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My experience (Why am i here )

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Hii, I am a veterinary student and not linked to psychology by professional means but it is something which is connected to me by heart. Animal the voiceless creatures who can't speak but understand the language of love and kindness, In the same way, I believe that people that are fighting the battle within themselves need the same love and kindness. They need someone to listen to them, not advise but just listen and give them a warm hug. Mental health is something close to me. I always felt if by any way I can help people and raise awareness about it so that one day soon it will not be a taboo and people will normalize going to a therapist in the same way as going to any other doctor. This was my small journey through mental health, I hope that here I will learn more about it and we will be able to help as many peoples as we can.



Kanishka Mendiratta December 12, 2020 9:03 pm


I appreciate you for your efforts that even after pursuing the veterinary study, you're still following your interest  and that needs a lot of courage☺️

Good luck, keep working hard🌟

Gurleen Kaur December 12, 2020 9:06 pm


i’m so glad that mental health awareness is not just limited to people studying psychology. I hope you learn a lot and keep improving!!

Amrita Jain December 12, 2020 9:26 pm

@ayman-qamri it is good to know that you care about the one who are speechless and have such a soft corner for them.. someday yopu may combine this with animal psychology and can even develop new field and discover more about itt.....

Prerna Dash December 12, 2020 9:54 pm

@ayman-qamri animal behaviour is very much related to human behaviour. You can relate it closely. Keep on learning and experimenting.

Diya Rao Jaini December 12, 2020 10:11 pm

@ayman-qamri Working as a vet is something that must be so appreciated. You're doing some great work!

Vanshika Nagda December 12, 2020 10:18 pm

@ayman-qamri I hope you go a long way. all the best

R.Aishwarya December 12, 2020 10:27 pm


Appreciate your efforts to do something that is not related to you. Glad to co work with you.

Femitha Rachel Ebby December 12, 2020 10:38 pm

@ayman-qamri Hey, Ayman! Let me say I love animals too. Cats are my favourite pets and I have 14 cats at home. No joke. Your perspective is really unique and good to hear. It somehow leaves me hopeful, because there are people like you out there who wish to create a change in the smallest ways possible. The fact that you have found a platform for the same and are working towards a great human cause shows how brave and good you are as an individual.

You are absolutely right while saying that all human beings need sometimes is for someone to listen to them without even giving out any advice. You've phrased that very beautifully. I wish you all the luck in all your future endeavours. I hope this journey turns out to be fulfilling for you in every manner possible. 

Diksha Tarnekar December 12, 2020 10:44 pm

@ayman-qamri your thoughts are so powerful and inspiring. It is indeed important to normalize mental health. All the best for your future.

Jiniya Chakraborty December 12, 2020 10:52 pm

@ayman-qamri This is so heartwarming. You can help both animals and humans together. Animal psychology is very interesting too. There are therapies coming up where animals and humans come together to help each other. 🤗

Shraddha S. Kambli December 12, 2020 11:12 pm

@ayman-qamri thank you for sharing this. Good luck for your future.

Aanandi khanna December 13, 2020 12:40 am

@ayman-qamri I love animals and thank you

Chestha Dengri December 13, 2020 4:47 pm

hey there ! I have to say that you sound so kind ! what's something you love the most about studying to be a vet ?

Mohini Agrawal December 13, 2020 7:46 pm

That is so kind of you, I really appreciate your efforts to understand mental health and help people and animals out as much as possible. I wish you all the luck. Keep going!

Ayeman Qamri Topic starter December 14, 2020 12:00 am

Thank you so much, everyone, for such kind and encouraging words.Hope to work with you all soon and let's together help in making this world a better place for everyone 

Akshita Wasnik December 14, 2020 12:08 am

It's really nice to hear the importance of mental health from someone outside the field, thank you so much.

Pratik Jha December 14, 2020 1:46 am

Love that you are doing something you love ❤️

Tanisha Jain December 14, 2020 2:28 am

Mental health and mental health issues is something that each and every one of us have so it's really great that you are here and want to learn and know more despite not being a student/professional in the field! Good to have you here. 

