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4 Best Drinks For The Summer Season

4 Best Drinks of The Summer


  1. Lemon Water
  2. Green Mango Drink
  3. Cumin Water
  4. Butter Milk

Summer a different season comes with different veggies and fruits. We see different varieties of fruits and vegetables in summer from which we see in winter. It’s not just because of the season change, but fruits and veggies with higher water content tend to grow in the summer the most. It’s a pattern of our mother nature because nature knows that living things need more water in summer due to the aggressive heat punch of summer.


So let’s talk about some of the best drinks for your hot summer days.


Lemon Juice or Lemon Water  

Benefits: Boosts immunity, lite-on body, works as a natural coolant for our body, anti-oxidant


Raw or Green Mango Drink (Aam Panna – Indian Name)

An Indian originated drink. Mostly famous in south asia.

Benefits: Very tasty, Natural coolant and anti-oxidant.


Cumin Water (Jal Jeera – Indian Name)

Indians know the value of herbs and natural resources. They are using all these herbs and spices from ancient times.

Benefits: Works best to protect us in the summer wind, helps keep the body cool.



After curd and yogurt, we have buttermilk with less fat content.

Benefits: Buttermilk works as a natural purifier for your body, it helps maintain body temperature in summer.  

These are some of the best drinks for the season of summer. Instead of carbonated soft-drinks, we should use natural coolant. 

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Nidhi Dahiya

Beautifully written…

Brinda S

Much needed post

Amna Alim

much needed right now!

Anamta Khan

Nice article

Lutfia Khan

amazing and informative

Ritu Mishra

Lemon water and butter milk are my fav!! haha

Shyraj Muhammed

Really nice article on 4 underrated drinks…
The health benefits associated with these drinks are unparalleled…
Was really nice reading it…
I am going to get one of these now…

Jigyasa vashistha

Thanks for writing this… Loved it alot… 🙂

Sushmitha Subramani

Well conceptualized. Very interesting and useful article.

Joanna Ann Daniel

Now I’m gonna get my drink! Thank you for this lovely information!:) very unique topic

Yashaswini Bhat

loved reading this.

Akhil Nair

nice information

Kirti Giridhar
