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What's your favourite thing to do? And what brings you here in this internship?

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Hello Beautiful souls❤ I am Akshata and I am very excited to be doing this with you guys. 

I am an aspiring Psychologist. What's fascinating about this field, for the people who don't know, is studying psychology gives your interesting facts about human nature and people around us, you might understand how little talking to others can tell you hell alot about them😍 I am never bored of ready psychological books. I hope you do too. 

   Hoping to meet new interesting people here. ❤

 I hope you have a great day and life homies❤😊

Tanisha Jain December 10, 2020 5:32 pm

@axuu Hello Akshata! I can totally relate to your fascination for this field. Studying psychology has made me a more empathetic person and a better communicator.  Hope you have a good day! Nice to virtually meet you 🙂

Akshita Wasnik December 10, 2020 6:30 pm

@axuu Welcome aboard fellow teammate, and indeed psychology is a really fascinating field. Great to have you here.

Diksha Tarnekar December 10, 2020 7:24 pm

@axuu Hey! It's so nice to know you. Looking forward to meet you.

7 Answers

Hi Akshata 


A very warm welcome and wishing you all the best

may you enjoy your days here 

Happy learning! 🙃

Don't forget to have fun! 


Hello Akshata,

Nice to meet you here. Welcome to this organization. It amazing to have such enthusiasm. Let’s keep connected through BuddingPsychologists. 😊

hope you have a great day!


Heyyyy senior 🤟

I am gladd i have such a beautiful person as my companion.

All thanks to budding pyschologist.

warm welcomeeee!!✨🌼


  • Hello Akshata , I completely agree with you about everything you said about psychology, it truly is a fascinating subject and there's always something new to learn. It's very nice to meet you! 

Hey Akshata, great to meet you.
Loving your enthusiasm and interest for psychology. My favourite thing to do would be debating as it is always exciting for me and my reasons for joining this internship are the generic ones.


Hola Amigo.

Yes Psychology is hella interesting and as unbelievable as it might sound, it's actually not that obvious or common sensical O.o

But, It's great to have enthusiastic people like you here! Let's get along well! 


Hello Akshata!!

Welcome to the community 🙂.

I also love reading books, especially books with content related to psychology. Hope to learn and work together.
