So, what is your ho...
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So, what is your hobby?

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Hello, this is Srijita. To answer the above question, my hobbies are to write, and paint. I'm coming onto terms with myself that I can't write really well or draw but I should as I like to do it, it's very hard. Also, I'm veryy inquisitive, and I love to know more about subjects that interest me,  and I like to listen to music aloot. I'm unsure of which field to go to, because I love all of it. 

Harshini December 10, 2020 9:31 pm

@being-ukiyoe-srijita hey hi !! hope u r doing good..And my hobbies are reading books, singing, dancing and writing

Mridu Goel December 10, 2020 9:55 pm

@being-ukiyoe-srijita hey! my hobbies are dancing, painting and playing piano. i also love to hear music a lot. hope to spend some time with you and listen to music together.

Aishwarya December 10, 2020 10:41 pm

@being-ukiyoe-srijita Hey! I am a writer as well! I love to write and read. I dabble into philosophy occasionally as well. I would love to hear more from you! Have a good day!

Nalini December 10, 2020 10:51 pm

@being-ukiyoe-srijita Hello and welcome! I love writing and art too! I also enjoy reading and cycling. Wishing you the best!🤗

Reva Garg December 10, 2020 11:13 pm

@being-ukiyoe-srijita Hey Srijita ! I hope all your expectations from this program are met! Glad to embark on this beautiful journey alongside you <3

Poojitha December 11, 2020 3:52 pm

@being-ukiyoe-srijita hii, just wanted to tell you that there are two types of people in arts, the ones who like to write or drawn or create anything to show other people. They get there happiness from that. But there's also another kind of people, they write for self happiness. They don't care about results or audience. So find out what kind of person you are, that will give you happiness. I hope you find your goal soon.

8 Answers

Hey srijita.I hope you are doing well.I love to help and motivate people.What about ur hobbies.??Looking forward to work with you


Hey, just another poetess who is obsessed with quotes and poems from budding authors.  I've also recently discovered my new found love for doodling although I'm just a beginner there. Apart from that I chug down coffee and mess around with my dog

Thinker/ Dreamer/ Believer


Hello friend ❤️

I think you should wait and by the time you will learn which field you have to choose. Well we can have interest in many things but there is always one thing above all ,we love more than anything else. You have to give yourself some time you will know what it is. 😊 

And very warm welcome my friend ❤️


Heyyy, my hobbies are reading books that match my preferable genre, and freestyle dancing!💫


Hey! Be calm, take time, discuss, research and choose and achieve your passion.


Hey Srijita 

Hope you are doing good and welcome 🌸 

Its good to interact with you and i like your passion of doing things that are hard for you. 

First ask yourself what field you want to work with what kind of population you want to work with and according to that choose your subject 

Wish you all the best 


Hi 🙋‍♀️. My hobbies are music , reading books and  playing chess . Hahahah . A very warm welcome to you . 😊🙌


Hello srijita, 

Everything that you've written about definitely hit home. I struggle with the same on most days. Although I have been focusing on doing what I like even if it is full of flaws and getting over the need of wanting to be perfect. I want to build on skills and grow. There is no growth without faults, mistakes or flaws right? You could instead call these opportunities of growth - it's a more positive lens to look through. Just do what makes you feel good even though if all you can see are faults... Trust me your work of art, whether in the form of words or visual is going to inspire someone or make someone feel something... And nothing can match that. You'll be surprised. 

Recently I created a peace of art and someone wanted to write a poetry inspired from it, it motivated me to work further and keep going. I believe in you... Just keep going.

As far as knowing what to do with your life... That's a tough question. Know that it's alright to go at your own pace and to be unsure of where you're going as long as you have some moments of happinesses in the small things. Your dreams can be anything. I for a long time and even now don't have a big dream... All I know is that I want to help people and make this world a slightly better place.  (A song I recommend is paradise by BTS. It helps me when I question my path and where I'm going)

You'll figure it at your own time. Make sure to build your character, values and staying true to you. Work will follow

I hope you're not alone and most adults don't know where they're going. We'll figure it slowly and steadily in our own time. Be compassionate with yourself and take care of you. I will stop now, I've gone on for waaay too long 🤭😂

Have a nice day 🤗✨
