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My Journey.

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Bonsoir à tous! I'm Disha. A third year psychology special student. 
I knew i wanted to become a psychologist when i was in the 9th grade. I have been studying psychology since then.
Another reason for choosing psychology is that i have been through anxiety and abuse.
I wanted to help people around me who are going through the same.
I was mostly bullied because of my skin color,being skinny and not curvy(like other the girls in my batch)in my school days
so i barely have good memories from my school time. I lost confidence and will to study because of it.
I constantly used to compare myself with all the beautiful and curvy girls in my school
and how i wasn't a 'FIT' to the beauty standards put forth by the society. i chose silence over interacting with other humans.
One good school gave me was friends. I found few jems in my school who are now my best friends.
Those guys never made me feel i was any less of a human.
Slowly, i started to accept my body and skin color and i can proudly say I'm beautiful!
So what if I'm not curvy? so what if i have a little more melanin in my skin? I am perfect!
Finally, I'm in my last of B.A Psychology and I'm planning on taking my Masters next year.

OH! A few things i would love to share about myself!

1.I'm a dancer (Bollywood & semi-classical mostly)
2.I'm a french language student
4.Dogs are my absolute favorite!(IF YOU OWN A DOG I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THE PICTURES!)

That's all for now! Feel free to ping me anytime,I promise I'll be there for you!


This topic was modified 4 years ago by Disha Dhage
Lavanya Bahl December 13, 2020 6:14 pm

Hi Disha! You're an amazing person with such brilliant qualities, felt so good reading your journey! I feel so happy for you that you've come to terms with yourself and are evolving as a person. I haven't seen you but already find your personality beautiful! I love pizza as well tho 😜 😍  I don't own a dog, but somehow I'm always surrounded by people who do...maybe I'm getting closer to petting one real soon. Hahaha! Would love to connect with you. 😊 

Mohini Agrawal December 13, 2020 7:43 pm

Hey! I am really proud of you for not believing in the society for whatever they feed people and chose to believe in yourself! You're doing great. Keep going. Good luck💘

Shraddha S. Kambli December 13, 2020 7:45 pm

Hey! Thank you for sharing. Wishing you all the best for your future. Stay happy and strong

Elysia Fernandes December 13, 2020 7:50 pm

Hey Disha! We share a lot of things in common when it comes to our love for psychology, pizza and dogs🥰🥰 So glad you could share your story with us. Wishing you all the very best for your future endeavours 💖

Shatakshi Garg December 13, 2020 8:30 pm

Hey disha! You're beautiful no matter what! Never underestimate yourself ❤️

Rithika Belamkar December 13, 2020 8:34 pm

Hey disha! Firstly thank you for sharing this because there are very few who actually speak out about some sensitive topics like this. Secondly, proud of you gal, Stay stong and stay blessed ❤️ 

Kirtika Tiwari December 13, 2020 9:33 pm

So glad you shared your experience. You're an amazing person. Keep shining,love.

vrinda tuteja December 13, 2020 10:11 pm

hi disha! it was absolutely refreshing to read your piece. you seem an amazing person and your confidence in self is ever inspiring. wishing you luck for your pursuit of masters. take care!!!! lots of love to you!!!!

Sukrutha Mudhol December 13, 2020 11:46 pm

hey there is so much warmth in your writing. I have a feeling that you will work wonders in this departments. Is pizza accepted as payment or cash ? 😆 I am sorry you had to go through all this in your life. I learnt a lesson that skinny people also get ridiculed for real. all my life I was abused by my parents and family for being chubby. I was hoping to be a skinny girl every second of my highschool. I have had a journey similar like yours so I can relate a lot. Dogs are my favorite people. If you want to visit benzo ( family member not just a pet) you are welcome home. also good luck with your master degree.  

7 Answers

Hi Disha, first of all I'm really proud of you that you overcame those challenges and have the positivity going on, knowing your value is so important and you learnt that. And Oh I love pizzas and love dogs but I don't have one, I've been craving for one for god knows how long. Looking forward to connect with you 🙂


Hey, very nice to know about your experience, so glad you found psychology and you were able to find help. More power to you ! Good luck and hope you're better now 


Hi Disha, first of all I'm really proud of you that you overcame those challenges and have the positivity going on, knowing your value is so important and you learnt that. And Oh I love pizzas and love dogs but I don't have one, I've been craving for one for god knows how long. Looking forward to connect with you 🙂


Really proud of you, self acceptance is the most important thing and it can be difficult sometimes. You're doing great, I hope you achieve your goals.


Great choice. All the best. Keep going.


Its so good to know that you have accepted that whatever bodytype or skin color you are beautiful. I was also one time used to think why I am not good as other but later on I started to believe in myself an now i just love myself 🙂 

I can totally relate to what you jave gone throught and i am proud of you that ypu have managed to overcome and help others to overcome it to. 
And i am very happy at how you are willing to put yourself out there of other people.
I now know where i have to go tk if i have any difficulties.
I am very happy to know that someone like you would be there for me.