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Are you a negative person? Check these 10 signs to know!

Article by : Payal Hora

At some point of our lives,all of us must have thought that are we a negative person? Or why do we get so bogged down when someone criticizes us? Not to be mistaken,being negative doesn’t mean that you are rude or playing damsel in distress. There might be so many ways by which you are bringing the mood down and you don’t even realise that. No one likes a party spoiler, so it’s better that you gauge your behaviour and work towards being more upbeat and positive. Here are the 10 signs that you are a negative person :

1.Judge! Judge !! Judge !!!

When sitting around with friends, we tend to gossip and pass harsh comments about someone. But it’s not a mistake on the part of the person you are bitching about,it shows a lot about who you are! You might find these judgements harmless but it is a sign of a negative person. Your friends will always be skeptical about you ,that if you can bitch about someone when with them,then you can definitely bitch about your friends with other people. Your partner’s will be scared that they will never be able to fulfill your expectations and if they don’t ,you’ll judge them and their efforts.

2.“It’s too good to be true!”

Do you feel that good things cannot happen to you? Do you always fear that something bad will happen whilst you are on the apex of ecstasy? Do you think that you don’t deserve that best job, person , relationship or friends that you already have in your life? Then my friend,the warning horns are blaring , because this is the sign of a negative person. By being so, you’ll take away from the happiness and little moments you get in your life.

3.Its just “I ,me and myself!”

For you,only your perspective matters and no,do not confuse it with having your own mind and doing what you feel is right. Having your perspective is that you drive every conversation or comment about something to your own self. The hardships, problems of any other person seems small to you in comparison to what you have faced. If someone says that travelling in local trains is so difficult,you filter it in your mind as ,that they haven’t faced anything as bas as you have faced in the past years travelling in local trains and they are just being cribs. Needless to say it makes you extremely self critical and negative.

4.Not trying new things is your safe home.

Everyone of us knows,that change is the only constant! But sometimes people become complacent in the constant and hold back from putting efforts to bring something new in their lives. We all get nervous when we are about to take a big plunge,but if you are not willing to give it a try,then that’s worrisome! Because even if you fail after trying, you can pat your back,that at least you gave yourself and the opportunity a chance to culminate into something good.

5.You tend to get jealous, more than needed!

This is the most common trait of the negativity one exudes. Getting jealous of your friends or colleagues over small things that that they have friends apart from you or they didn’t include you in their plans. But here your approach needs to change, because if you feel that urge to control your friends,then you should rather question yourself,as to what are you doing that your friends tend to distance themselves from you or not include you,or are you over analysing the situation?

6.Your past is still your present!

Our past is an inevitable phase of our lives,but it doesn’t necessarily imply that it will guide the compass of your future as well! Lamenting over your past, without taking reference that what wnet wrong and how can we change it so that we don’t commit the same mistakes in the future,then it will negatively impact our present. We need to build on the wisdom we gained from our past,that’s the key to a better present and future.

7.You follow the 4:1 ratio in reverse.

The 4:1 ratio is that you think of 4 positive things to counter the one negative thought that you got in your head. But people vibing on the negative side of the scale , have 4 negative thoughts in their mind to counter one positive thought. Self talk is an extremely important aspect when it comes to motivating ourselves and others,but having a negative self talk not only puts us down but we also become incapable to motivate others.

8.The future doesn’t excite you.

Pessimistic people often have a dim view of their future,neither are they willing to do something to improve what lies ahead of them. They tend to refuse to explore opportunities or gain new skills because they have already decided it in their head ,that whatever they dothey will not succeed.

9.Lots of complaints.

Negative people tend to whine a lot. They often think that they are the victims and everything is just meant to go against them. Losing their pen cap is as equal to losing money for them,and that will become a reason for them to crib about . They are usually prey to bad bosses and bad luck or even bad weather,but they seldom ignore that the mishaps might have occurred due to irresponsible behaviour or lack of efforts.

10.They suck energy out of you!

Negative people emanate negative energy and feed on your positive vibes. They tend to be demanding and inflexible. They want every part of your day, attention and time and if you fail to do so you are dragged down their negativity spiral, making you deplete of emotional energy and motivation.

   The ace method to deal with negativity is Gratitude! You need to have gratitude in your hearts for whatever you have right now or whatever you will achieve in the future,rather than complaining about what you don’t have. The more negative you are ,the more you block your success and if you find these negativity signs in people around you,then it’s time for you to run before you get caught in their negativity web.

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522 Points

Written by Payal Hora

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Ritu Mishra


Simone Morarka

A very informative article! Well done :))

Simone Morarka

Looking forward to more of your work !!

Yashaswini Bhat

This article is written really well. loved they way u wrote it.

Kritika Bhair


Komal Mishra

Really Informative.

Jigyasa vashistha

this is such a wonderful article!! thanks for writing 🙂

Jigyasa vashistha


Simran Rai

Wow! Interesting article!

Simran Rai

Worth Reading!

Ishita Saha

Amazingly written.

Riya Rajkotiya


Prachi Piryani

Very well written. right amount of information provided. good job. 😀


this is quite informative and good the writting style is good and simple to understand only 1 tip I have for you . if you had added some tips related to overcome this thing this article would be more informative . But keep up the good work

Prerna Dash

An article about negativity that gave me positivity. Very well written.

Sree rekha k zenith

Really interesting.

Sneh Antil

Wow! That’s flawless and informative as well
Keep up the good work 🙂


This made me think regarding my own thoughts. It was quite reflective! Thanks a lot!!


Of course! Anytime!

Aleesha Joykutty

“The key to happiness – or that even more desired thing, calmness – lies not in always thinking happy thoughts. …
“Beware of those who are bored and not passionate about life, for they will bore you with reasons for not living.” …
“Your thoughts carry you wherever you want to go.

Nidhi Dahiya

Interesting read with amazing content and concept