SUBHASHREE December 14, 2020 6:53 am

Even if you are related to other profession, your interest towards psychology is wonderful. 

Fatima Vinod December 14, 2020 6:56 pm

Hey Ayeman! Glad you chose to be a part of us in spreading this wonderful message. Hope you have a great time ahead!!

Shobha December 14, 2020 7:54 pm

I also love animal and I can really relate to you as I also feel the same things foe animal and i like that you are also getting some knowledge about mental health and I hope best for your future. 

Shobha December 14, 2020 7:54 pm

I also love animal and I can really relate to you as I also feel the same things foe animal and I like that you are also getting some knowledge about mental health and I hope best for your future. 

Shobha December 14, 2020 7:55 pm

I also love animal and I can really relate to you as I also feel the same things foe animal and I like that you are also getting some knowledge about mental health and I hope best for your future. 

Dhriti Chadha December 15, 2020 7:13 am

Hey, I’m an animal lover as well but you connecting the two things you love has taken over a different perspective altogether which has left me stunned. People go through things that we don’t know, hence we shall always support them no matter what. 

33 Answers

Spreading awareness about mental health is important and thank you soo much for your contribution. best wishes to you 😊

Ayeman Qamri Topic starter December 13, 2020 6:36 pm

Thank you so much

Navleen Kaur December 13, 2020 7:59 pm

I love animals and I actually have two birds and I am obsessed with them. I would to connect with you and know more.

Ayeman Qamri Topic starter December 14, 2020 12:46 am

Sure ,would love to meet you 


Your contributions for mental health awareness is something our country needs direly. I'm really grateful to you for doing your bit and taking the cause of psychology to your heart. You've proved the worth of a true helper. 

Ayeman Qamri Topic starter December 13, 2020 6:37 pm

Thank you so much,Such kind words 😍 


Glad to know your thoughts on mental health. Its seriously a taboo for lot of people around us. This stigma must break from the minds of people. Everyone fights a battle everyday. No one should demean this thought. Good luck for your journey ahead!


Hey Ayeman

I am a biotechnology student and i can totally relate to you.  Psychology is close to my heart as well.  It is not just a science or art it's a way of living well. 

Good going !

Ayeman Qamri Topic starter December 13, 2020 6:37 pm

Thank you!!


Must appreciate ur efforts...good job! Keep going.God bless💜

Ayeman Qamri Topic starter December 13, 2020 6:37 pm

Thank you so much 


@ayman-qamri heyya 🌻buddy. Ur thinking is quite different nd grt. Nd i too believe ur thinking. It is in right path. Hope other people too think like this nd one day going to therapist will be normalise!!! Hope uh explore more.

Keep Growing 🍀

Cheers ✌️

Ayeman Qamri Topic starter December 13, 2020 6:38 pm

Thank you so much 


Hello Ayman, that sounds lovely, so sweet of you...Your efforts are very much appreciable, let's work together and break the taboo. Happy working ...sending love all animals out there 😍 😊 


This an amazing journey Ayeman!!

Animal psychology is also a thing you know; so you get both- love for animals and psychology. But mental health is the most important for all of us. We all live in a society where taking help is considered abnormal and we definitely need to normalize this. What I learnt from this is that spreading awareness about mental health is important and  being there for someone when they need is even more important. We all have so much to learn from each other and I'm definitely looking forward to it!!


Its quiet interesting how you came acquainted to psychology...


Honestly, my second option was veterinarian, after psychology. I totally agree with you on your sentiments about animals. I love them, and I'm crazy about them. You're opinion and ideas about mental health is so true, and it scares me to admit that that is the truth(mostly about mental health being a stigma). I hope we can meet sometimes, but have a happy journey ahead, I wish you all the best for all the success that's gonna come your way. And thank you for harbouring such dedication.

