My illuminating exp...
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My illuminating experience with Psychology

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I had been introduced to the subject of Psychology two years before,and ever since that day I have been exploring and delving deeper with interest into this field with each passing day.Psychology is not just a subject which deals with abnormal behavior or disorders(as per the myth).Rather it the scientific application of different theories to behavior in everyday life.Psychology kind of uncovers everyday life processes such as thinking ,memory,remembering.It also helps us to perform everyday mental operation in a better way.Ex:: Use of mnemonics for remembering things quickly,such as;- 30 days on September,April,June &November.It also touches the part of our emotional intelligence which again ,in turn helps individuals to understand oneself better,become sympathetic and also build long lasting relationships.The subject of psychology is not limited to a certain limit.For ex;- The branch of developmental psychology studies development of an individual in mental,physical,social and cognitive aspects throughout life.Lastly,as mental health us very much related to our physical health,it is this subject of Psychology that helps us understand constant patterns of our behavior in everyday life.To conclude,I would say my experience with Psychology has been illuminating and so I would encourage every individual to at least begin exploring this field on order to understand and deal with everyday life situations in a better way.

Mrunmayee Kulkarni December 12, 2020 9:36 pm

@snehaagrawal very impressive! Its great that you apply what you learn and what you believe in! Not everyone can do it. Sometimes people just say big things but never implement it themselves. But you did it ! Keep going .

Prerna Dash December 12, 2020 9:41 pm

@snehaagrawal you've applied your learning very effectively. I'm impressed by the way you expressed yourself. All the best for your future endeavours.

Diya Rao Jaini December 12, 2020 10:22 pm

@snehaagrawal It's really cool to see how so many of us share the same interests. Thanks for sharing your experiences!

Femitha Rachel Ebby December 12, 2020 11:22 pm

@snehaagrawal Hello Sneha. You've basically managed to sum up my whole first semester back in my UG in two paragraphs. Like you said, Psychology goes beyond the definition of it. I really liked reading this post, because you have also brought to my notice, concepts related to memory and developmental Psychology. I am particularly interested in Developmental Psychology; this field kind of helps me understand why different people belonging to different age groups behave the way they do. 

Thank you for bringing back the concepts of developmental Psychology to me. I had actually forgotten about how much I enjoyed this paper three years ago. I will be going back to read up on the books I had bought back during those days. Also, I wish you all the best. I hope you enjoy working on this platform. I also wish you good mental health and peace of mind during these hard times. 

A.Basu December 13, 2020 1:39 am

@snehaagrawalThanks for sharing your experiences in this field

Avantika Mehrotra December 13, 2020 2:19 am

@snehaagrawal Hello Sneha!

I am extremely impressed by your knowledge skills about psychology. Thanks for sharing this with us. Hope to learn more from you. 😉 

Harshita Vaswani December 13, 2020 1:01 pm

A good read

Thank you for sharing!

Saumya Srivastava December 13, 2020 6:36 pm

You've stated it right. Psychology is way beyond mental health. In school, I loved the Developmental Psychology chapter we had. It is always interesting to read about your own self, how a person develops, and what all can hinder it. Loved going through this.

Navleen Kaur December 13, 2020 8:06 pm

The way you talk about psychology shows how passionate you are about the subject and it is truly wonderful.I would love to connect with you.

Smrithi.S December 13, 2020 9:50 pm

Applying what we study in daily life is very important, keep going!

vrinda tuteja December 13, 2020 10:45 pm

hi sneha, how are you? i am glad to see we share our interests in the field of psychology. looking forward to connect with you and learn with you. take care and i wish you luck with all your future endeavours. 

Joanna Ann Daniel December 13, 2020 11:04 pm

Hey! I really like how you have explained some of the options in the field. Thank you for your story! All the best!

Gourinanda T S December 14, 2020 1:22 am

What a wonderful experience. Thanks for sharing it with us. 

15 Answers

I'm glad how you've given such a detailed explanation. It's nice to see more and more people taking interest in Psychology. Keep going💛


Kanishka Mendiratta December 12, 2020 8:55 pm

@ilhaamshaik Yes exactly! Psychology is something which can actually relate with our life and can really see things happening around us.

It's so interesting and fascinating.🌟


It is nice to explore different fields of Psychology. Psychology is applicable everywhere. Glad to know that you try to implement these theories in your life:). 



It's so nicee that you gave such a great and to the point idea about psychology and it's like Indian society specially has many misconceptions regarding the actual meaning of psychology and I just loved the effort to put in to make people understand this.

Keep going.

Take care!! 🤗



Hey Sneha, that's so impressive reading your work. Thanks for taking time in creating awareness to all the people out there...Best wishes for you to come up with flying colors in this field.


Hello! I'd like to say that you have summed up everything very beautifully, and I can relate to you alot ! I think what you said i very true, and that everyone should experience psychology sometime or another. I'm more fascinated with forensic psychology and neuropsychology. 


Hey!! This is an informative one. You nearly included everything. This is awesome 👍


Everything you said about psychology is so true , it's not just about the abnormal and disorders, it deals with so much more. It teaches you everything about life . And because it's an ever evolving subject so there's always something new to learn. 


Hey , this is so well written and I completely agree with you on everything. I have personally started researching in this field since the lockdown started and I was really fascinated by this subject , the  depths this subject goes to are really amazing.


So happy to read that you have highlighted the fact that psychology is not just limited to studying abnormal behaviour... that's just a part of this vast subject. You've summarised everything very nicely. Thank you for this informative post.


Hey! It was lovely reading this , very informative :)!



Thanks alott for the information on psychology. I am sure it was very helpful to every individual who is interested in psychology. It is truly a very vast and interesting subject that is related to our every day life. 


Glad to know your theory! And yes Psychological can be illuminating. 


Yup! The thing that shocked me the most is that psychology is so useful in our daily lives!


Very well written. Thank you for sharing!! 🙂


Great minds think alike. 😉 🤗 
