Hello Everyone. I a...
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Hello Everyone. I am Diksha Tarnekar.

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I am a Law student. I love reading books and I absolutely love spending time with my dogs. I'm a Pawrent of 3 dogs. I write too. I hope you all are having good time at home and I'm excited to know you all.

Isra Meraj December 10, 2020 7:02 pm


Hey. Glad to meet you ☺️❤️ 

I hope we will have fun, learn and get to know each other by this platform ❤️

Supriya Pal December 10, 2020 7:04 pm

@dikshatarnekar hi diksha...i love reading too. I'll see you around 🙂

Tanvi Verma December 10, 2020 7:12 pm

@dikshatarnekar hello diksha, i love dogs too and i'm a dog mom too. Hope to see you soon in person and learn more with you 🙂


Sayeeda Zaiba December 10, 2020 7:44 pm

@dikshatarnekar Hello Diksha. I too absolutely love books and dogs, or any animals in general. I look forward to work with you and get some book recommendations.

Trisha Baunthiyal December 10, 2020 8:05 pm
  1. @dikshatarnekar Hey Diksha, So glad to see so many people from different backgrounds here and I love your dogs already !
Manasi Bhosale December 10, 2020 8:10 pm

@dikshatarnekar Hi Diksha. Welcome to the family. Sending love to your dogs. I love dogs too. 😍

3 Answers

Hii Diksha 👋 I'm so glad to meet people from others fields. So a big welcome from side😊 all the best for your future


Hey there! I have a mischievous 6 year old labrador too. And I'd love to read your writing if you are okay with sharing it. I like writing a lil bit of poetry too. Hope to have a fruitful internship with you😊

Thinker/ Dreamer/ Believer


Hey homie. I am a law student as well. Great to meet you. It will be fun working with you. I hope you are doing okay during this pandemic.

