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Mental Health

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What according to you is Mental Health? What measures would you take to keep a check of your mental wellbeing? (suggest few strategies)

Ketaki Waychal March 9, 2021 5:49 pm

When I think of what it means to be mentally healthy, I imagine it's when an individual is content with being in their own skin, sleeping comfortably at night, and tackling the problems confidently. When they form warm and healthy connections with other people and BE that healthy presence in their peers' lives. Unfortunately, living in a world as harsh as we do, more often than not, we come across people who feel that being mentally healthy is a luxury they can't afford. India as a nation is just now starting to progress with the thought that mental illnesses actually do exist and are not something one should be ashamed about. If you fall sick or somehow physically injure yourself by accident, would you say that it was your fault and shame yourself for it? Then why would you do that for mental illnesses? 

Psychological interventions are extremely necessary, especially when people go through such difficult life situations that their psychological wellbeing is severely impacted to the point that they find it difficult to function in day-to-day life. Unfortunately, a lot of people can't actually afford therapy. So I would like to suggest some measures that, while most definitely do not replace therapy, can make people's lives a little easier. The first would be opening up to at least one trusted person about your problems. How long can you keep your hurt to yourself without it starting to suffocate you and hurt you even more? Do this at your own pace, you don't have to let everything out at once. But talking about it definitely helps, even if you don't receive any actual advice. On the flip-side, if you are the person someone trusts you with their problems with, no matter what, NEVER belittle their feelings. Don't offer unsolicited advice. More often than not, they just need someone who will listen to them without judgment. 

I would also encourage people to indulge in one or more hobbies. You don't have to be amazing at it. As long as the hobby makes you feel better, that's all that's necessary. If you like, you can engage in journaling or write a diary. It acts as an outlet for the emotions you may not feel ready to share with other people yet. 

Busy yourself with work, be it studies or office work. But don't work yourself to the point of exhaustion. There will also be days when you simply don't want to work. That's okay, take a break. Listen to music, watch TV or Netflix, go for a run, meet up with friends, engage in your hobby. More often than not, taking this break will increase your productivity levels much more than it was before. 

Sukrutha Mudhol March 9, 2021 8:17 pm

Keeping mind and body at peace is mental health for me. 

Simple measures that I follow to keep my mental health strong...

1. Meditation

2. Yoga 

3. Oil massage

4. Reducing unnecessary worries

5. Being contented with small things

6. Celebrating small achievements

7. Expressing emotions through paint and music. 

8. Spending time with dogs and other pets. 



Ispreha March 9, 2021 8:56 pm

A healthy mind is the most beautiful thing a person can have in today's world. A world that is filled with stress, Negativity and hate, it becomes very difficult for a person to stay calm and peaceful. We tend to ignore ourselves and forget self care. The awareness about mental health is the need of the hour. 

Those insensitive comments and unnecessary stigma needs to stop! 

Mental health is about positivity and peace. It's about your own happiness and also about your environment. A good mental health boosts our confidence and helps us to perform better. 


Steps taken-

1) 8 hours undisturbed sleep

2) Dancing

3) singing

4) writing

5) Cooking

6) Talking to A friend

7) Just looking in the mirror and admiring myself and giving myself a ted talk. I just acknowledge all my emotions and spit out the truth and try to find solutions. 

Aleesha Joykutty March 9, 2021 10:55 pm
This post was modified 4 years ago by Aleesha Joykutty

Being a 2nd year MBBS student in Government Medical college Kolhapur Maharashtra state, I got to understand the importance given to mental health by the respected doctors here in a tertiary care hospital. There is in fact no respect. The patients of Alcohol addiction & other drug addictions are thought of as culprit or victim . They are not thought of as patients. The disease should be'substance use disorders' and not addiction. If the medical community starts behaving in such a irresponsible manner, one can't even think of the common persons. 

Mental health importance came into the limelight during the COVID pandemic when many famous personalities death provoked the masses. 

Mental health is a personal matter & choice. One shouldn't assess another person's mental health by comparing with themselves coz each has different levels to imbibe the mental pain. 

Ways to keep check of my mental health:

Journalling - writing & keeping account of the every minute trivial emotion I experience

Crying- crying has got important benefits apart from the lysozyme contained in tears which is anti bacterial. After crying we feel a sense of content etc due to the release of oxytocin post crying


Sanyogita Sharma March 10, 2021 1:53 am

Mental health means being at peace with one's own mind and able to view and review each and everything with clear mind without external influence of unwanted things which destroys mental peace thus destroying mental health of a person. Mental health is as important as physical health and sometimes more important thus it is important to be mentally healthy. Mental health can be achieved by being with people who you love and staying away from negative people and negativity. Free to take decisions without worrying about the result. Do what you love. To keep my mental health at check I usually listen to music sometimes dance and do experimental cooking and when things go out of hand I write all the stuff going on in my mind into a digital diary which helps to keep the mind free of negative thoughts.

