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High school

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Hey everyone,

I'm kshithi from Bengaluru, High school was not easy for me, though I expected it to be like one of those high school movies. So I was pretty good at my studies in high school and yes I was referred to as the " teacher's pet ", although I had friends, it turned out most of them were fake, my 8th-grade classmates had created a group against me which was named as " protest against kshithi" when I found out about this I was devastated I felt like I couldn't trust anyone. I felt so lonely .. no one wanted to be friends with me,  a few juniors who I knew also stopped talking to me. It took me a lot of time to come out of it. this made me have a lot of trust issues and I started doubting myself which I eventually came out of, but most importantly what I learnt out of this was no one is permanent and most importantly to love myself no matter what. This is one of the reason's why I chose to study psychology and help people dealing with issues. everyone needs to be heard.

This topic was modified 4 years ago by kshithi
Ilhaam Shaik December 12, 2020 2:23 pm

@kshtihi I'm glad that your main focus is on helping people as well as helping yourself!

Faiza Naved December 12, 2020 2:27 pm

@kshtihi i believe its takes alot of courage to talk about the negatives or fallbacks in our life, its a really nice thing that you have put yourself out by talking about it. I hope that you are able to make a change in other's life and yours,  its very important to always take a positive approach. 

Gurleen Kaur December 12, 2020 2:29 pm


i’m so sorry you had to go through that shitty phase. But i’m goad you are recovering. You got this, nothing is permanent but you have got to keep your own back. I wish the best for you. 

Gauri Kakar December 12, 2020 3:19 pm

@kshtihi I'm sorry you had to go through such a tough time. It takes a strong heart to deal with issues and speak about them, More power to you! I really appreciate you mentioning the importance of 'talking about issues'. Rightly said, everyone needs to be heard.

Sajjithra Subbian December 12, 2020 3:39 pm

All the best for your future and thank you for sharing

Yashaswini Bhat December 12, 2020 3:53 pm

@kshtihi thanks for sharing your story with us. You know half of the aspirant's who want to become psychologists have gone through similar situation including me. More power to  you as you thought about others as not many people do that. worm hug from my side.


Kirti manaktala December 12, 2020 4:01 pm

@kshtihi You've come a long way and you are a very strong woman. I m proud of the person you are. I hope in future you establish connections with better people. You aren't alone. I wish you lots of luck for the future. Here for you. 

Stay safe and take care. 

kshithi Topic starter December 12, 2020 4:40 pm

Thank you so much all of you! sending my wishes to all of you

Shobha December 12, 2020 4:44 pm

@kshtihi umm honestly I am proud of you that everybody is so mean but you are studying psychology to help other people and your story is just like me and that good that after some time we realize that no body is permanent it's the bitter truth of life love yourself the people who want to stay in your life was stay no matter what

Namitha M December 12, 2020 7:50 pm

@kshtihi Thank you for sharing your experience .. More power to you!!keep going... Best of luck

Amrita Jain December 12, 2020 7:56 pm

@kshtihi you surely might have something special in you to which everyone jealous. do remember haters hate those who are better and smarter than them. you believe in yourself because wherever you grow you will find such people are prevailing around you to grab and put you down.

Diksha Tarnekar December 12, 2020 8:07 pm

@kshtihi I am so sorry that you went through this. But I'm so happy, that being a rebel, you chose to stay kind. You are so strong. I'm so proud of you. Looking forward to know you more

 All the best for future.

Diya Rao Jaini December 12, 2020 10:24 pm

@kshtihi i'm really sorry that you had to go through stuff like that. I hope you're doing better now. I think it's really brave of you to talk about these things on such a platform. Best if luck and take care. More power to you <3

Divya Chopade December 12, 2020 10:37 pm


It takes guts to put out your story in front of thousands of people. Proud of you my friend ! 

Stay strong ❤️

Femitha Rachel Ebby December 12, 2020 11:28 pm

@kshtihi Hey Kshtihi! I appreciate you for sharing your story. It must have taken a lot of strength on your end to actually share a personal experience with us. High School can be hard---- and so can life in general. However, what makes me smile and what really matters at the end of the journey is the fact that you've made peace with it and have decided to focus on what is the best for you. You must have surely inspired people from your age group or older or younger individuals who are possibly going through similar experiences you've encountered in the past.

Yes, I also agree with what you said! Everyone needs to be heard. I hope you get as many chances as possible to listen to others' stories, give them space to speak out, and to be compassionate towards the entire human race. Although High School wasn't easy, it did bring out a stronger version of you! 🙂 That's great to know. 

Harshini December 12, 2020 11:40 pm

@kshtihi so that's how pain changes people. So glad to acquire the oozing positivity from you. It's always our choice to stay in dark or to be the light. Wishing you a great future ahead!!