Ayeman Qamri Topic starter December 14, 2020 12:47 am

Will be glad to meet you.Thank you so much for such kind words


Kudos to your efforts for spreading mental health awareness and thank you for sharing your experience 


Amazing journey you have❤️🤗

Efforts appreciated🌸✨Proud of you❤️


This is true, that some time like these animals, we humans also can't express ourselves. There we need someone who can listen and only listen without making judgements. 


Great! Glad to knowabout your experience.


All the best.🌟


It's great to hear your positive thoughts on mental health. As a psychology student, I see everyday how hard it is for people to understand the importance of mental health. I hope this changes soon 🙂


That's really nice you wish to contribute towards spreading mental health awareness.

I wish you achieve great success in your field.

All the best my friend ❤️


The spreading love and kindness with those cute five scenes creatures  makes our life valuable. Thank for wonderful life


I love how you think different from others. We often think that we have no one with whom we can share our feelings. Dealing with mental health is very important. We need to be there for each other. A little effort from someone can help someone a lot.


Hey there ! It was so beautiful reading this we need more people like you ! 🌸💕

Ayeman Qamri Topic starter December 13, 2020 11:55 pm

Thank you so much,Such kind words 😍 


Being aware and Spreading awareness is a huge contribution. Hope you learn more about psychology and help others as much as you can. 


so glad to know your journey and efforts

and so happy to have you in this journey to remove mental health from the pedestal of a taboo and spread awareness!


I love animals too! So nice to hear that you wanna give a voice to the voiceless. By any chance, are you a vegan? 🙂

Ayeman Qamri Topic starter December 14, 2020 12:48 am

Thank you, No sorry  I am not vegan


I'm glad people from other fields are willing to work towards spreading awareness about mental health. Keep up the good work! 🙂


Hey! Glad to know you are ready to help others. Also, I really appreciate the way you connected animals' feelings to humans' mental health needs. I agree with your views on the stigma on mental health. Hope we can work together to uplift it.

All the best for your future journey!



This is just great how nicely and smoothly you linked our ancient connection with animals and also the amount of dedication you have to break down the stigmas and that is really great. I really appreciate your initiative. Am glad we have people who ACTUALLY care about mental health.

Keeo going.

Take care 🤗

Ayeman Qamri Topic starter December 14, 2020 2:19 pm

Thank you so much for such kind words


It's so important now for people to know more about mental  health. your story is amazing, thank you for sharing it with us ❤️ ❤️


Who knows it better than me, the price of a warm hug and someone to listen to but nowadays both are difficult to achieve. So, treasure the people you have because books might be my best friends but I cannot get a warm hug from them.

Ayeman Qamri Topic starter December 14, 2020 1:35 pm

Indeed books are your best friends, keep your circle short and restricted to only those who actually care for you. You can try a teddy bear for a hug I do that.


I can really relate to this. Being in some various fields we are here to spread awareness about mental health, which is so important in today's world. Keep going. All d best😊


I'm glad people outside the field of psychology are aware of how important mental health is to everyone. It is necessary that we take its care just like we do for our physical health. There's a long way to go still but someday, it will become a priority. Cheers🌻


That's really cool.. but animals are not voiceless, they  speak, they try to communicate, but the language is different so we can't understand that ... We need work more on animal cognition and behaviour . Thank you 💖


Sometimes we humans act like animals whereas animals act like humans. learning about both of it at the same time takes you to a different level in this life. All the best to your future



Ayeman Qamri Topic starter December 14, 2020 7:29 pm

Thank you so much


this is extremely heartwarming! its good to have you here! and its good to know that people outside the field of psychology are aware of how important mental health is to everyone. its need of the hour! keep going all the best! ❤️ 

Ayeman Qamri Topic starter December 14, 2020 7:29 pm

Thank you so much


Ohh man !! Your thoughts are so empowering. I hope you get more opportunities to explore human nature. 

Ayeman Qamri Topic starter December 14, 2020 10:17 pm

Thank you so much