Jerry Joy Mathew March 10, 2021 8:49 am
This post was modified 4 years ago by Jerry Joy Mathew

Mental health is generally defined as the state of well-being in which the individual can keep up with the daily stressors, utilize their abilities well and can be productive. It also includes being in peace with oneself enough to actively involve and provide to one's community.


It is about finding peace and saturation in life. Overcoming the everyday struggles, getting through your workloads, deadlines, commitments, relationships, chores, the smiles you have to give to every familiar face, the way you've to hold your tone down around some even if it's the worst day if your life, every single day. Yet, after all this, hitting the bed and getting up each day and doing it all over again, in a way that you don't burn out.


I always try to prioritise my mental health being in the field of mental health services. I believe if I cannot take optimum care of myself, I cannot be there for others in the best possible way. Moreover, it'll start hitting me gradually if I'm constantly lying to myself and asking people around me to take care of themselves.


My basics of mental well-being include, waking up with a smile, eating all my meals as well as I can and sleeping enough. When any of this is disrupted, I try and bring changes in my life to resolve it. I try and pray regularly, which can be considered a form of meditation. I have my fill of socialising, venting out to close ones from time to time or at least taking a break and enjoying things that make me happy.


I try and observe my behavior pattern from time to time and if anything seems too different or off, I try and find out what seems to be the cause. I give myself time, push myself only as much as I should, accept myself for what I am while I strive to be better and be my first priority.


It is also important to be grateful for things around you, no matter how sublte or mundane they seem. From basic necessities, to people who remain by your side through it all, to the one person who gives you the sweetest smile or a random compliment everyday, each of it is a blessing.


Mental health is a very broad term but how you look at it and make it yours is on you. Your mental health is in your hands but it affects many others around you. Take care and love yourself for others. Take care and love yourself for the only person who was with you from birth to your last breath every single moment, yourself.

Pooja Gupta March 10, 2021 12:25 pm

Hello everyone! The team of budding psychologists has always amazed me and kept me engrossed in what I love that is psychology. As this is my last task I would take it as more of a casual opinion than a task. 

I have a learnt a lot by reading articles and by writing stories. I always felt a need to raise awareness about mental health and I am super ready to do so and also learn about various aspects of psychology in return. 

One particular theory by Carl Rogers is what I believe in personally. It has impacted my life positively. I always believed that everyone of us is good it's just that the situations are bad or not favourable to that person or to us. We must respect everyone 's opinion. We agree to it or disagree to it that would be considered secondary.  One must keep their personal opinion aside and listen to the other person. Just like Rogers spoke about self -actualization we all must realize our purpose in life. 

Also, I believe we all are different and unique in our own ways. Just because I am not good at maths, you assume that I am dumb. Or just because my friend doesn't come on the adventure trips , she is weak. No, one must try to understand the other person too. May be that is the reason we are called "social" animals. May be we all need a safe space to dwell. So let's create that safe place for each other.

Now when I talk about what mental health means to me I would like to say that mental health is the soul of the over all health. I guess it's high time we all understand and make others under stand that mental health is equally important as physical health . Even the World Health organization defines a healthy person as someone who is physically, socially, and mentally fit. We all need to understand the sensitivity of mental health aspects. It could be compared to that one special ingredient without with the food remains incomplete.  

There were times when my mental health was at stake. So I started practicing meditation. Also, when we talk about meditation people need to understand that it's not only for the elderly but Also, for the ones who seek peace and want to stay fit. I started writing journals. Trust me, it really helps. One can go on writing without the fear of being judged or ashamed and also it helps you to explore yourself better and deeper. 

At times when I really feel lonely I call my best friends and vent out things. I consider them as my safe place to talk and share about what I a going through. May be we all should have a safe place like that . And ofcousre if one seeks professional help counsellors and psychologists are right here available for all of us. One of my other strategy to maintain my mental health is I go out for walking walks and sometimes I spend quality time with the nature around me. 

My earnest request to all the people reading this would be that get to know yourself better and deeper. Get to know on what element your soul dances and your feet tap and let other see the spark you have and let's altogether make this world a better place to live in. 

SnehaSasikumar March 10, 2021 1:03 pm
This post was modified 4 years ago by SnehaSasikumar

According to me  mental health is all. Because whenever our mind is okay,everything is okay for us because without our  mind is not okay we can't do anything. Our brain is the most important organ of our body and thoughts produced by brain is due to different hormonal actions what we call our mind. So thoughts producing in our mind is very important. 

   It's okay at some point of our life we loose our control over our thoughts and behavior. It's quite common. But not treating it is a  very crucial thing. Taking care of your mind is a very important thing like any other organ in your life. For taking care of my mind I do some things like

1. Some breathing exercises

2. My favorite hobbies

3. Avoid the approach of people who give negative vibes 

4. If I can't control my mind I will consult a psychologist. 

   Life is not about living in worries or pressure. It's all about enjoying at its most. So live a peaceful, happy and healthy life at its most. 