Kritika Bhair December 13, 2020 12:41 am

@kshtihi sorry to hear that but proud of you that you faced that phased well

Good luck 😃

Karisma December 13, 2020 3:09 pm

That must have a lot of courage to speak about and so good to hear that your rose above it all and are doing something so good for the society. Honestly high school is the most toxic place, everywhere you see you'll find competition, the only true friend you have is yourself and thus taking care of yourself should always be the priority. Hope you the best in life. Sending abundance of good vibes to you 😀

Sneha Agrawal December 13, 2020 5:50 pm

Hey!! Reading your experience I can just say you are immensely strong and keep moving ahead.U have some unique ability that those people who are standing against you are jealous of. U need not worry at all.And of course I am very impressed by your motive behind taking up Psychology.Keep up the good work!!✨👍

16 Answers

Hey Kshtihi! You're a strong human being. Keep going on ,you're doing a great job. 

kshithi Topic starter December 12, 2020 4:38 pm

@amikukadia That's really sweet of you! thank you so much!


It's really short 😞. I  really feel I could hear more from you  Good way of writing I liked it😉we could build a lot of experience like this . Good going. 

kshithi Topic starter December 12, 2020 4:37 pm

@sreerekhakzenith Thank youu! you will hear from me..hope you're good too..


Hey Kshithi, I'm really sorry to hear what you've been through and I understand how you must've felt. But, I'm really happy that you're here now and the way you're looking ahead in life. The beauty of Psychology is indeed in the fact that it not only trains us to be there for others in a better way but helps ourselves be better and wiser. Let's spread the word and help humans be better, kinder. I'm happy you're here with us ❤

kshithi Topic starter December 12, 2020 4:34 pm

@jerrymum1999 truer words haven't been spoken. Thank you so much!


Hey it's nice to know that despite whatever happened with u , u r inclined towards helping other people. It's been great knowing u nd u r such a brave human being. 😊

kshithi Topic starter December 12, 2020 4:33 pm

@sanyogitasharma thank you so much!


Hey bravegirl, kudos to you for strongly standing during such rough phase am sure you must have learnt much from that situation and has even made you more strong ,i can relate to you on choosing psychology as my thoughts are the same, bingo 


Self love is important always. Psychology as a field encourages that. All the best!!


Hey Kshithi,

More power to you. Indeed everyone needs to be heard and no one deserves to go through experiences which make them doubt themselves. So glad you had the power to fight through all the negativity and use your experiences to help others. The most important love of our lives should be our self. Best of luck for your future.



Yes you can help people with psychology in their every day life problems 



Girlll, you are such a strong woman am sure here, you'll be inspiration to many people at least to me you are because moving on is not so easy and that too with something like bullying and I tell you are just BRAVE 

Keep going and Smiling.

Take care!! 🤗


I am so sorry to hear about the experiences during your highschool, hope you are doing much better now and you did a great jobb in overcoming it. It is extremely difficult to move on from something like that, it creates so many issues within you but I am glad to hear that you want to change things for others

kshithi Topic starter December 12, 2020 4:36 pm

@aratrika thank you and yes i am doing much better! hope you're good too..



Hey, I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you to go through something like that, and to gather the courage to speak up about it. I hope that you continue to realize your own strength, but that you also find people who will be genuine and honest. Developing and reworking on building trust can be such a hard thing, but I hope that you get the chance to do this, all the best 😘 

kshithi Topic starter December 12, 2020 4:33 pm

@janhavisiyer thank you! all the best to you too!


 Hello Kshithi, 'everyone needs to be heard.' - after these words you no more need to doubt yourself...these 5 words of you says all about your kind heart.

Break all the criticisms your way and fly high as you did my brave girl. Best wishes. 


hello @kshtihi

 i feel so proud and happy that you shared your experience and I just dont understand why people are so harsh on others but you came out of that phase much stronger..More power to you.. and yes you are absolutely right loving yourself is important!!!


Its really great knowing how no matter what circumstances, u accepted and loved yourself. I am proud of u. Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about. I totally agree to the fact that everyone needs to be heard. U are a warrior kshithi, more power to u! Keep shining💫


You are really a strong human being.💪

 You are inspiration to others.

That no matter what you have been through, it is about who you choose to be in life.

You wish to help other people.that's really great.

And don't ever feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.

Best of luck my friend ❤️



Hey! I know that world can be a cruel place sometimes but you always get something out of it, you learn from your experiences.The things that happened to you in high school, made you who you are today! It made you take up psychology as a career and that's really great! My high school wasn't great either but it made me strong headed and brave. Always look at the positives and know that there will be people who will try to drag you down but never give up. You are strong and I am proud of you!❤️
