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2 Min Read: Attitude of People Towards Mental Health in India

The attitude of people towards mental health in India.

Ignorance is often said to be bliss but when it comes to mental health, it’s not always the same as unless and until one is aware that health comprises of two critical aspects, one being physical and the other is mental, which often takes a back seat given the stigma around it. Although over the years, India has progressed and recognized different social aspects such as widow remarriage, homosexuality, ban on triple talaq, awareness on HIV, AIDS as non-communicable disease, collectively people at large still continue to discriminate and look upon differently individual suffering from mental illness. As a result, family although sympathizes with the sufferer in the given family, they hesitate and avoid recognizing the problem at the community level or within their society.

Treatment for the same is either not carried out at all or at best is carried out in a very confidential and silent manner. This leads to the treatment being less effective on the person being treated as he always has that fear and apprehension on the ongoing treatment as a secret to his friends and relatives and the public at large given the influence of social media in today’s world. Further, all these results in most individuals stopping the treatment midway or avoiding the treatment in totality due to the fear of being judged, discriminated and looked upon differently within his/her social circle. In worse cases, most of such individuals, who could have easily been treated and cured, end up committing suicide or other anti-social activities.

Further, it is a common feeling and misconception among people that expenses towards mental well-being, treatments or therapies are a farce and nothing but a waste of money and time, in addition to the prevailing fear of reputational and professional damage.

To conclude, this cynical attitude towards mental treatment can only evolve when more and more people open up and become aware of mental illness in the same manner like any other physical ailment such as cancer, or as simple as common cough and cold. With more and more famous Indian personalities, recognizing and opening up on their personal mental health issues, there is a silver lining for change in the attitude of common Indians towards the aspect of mental well-being.

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Written by Sohini Sarkar

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Brinda S

well written!

Amna Alim

that is so true and well written

Lutfia Khan


Lutfia Khan

well structured

Anamta Khan

A much needed article.

Disha Dhage

amazing article

Disha Dhage

well written

Disha Dhage

very informative

Disha Dhage

worth reading

Disha Dhage

keep up the good work

Disha Dhage

keep writing

Disha Dhage

will share

Disha Dhage


Disha Dhage


Disha Dhage


Jigyasa vashistha

thanks for writing …this is so wonderful article..loved it 🙂

Simran Rai

Great article!!

Kritika Bhair

well written
good luck

Riya Rajkotiya


Riya Rajkotiya

Great peice of work

Jigyasa vashistha

very very informative … keep writing:)

Athya Ashraf

Something that needs to talked about more often.
Keep up the good work!