Aadhya Kapoor March 10, 2021 1:26 pm

I would like to start with very beautiful quote”The only journey is the journey within” which means YOU have control ,You have control over your choices You have control over your action. I cant think of a better on this journey than me. So for me I have control over my mental health. I know this is very strong sentence but yes If I can say it I can adapt it also in my life. Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. For me mental health is not a destination but a process its about how you drive not where you should always giving themselves the same care and attention you give to others and watch yourself bloom.

 its important to take care of yourself and get the most from life. Making simple changes to how you live doesn’t need to cost a fortune or take up loads of time

so first thing which I use to do is journalizing your thought it’s the one of my favourite thing to do everyday. Talking about how I am feeling. It will not only help you to stay in good mental health. It will also help you to deal with the times when you are feeling low or in trouble.

I am a very foodie person I enjoy food so for me eating good food doesn’t only make you health it makes your soul happy. Obviously our brain needs nutrients in order to stay healthy and function well, just lie the other organs in your body.

See none of us is a superwomen or men.we all sometimes get tired or overwhelmed by how we feel or when things don’t go to plans so we can always seek for help there is no harm in talking to someone. If thing are getting too much for you or over your head you can ask for help. Might your family and friends not able to offer practical help or a listening ear.their are a lot of mental health advocates or mental health school which are always their for you.

Sometimes break is also important in your life A change of scene or a change of pace is good for your mental health A few minutes can be enough to de-stress you. Give yourself  some me time

Accept who you are we all are healthier is some or other way from one. You are UNIQUE. Feel good about yourself. Feeling good boost your confidence to learn new skills. Good self esteem helps you in coping when life take difficult turns.

Doo thing which you love doing? do those activities in which you loose yourself. Enjoying yourself can help in beating stress. Doing an activity you enjoy probably means you are good at it and achieving something boost your self esteem  

These are the few things which I do when I am feeling low.

Ishita dharwal March 10, 2021 1:39 pm

How I view mental health is ‘ how one feels in a regular basis of themselves and how they corporate with the analysis of themselves ‘ . Every other person in this world has a fear of being perceived of who they are not , and is constantly worrying of who they are , how they appear , completely forgetting of their own mental peace and health , disturbing it with these negative thoughts which shouldn’t even hold any relevant space in our minds . The society is unforgiving for those who act out of the norms set by the society and views them as abnormal and creates restrictions . We shouldn’t totally ignore the criticisms , we should actually look into them and not let them get to us , but still analyse them with an open mind and see , why would that person remark that , this is only supposed to work when it’s from our known people . Mental health isn’t just being mentally well , having no mental disorders , it’s also about how well we maintain our body and our daily life . It includes the human in all aspects , and how those aspects affects the human’s behavior .

Some strategies to maintain my mental well-being :
• I try to be realistic with myself and others .
• I never tell myself that I have to change my appearance just because someone told me , I had changed something in my appearance or whole of it , and I did it on my own .
• When I look in the mirror , I tell myself that I am doing great but there is one more level which is greater and I have to get to that level too .
• I take criticism positively , it’s difficult yes , but when someone tells you that your voice tone is a little rude , I can then actually work on it than arguing that I am habitual to it , no one would like to talk to someone who sounds rude , or to study more rather than.spending more than 7-8 hours on my phone .
• Negative criticism for me is when someone says something which is not relevant like your complexion is dark , try doing something to improve it , then this type of criticism should be ignored , this is racism yes , but in indian society it’s seen as criticism .
• I work out regularly to keep my body healthy , exercise helps in maintaining body posture and helps relieving built up stress . It helps in keeping us and our mind healthy .
• When I am angry and I know that I am not wrong in the place (sometimes) then I try to keep myself calm and think through and then retaliate with pure calmness , because I believe while we are angry we tend to say a lot of things , which can cause a lot of destruction to the other person and guilt for our ownselves .
• Indulging in hobbies , to restrain our mind from wandering in places and helping it to get calm through it .
Radhika Saini March 10, 2021 2:01 pm

MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS- A topic which should be discussed by all but isn't. Being healthy means we have to be fit mentally, physically, emotionally & psychologically but nowadays the society perceives a person healthy by his or her body which shouldn't be the case. I have seen people looking completely fine but on the inside they are as empty as a shell & somedays later you only get to hear the news that they are no more. Mental health is an extremely important aspect of our life which should not be ignored at any cost. I have interacted with people who tell me about their mental health  problems & are casual about it thinking it's just a phase & will pass but when I observe more closely there are symptoms of mild depression. For this, awareness needs to be spread so that they are able to identify that they need help & it is not a bad thing to ask for. Everyone experiences it & instead of saying that it's just drama, we should pay heed to it because there has been a significant increase in number of suicides in our country. In our fast paced life we almost forget that not only our body but our mind also needs rest.


Some strategies which I use to keep mental health in check are-  

1. Me time- This is my time so, I do things which I love. I go for a walk & listen to music, read a book, dance, write or sing. This allows me to remain calm & think thoroughly about my decisions. I feel happy in myself & for myself while doing so.

2. Discuss & think- I discuss & think about the important decisions of my life & weigh the pros & cons which allows me to be satisfied with my decisions so that I don't over think & take unnecessary mental pressure.

