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🥂 Rewinding

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It is easier recalling sweet memories than seeing repeated episodes of a few sour memories. Sour reminds me of lemons, my tongue's best companion. I belong to the third category. I like seeing the sour as sweet. It is better that way, isn't it ? ( it takes time but mind eventually settles down )

They say change is the only constant. Friends, places, family, likes, dreams - everything changes with time. This change is in fact beautiful. This defines a part of our individuality. I am filled with pieces of Bangalore, dosa, dogs, Chennai, train, books, sunrise, Mumbai, carmel, songs, alvas, vels, Phillipines, poetry, Moodbidre, fries, beach, lemons, rain, tau, SA, rides, kiwis, pictures, long texts, notes, dark memories and a few more people, who all our a inseparable part of me. This list will keep changing...and I believe it is a lovely change. 

I chose science in college hoping to be a doctor, but that was the first time I stayed away from my family in a hostel. I messed it up focusing on other things just like any other teenager. But government allotted me a medical seat that I could not afford. So I surrendered it back to the state board and studied two semesters of psychology in Chennai. To my surprise this has been the most colorful time in my life. I am glad I took these crazy stupid decisions. I record and replay them whenever I feel low. Now I study medicine at TAU, this too I could not afford but education loans helped me. I work in a café part time. Until my visa is approved, I have no other choice than to patiently wait at home.     

Growing up in a middle class brahmin family, I learnt everything the hard way. Over protective parents, nosy neighbors, unrealistic expectations, unnecessary restrictions rules, meaningless irrelevant customs and traditions. I prefer to keep this chapter closed. It is a dead-end. I deal things in a smart way now. Not every story is meant to be shared. Some are better untold.   

Sleep, dream, eat, learn *repeat* what we do apart from this is what keeps us alive. 

anshika singh December 13, 2020 10:28 pm

Power and hugs to you. I might be a lot younger to you, but yeah i could relate to you saying you've grown up in a family, among restrictions so i somewhat know almost everything you're trying to say out aloud. 🙂

Yuvanue chauhan December 13, 2020 10:37 pm

THANKS  for sharing your experience. All the best for your future and the most important present .

Aishwarya December 13, 2020 10:46 pm

So inspiring! Thanks for sharing this! 😀 

Gourinanda T S December 14, 2020 12:51 am

It's a good topic which you have chosen like 'Rewinding'. Most of us always rewind positive as well as negative experiences of our early life which makes us happy as well as sad in the same time. And the things you shared with us are some true facts. Hands off to you. 

Vaishnavi Aher December 14, 2020 2:42 am

Wow this was very well written, I absolutely loved reading it! Its true that somethings are better left untold. I follow this mantra too. But I hope you achieve whatever you dream for! You'll get through this and I'm so proud of you. Much love <3

Aleesha Joykutty December 14, 2020 10:45 am

 Most of us always rewind positive as well as negative experiences of our early life which makes us happy as well as sad in the same time. And the things you shared with us are some true facts. Hands off to you. 

Pooja Choudhary December 14, 2020 11:49 am

@sukrutha Sour as Sweet! That's a change of perspective. I like the way you enunciated how middle-class families see the world, and how the world sees them! 

8 Answers

Heya! Really liked your version of seeing the sour as sweet, would really want to develop such an attitude myself too. Nd yes, change is definitely the only constant and necessary too, without change our lives would be so dull and mundane. Nd I see changes in your life have given you so much exposure. So happy that u found your interest in psychology and you're doing what you like. All the very best for future!


Sending a bundle of blessings to you!❤️ 

You are so strong and brave. Congratulations on the laurels that you've achieved till now. May your journey be like a smooth sail from now on. Best wishes, infinite hugs and hope from my side.

Even if you never narrate your personal tale to anyone, it's absolutely okay. But always remember that you are NOT alone.

May god bless you with inexplicable happiness and infinite sweet memories sweetie.


Hello dear, 

I can so relate to you when you say overprotective parents, irrational customs and what not. All of us have some or the other struggles in life. I myself was such an anxious personality, and I think it was because of the raising and environmental around me. But I am still fighting it each day as I can see my symptoms improving. 


You stumbled upon psychology, but definitely wouldn't regret this!

Sending lots of love!! 


I like your perspective of seeing life. Lots of love to you ..


Your hard work and determination can be a source of inspiration to many. 😊 


I liked the way you write. Thank you for sharing your experience. All the best for your future! 🙂


*Queen alert*

*exceeding levels of maximum awesomeness*



Best of luck for your future, you are so brave am facing the same problem but in a different way
