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Tips to Ensure Healthy Parenting

8 Posts
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Parents are the sculptors. They are one of the most influential, if not the most influential, people in the lives of their children and have a great responsibility of contributing good human beings to the world. The following article enlists some ways of healthy parenting.

Would love to hear your thoughts or personal experiences 

Jigyasa vashistha December 16, 2020 10:00 pm

thanks for sharing ... im gonna read this article 🙂

Chestha Dengri December 16, 2020 10:26 pm

An interesting read 

Sabira Solanki December 17, 2020 2:12 am

An interesting and informative piece of work for parents actually wanting to adopt these valid points!

4 Answers

The article seems to be Short, simple and sweet. I hope parents take notice of such effective and valid points mentioned here. Ofcourse the age old beliefs and customs come into the picture, but the parents should know it is important to grow as the culture evolves and be flexible in their parenting styles. I personally think that the role of culture and these age old beliefs should have been mentioned here. 

Kriti Misra Topic starter December 16, 2020 11:27 pm

I'm glad you read it and contributed!


thanks for sharing ... im gonna read this article 🙂


I just read this.  Awesome.  Thanks for sharing 💛🌻


our childhood definitely lays the foundation for future development. 

ensuring a healthy childhood is a very important thing, and the parents play a great role in making this happen