3. Optimism- Whenever I feel negative about life then I think about all the achievements & positive sides of my personality.

4. Cry- When I'm too upset, I cry & it really helps. It helps me vent out all the frustration & disappointment I feel inside.

So, these are some things which help me remain positive & helps my mental stability. Try! Maybe these will help you too.


Iarisa Nongbet March 10, 2021 2:19 pm
This post was modified 4 years ago by Iarisa Nongbet

Mental health is about being free from thoughts that disturbs our peace. Being sound mentally means being able to go about our days with less baggage; it means being able to sleep soundly at night; being able to do what you love without thinking about the pressures of society or “what will other say?”. Mental health can be as simple as being able to remember what you did yesterday to more complex cognitive functions. Mental health means acknowledging that there are situations and stressors but being able to combat them and not allowing them to take control of us. Personally, I’ve experiences periods of utter demotivation from doing the things I’ve always enjoyed, and I recently realised that I didn’t enjoy them as much as I did because I placed a lot of pressure on myself to be perfect, but a hobby doesn’t have to be perfect, it shouldn’t be something that requires a lot of thought,  it should be something we enjoy doing when we want to escape the stressful realities.

 A few measures to keep a check on our mental wellbeing:

  1. Take up a hobby.
  2. Journalling/Writing down thoughts, the day’s activities or moods
  3. Going on a walk or a hike in the midst of nature.
  4. Having a support system of friends and family. Talk to a friend and keep a check of each other’s mental health.
  5. Maintain a gratitude journal and write down the things you’re grateful for. The aim of this is to appreciate the littlest of things in our lives.
Parishree Pandya March 10, 2021 2:23 pm

Mental health refers to cognitive, behavioral, and emotional well-being. It is all about how people think, feel, and behave. People sometimes use the term “mental health” to mean the absence of a mental disorder. 

It affects every aspect of your life. In fact, poor mental health is also the reason for so many physiological issues that a person suddenly starts facing. Your mind has the power to control your body so it's important that you keep your mind healthy. 

Smallest of the things can affect you, whether it's a smile passed by a stranger or a rude comment by your colleague. It's not easy to be in a healthy state of mind all the time but it is essential that one must take steps to improve it when they see it deteriorating because thinking that you'll dwell for the time and look at to it later is a mistake. I know it's easy to dwell, even I feel like doing so sometimes. But then I shake myself out of it and give a self talk to remind myself why is it important for me to keep my calm, have balance and stability. Because when your mind is disturbed, it starts causing chaos and damage in your world. And one surely doesn't want that. 

Here is what I do when I'm not feeling so mentally and emotionally well. I take it all out. If crying is what I need, I cry my heart out. And then when I'm finally done with it, i take a nap. I wake up and start cleaning stuff, maybe take a shower myself, listen to songs or read something because I love doing them. And put my energy to good use like studying or going for a walk/jog. I sometimes sit somewhere in the garden and self-evaluate, decide the next steps and start implementing them. Sometimes I even write my thoughts and feelings down in my journal. And the best way for me to calm and compose myself is through meditation. I make affirmations while meditating and keep repeating them. Have a self talk and motivate myself until I feel a sense of calm come over me. 

There's a lot other things that one can do to make themselves feel good in their stressful times. But even if you're not stressed, start being mindful, living in the present, appreciating and being thankful for the good things that you have in your life. And lastly, give, without any expectation of being returned or taking back. 

Aditi Bhanushali March 10, 2021 3:03 pm

In my opinion, mental health is that crucial part of our being that is often overlooked and taken for granted. Our emotions, feelings, and thoughts are what make us human. It is ironic to see how we never shy away from asking for help when it comes to our physical well-being but neglect our mental health, both being equally important for survival. The over-stigmatization of mental disorders has led to negative connotations attached to 'seeking help.'  We as a society have failed time and again to understand the significance of mental health due to ignorance and misinformation. Mental health is a state of well-being when an individual is in peace with his or her psychological, social and emotional self. He/ she is capable of not only understanding but also regulating and navigating his/her emotions. People who have sound mental health are often in control of themselves and are successful in coping with life's daily stresses. However, it is important to note that mental health is a spectrum and is of ever-changing nature. It doesn't always mean being happy and satisfied but it is one's ability to come to terms with their feelings. Mental health is more of a journey than a destination. It is more of a lifestyle than a cure. 

Just like there is no rule book to traverse through life, Mental health is too a subjective experience. Having said that, there are some suggestions that can help you guide your mental health. The first and the most underrated being 'taking a break.' As cliche as it sounds, it doesn't always mean going for a vacation or change of place. It means taking some time out to check in with yourself. It is to experience and express emotions and feelings that may have gone unnoticed due to daily demands. We underestimate the psychological and physical threat that stress imposes on our well-being. Understanding and accepting our limits as individuals can be really helpful. One of the pivotal aspects of therapy is helping people build healthy coping mechanisms. Although it sounds difficult, it is not impossible. Proper nutrition, adequate rest, and exercise can go a long way in enhancing not only your physical health but mental health too. The nature of most psychological disorders is gradual. Psycho educating oneself can help one recognize symptoms and can lead to early intervention. The simplest advice is to do things that make you happy. It could be as simple as catching up with your friends or going for a walk.  Throughout life, we have been taught the importance of being independent but it is essential to know that there is no shame in asking for help. That seeking help doesn't make you weak. You owe it to yourself to do everything in your capabilities to take care of yourself. All of the above suggestions will only fall into place and lead to sound mental health when you befriend yourself. 

