Psychology and have healthy relationship with self and everyone around you, this should be your primary goal while learning Psychology


Here is a very important lesson you taught me. Often times I feel if I speak up, I'll be offending someone. But I'll try to keep in mind that speaking up lets people understand you and if someone gets mad at you for speaking up maybe they're not right for you. Thank you and good luck!