Tanu March 10, 2021 3:20 pm

Mental health for me is wellbeing of my mind and body. It's as important as my Physical well being and it's very important. 

Few months ago I started therapy and from then till now I have seen changes in me ,I have seen myself calmer and more adaptable to things. I have been controlled over my panic emotions and much more. It makes me feel good about myself finally after feeling bad about myself. 

Mental health is so important as you pop a pill for a cold or fever. You must also pop a pill of gratitude ,self- care and self awareness everyday. 

There are few strategies you can support your mental health is 

  1. Start journaling your thoughts. I know it's difficult and you don't know what to write but just start doing it. Write the most occuring thought to you.
  2. When you find yourself thinking about something constantly and cannot let that thought go ,create distraction ,do something that distracts you. 
  3. Create boundaries about what you like and what you don't ,be most communicative about these boundaries to other people in your life.
  4. Spare some time in a week to indulge in your hobbies or whatever you like to do. 

 These are some of things that helped me and I wish they can help you too. We  all have different perspectives to look at mental health and that's okay because we all have different issues to deal with. But working on yourself and reflecting on yourself is the best thing. So do that and love yourself because if not you than who. 

Sonal March 10, 2021 3:40 pm

Mental health is as important as physical health for every person as we exercise for our body is also important that we do exercise to keep our mind healthy too like we can do meditation to keep our mind healthy. We can do deep breathing exercises and we can journal our thoughts to let are feelings and emotions vent out.we can talk to someone who can understand us and help us .

Kaviya March 10, 2021 5:42 pm

Mental health in my view

Mental health is about how well you can handle your own issues happening in the mind. Everyone comes across various persons and unwanted happenings in life at least at some points so it is not about the external occurrence instead the way the person handles them matters. In clinical perspective the same may apply but in a different aspect. In general mental health is about how capable you are to deal with any issue. You live in your make-ups (beliefs). With the guidance of those, transcend every illusionary blocks, once you cross that you will realise the real worth of that. Time is one of the primary keys in dealing matters. 

Ways to stay healthy

A few strategies which I may suggest to take care of the mental health are,


Writing journals whenever you feel the need to speak out something.


Letting out all your suppressed emotions at once through your preferable way which doesn't harm you and the ones around you. For example, writing out all your emotions in your mother tongue and tearing that paper into pieces or burning the paper in front of you can let out all the negative thoughts.


Doing what you like - which will make you relax and calm down may do wonders. Ex: listening to music, dance, etc.


Take a breath when you feel exhausted. Of course you are taking it every second in your life but take some deep breaths for a break and try to keep your mind as blank as possible for a few minutes. This will help you get your pace & make you think logically.


Turn to mother nature for sometime. Take a walk or just sit in a place and look up at the sky. Just like the passing clouds in the sky which will disseminate after pouring down; every happenings will dissolve once you learn from that. Remember that the clouds can never make the skies stained, they are there for reason & not every cloud is meant for your sky. So don't burden yourself with things which are never under your control.


Be firmer in you as this is the mantra to handle your deals. The way you feel about yourself matters the most. Also know that You are the only controller of your world. For anything else it is none of your business.


Empathize with yourself as if you are with a friend. We generally tend to be strict with ourselves while dealing, perceiving our stance as someone else's would lessen this bias.


Most times, things may turn upside down just if you change the way you perceive it. So just try out changing perception when you feel hopeless. Change it in a way it will make you feel good. Remind your mind that you entered this world & will leave the world only with your soul. So in the meantime in between what matters to you - only you have the privilege to select.


As a whole, being mentally healthy means staying in harmony with your inner and outer self. To reach this state, you may workout certain strategies & stay healthy all around.


Thank You ❣️

Anahita Sharma March 12, 2021 12:15 pm

Good mental health is a state of mind that allows the individual to function in a calm and stable manner to carry out their day-to-day activities. I find that most often, people tend to confuse good mental health with happiness. Although, it is a major part of it, happiness does not always equate good mental health, just as sadness does not equate bad mental health. Happiness and sadness are an integral part of life that make up our life experiences. It is our mental health, however, that determines our ability to deal with these experiences. If someone is experiencing mental health issues, it can hinder their ability to successfully deal with the situation at hand, and lead them to feel disoriented. Mental health issues take shape in many forms, such as Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar disorders, etc. In such cases, it becomes imperative to take professional help, as the concern is greater. 

As for me, good mental health is the definition of feeling in control of my own actions, and feeling calm and satisfied as much as I can. These are some of the ways in which I try to keep my mental health in check:

1. Therapy. As a Psychology student, I understand the importance of therapy and counseling and the healing impact it can have. People tend to forget that one doesn't need to have a serious mental condition to seek therapy, they can go for therapy sessions just to deal with the stressed of everyday life. 

2. Empathising with yourself can go a long way in shaping a positive self-perception. When we are hard on ourselves for making mistakes, we are manifesting failure with mistakes in our minds. We need to remind ourselves that we're only humans, and humans make mistakes. Learning from your mistakes and making changes is what makes us a better person. 

3. Trying to correct irrational thoughts consciously is much harder than it sounds. But, it is something that's important. Although for serious cases, this can only be achieved through professional help (Cognitive Therapy), trying to replace your irrational thoughts with rational ones can help change your thinking pattern. Instead of thinking "nobody likes me", replacing it with "why should everyone like me?" can help alter your irrational thinking pattern. This, of course, does nor mean that you are not allowed to have a moment of weakness and have negative thoughts. Instead of pushing those away, you should always acknowledge them and try to come out of it.

4. Taking care of your physical health can drastically improve your mental health. Although this is not a generalized statement for everyone, it is something that has worked for me. Using working out or running as an outlet for all the dresses of the day really helps me, and my improved physical health makes me feel less lousy and more active.This drastically improves my mental health and general productivity. 

These methods are some that work for me, but they may not work for everyone. Everyone is trying to find their own way in dealing with situations, and it varies from person to person. However, one thing to remember is that you are not alone if you're not able to deal with your mental health issues. Everyone is fighting their own battles, and if the entire community helps each other out, it can do wonders. Keep fighting like a champ! ❣

46 Answers

 Iam a psychology student in my perspective how i view Mental health is something that is more important than physical health.  Nowadays most of the people in the country are affected with the mental health problems.  It is something that psychological and social wellbeing in which people realize their potential and cope with the normal stressors in life .so the thing is many people find difficult to cope which causes them the mental disorders. Our mental health changes accordingly to our situations .it's not always stable .so what we need to do is to try keeping a good mental health. If you have good mental health you'll feel confident in yourself, you'll love'll enjoy a little things around you.  So try to keep a good mental health . 

      What measures I'll take to check my mental health is that ..I'll talk about my feelings to myself first because we are the ones knows what we are feeling so I'll talk with myself.  Self love is important. Whatever things i love listening to music,  dancing , binge watching. Whatever i love I'll do that .and talk to loved ones like parents,  friends. If sometimes i feel stressed I'll prioritize sleep .if we shut our eyes we won't think of any stuffs so sleep is also an important. Take a break from your everyday activities.  Take a pause from the machine life that will enhance good mental health. 

Keep going everyone.. have a fantastic life 💯 do whatever you want.  Because it's one life keep rocking in it💥

This post was modified 4 years ago by Nandhini

I am a psychology student and according to me, mental health is wellbeing of the mind. One needs to have a good mental health to deal with the adversities of life. A good mental health can also lead to a good overall health. As it's said that for medicines to have a positive impact on our physical health, our mental health has to be good and positive.

The measures that I would take to keep a check of my mental wellbeing is:
• Keeping a track of my sleep schedule and getting a good sleep without any disruption.
• Eating good and healthy food because our body and mind constitutes of what we consume.
• Surrounding ourselves with positive and supportive family and friends.
• Getting enough excercises and meditation to keep myself physically healthy and active too.
• Practicing relaxation techniques.
• Channelling our stress and pain onto something productive and constructive.
• Getting involved in journaling, art, music or any other hobbies and interests.
• Seeking help when needed.
These are just a few ways to mental wellbeing.


Being from a society where they think 'Prioritizing self' is called SELFISH! the importance of mental heath is known to me. Just as your physical wellbeing, your mental wellbeing is equally important. Mental health in a gist would be how we think, feel, and act as we cope with life. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. When in life, if you ever feel that you are done and exhausted with daily hassles, you could probably try some self talk, journaling (helps the best!) , listen to music, or do your favorite activities! Make sure in the whole week, you keep some time for yourself. Make sure that prioritizing self should be a need and not a want!

Vaishnavi S March 9, 2021 8:42 pm

Mental health indicates psychological, emotional and social well being of a person. It also indicates how a person thinks, acts and his behavior. In this pandemic mental health has become one of the hot topics of discussion. During pandemic everyone's life was imbalanced. This imbalance disturbed the emotional, psychological and social behavior of many people. To avoid these mental health issues and to be mentally fit one has to maintain a peaceful and calm mindset and should have an ability to take things neutrally. Avoiding negative thinking, spending time with loved ones, sharing problems with trustworthy person, following balanced diet, drinking sufficient amount of water, practicing meditation and yoga, approaching things with positive attitude helps to maintain mental health


I believe that to be healthy one should not just focus on physical well-being but also mental and emotional well-being which is mostly ignored. Since last few years people have started acknowledging the importance of mental health and how positive psychology can help them to create balance in their lives. Spreading awareness about mental is important to tell people that mental health is not all about depression and curing mental illness but something beyond that. In this happening world it is a essential to let people know that asking for help is okay and taking care of our mental health is a necessity.

Measures I take are pretty simple which I would encourage everyone to try out. First it's journaling. Journaling not only helps one to keep record of their day to day feelings but also helps as a medium to let out feelings out. Second thing is doing something that one likes, drawing, dancing, playing, singing it can be anything. Evn few minutes dedicated to hobby makes much difference in one's moods.

Relaxation, meditation, laughter therapy are few from various things one can do which helps to maintain good mental health. 

This post was modified 4 years ago by Siya Naik
Yamini March 9, 2021 10:03 pm

Our emotional, psychological and social well-being includes mental health. It influences our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It also contributes to how we deal with stress, interact with others, and decide. In every phase of life, from childhood and adolescence to adulthood, mental health is important. For me, mental health is an important factor not only because I have a psychological academic background but also because it keeps me in check with my surrounding as well as inner self. In my opinion, every individual should take care of themselves physically as well as mentally, as it is the true definition of being healthy. It affects your past, present, and future. I always keep my mental health in check by doing various stuff which I can do on my premises. 

I often tend to go on a walk either by myself or along with a friend to share certain things that may help me relieve my stress and help me say out loud my concerns.

I also listen to music and get lost in those tunes to take a break when things are hard for me.

I find it relaxing when I watch certain shows online which helps me divert my mind when I am bothered by something. 

Having an ear who listens to you without any complaints or judgements is a blessing. If such is not possible I often sit in front of a mirror and talk to myself. Trying to solve contradictory thoughts which I often seem to have. 

I try to be chill and even if I somehow end up getting angry I hug myself and slowly take 3 big breaths followed by counting them. I try to take a hold of myself explaining to myself that it's okay and its not something I should be getting angry about. 

This is how I often try to be chill and try to stop overthinking. 

If I am feeling down I eat my favorite dishes. 

I keep on asking myself whether I am okay, more than at least 2 times a day to keep myself in check as I know that, I won't be able to be honest enough to blurt out all my concerns in front of anyone, and sometimes not even in front of my best friend. And I do know that I can say anything in front of my own self, hence this is what I do keep myself in check.


The word Mental Health means the ability to self regulate one's emotions such as anger, sadness, happiness, disgust,etc.. during a particular situation by being self aware about one's behaviour in any circumstances which hinders such emotions. It also includes the ability to monitor and introspect as to how an individual has been able to acknowledge their emotion and how that situation has affected their actions and behaviour. Lack of awareness, stress and regulation of emotion would lead to mental disorders which is caused due to not taking care of one's mental health. 

Mental Health has been existing till date as a misconception due to lack of awareness about its meaning, why one should emphasize it as similar to physical health and what measures can be taken to safe guard one's mental health.

As a human, we all need to practice self care which includes taking care of our mental health. Here are few tips I would like to share:

1.  Journaling down the events of the day will make us better understand of how we dealt the  and how well we managed emotions which leads us to consider about how to manage our emotions so that it doesn't affect our mental health.

2. Talking to your closed ones about our everyday routine will not only lower the stress, but also sharing our good days will make us more happy make us motivated.

3. Being assertive will help us convey the necessary Information at the right moment which will make the communication stronger and also get to know others feelings and their views.

4. For working people, a monthly counselling session about how they are doing well and what emotional struggles they faced during the month will help them better understand what they are experiencing and also help them to be more perceptive to others needs as well.

5. Practising yoga, mediation, exercise, brisk walking, relaxation and breathing techniques.

6. For some people, doing art work, listening to music, dancing will make them understand their emotions well.

7.Last but not the least, counsulting mental health professionals and also the helpline numbers would help individuals to know what should one do when they face mental illness.


Aryan gupta March 9, 2021 11:20 pm

For me to keep our mental health in a good shape is very essential and for me mental health is something which has to be take care of like other aspects of our body. We go to gym for our physical body but it also important to exercise our mental health too. 

Steps which we can take :

) Mediation

) Deep thinking

) Stop comparing ourselves

) Go to mental therapy

) Talk to family

) Understanding its ok to not be a special 


Mental health according to me is being emotionally balanced in the sense being aware of ones emotions and being able to balance it. in this fast running world people are worried about money , career etc but they fail to notice the mental health struggles faced by the young people. Mental health is as important as the physical health , people run behind social media but they never listen to the one next to them. Overcoming such stigmatized population is a must and spread awareness about mental health. The problems faced by one is never the case for another, we must understand and give time, love and support to our loved ones and tell them how important it is to look after oneself. More than looking into ways to find the cure it is important to open and ask help, asking help will take us a step ahead in spreading awareness. 

The measure i take to keep a check on my mental health are , i mostly paint a lot. By painting i let go of all the anxious thoughts and i feel relieved from stress. Through any art form comes a great meaning behind it . One can dance , sing , design and lot more. I follow regular meditation and relaxation sessions for myself to make sure i relax my mind and body which is a great measure . I would also prefer cooking and try out various dishes and it does help me relieve my stress and keeps me emotionally stable. Taking regular and healthy meals is must and it keeps my mind calm . One can prefer cleaning or doing laundry or and hobbies that boost up ones state of mind and laugh a lot . 

 Learn to appreciate and accept for who you are and you have got a long way to so never give up!! 😉 😉 


According to me Mental Health, is the way of living a beautiful stressfree life by enjoying every part of it with full of gratitude and empathy for others and lots of posivitivity. 

When you start living your life the right way, your health has a positive impact on your mental health too. All of what you do in your life is synced to your mental health. You do good and rightful things for yourself and for others so is your mental health in the right track and vice versa. 

Or we can say just another form of karma.

Mental health wellbeing is really essential these days, and over the past years or recent centuries it has become a global trend and has come to notice at an alarmingingly high rate. 

It is highly important and necessary that we do take good care of ourselves in whatever smallest ways possible and do the very best and slightest of the things for it. And not neglect it at any cost.

The things or strategies I personally use or try to follow in my routine life for my good mental health wellbeing is as follows:

1. Meditate

2. Breath well, consciously 

3. Sit in the balcony not thinking about anything, star gazing.

4. Spend enough time in engaging in my favorite hobbies.

5. Long early morning walk.

6. Going to bed early.

7. Spending less time with devices.

8. Wearing my favorite clothes whenever I feel like without having the right situation to wear them.

9. Crying alone at my worst times and letting it all out.

10. Hangouts with friends and loved ones.

11. Long telephonic conversation with friends.

12. Playing around with kids.

These are some of my ways of keeping myself happy, relaxed and stress free. These might differ from person to person. Find out your customised way of feeling happy and keeping your mental state good and relaxed.


“You don’t have to be positive all the time. It’s perfectly okay to feel sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, scared, and anxious. Having feelings doesn’t make you a negative person. It makes you human.” — Lori Deschene

My perception of mental health is similar to the above-mentioned quote. I feel that the evolution of the human species and the development of culture and society have made all human beings oblige to many societal norms. Many of these norms can be confirmed with but, there exists some which block our expression as an individual. Such norms are the ones that have made every individual express in a socially desirable manner. As individuals, we are prone to always express ourselves as positive or optimistic. But it is important that as a human we express our deepest feeling and emotions and it isn't necessary that those are always happy ones.           

Mental health is a concept that has to be understood and acted upon. The concept that mental health is as important as physical health has to be imbibed in our minds. Mental health for me is divided into 2 parts or two sides of the same coin. Firstly, understanding and accepting our emotions is an important step in gaining insight into our mental health. Secondly, when we are aware of what is happening inside us, only then it is possible for us to understand others. Mental health is something that has to be acted upon every day, it is important to maintain the mental health status, and maintaining the mental health is possible through some of the below-listed acts:-

  • Take out some self-time every day, indulge in self-care activities. These activities need not be some spiritual or complex activities but rather simple tasks or hobbies that give joy to you such as reading, listening to music, etc. 
  • Express your feelings and emotions, try to be honest to yourself it is "ok to not be ok" someday. Accept your true feeling and express them via writing, speaking, etc.
  • Channelize your emotions - it might not be possible for us to express what we feel so in such situations use these emotions in a positive way. A person may feel angry but is unable to express in the social setting in such case express through activities like dance, music, listening, or doing any activity that reduces stress. 
  • Block external toxic feelings, emotions, and actions - if there is any act or individual due to which there is a negative impact on mental health block such actions or individuals. 
  • Try managing stress, anger, and anxiety - Stress, anger, and anxiety are some of the most common factors that affect our mental health daily. Try practising breathing exercises, do some physical activity like playing, dance or simply don't do anything and be yourself for some time; all of this can help us reduce stress, anger, and anxiety. 

Remember that every one of us has to focus on our inner well-being because our inner wellbeing is the only way for living with harmony and peace.   

Leanne Rebelo March 10, 2021 11:50 am

It's a wonderful explanation with an attractive presentation!


According to the WHO the definition of health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing not merely the absence of a disease or infirmity but when someone faces an issue with mental health we hear the refrain – “It’s all in your head”, “Just get over it” or “You’re just seeking attention”. These are some of the common phrases that were widely used in the past and are still being used by those who are not aware of the signs of a mental illness or the importance of mental health.

 The ending of the last decade – the year 2020, was a complete rollercoaster ride in terms of mental health for the entire world. Even though there was an increase in the number cases of mental illness brought about by the stress of the Covid Pandemic, at the same time more and more people around the world realized that the need of the hour is Mental Health.

A person with no signs of mental illness could also face issues with mental health. This shows that the absence of a mental illness is not equal to the presence of good mental health. There are various methods that people can follow, to be more specific these are the ones that I practice.

  1. “Me” Time –

We often get caught in work or in completing our daily tasks that we forget to allocate time for ourselves. It is extremely essential to spend at least 15 – 30 minutes everyday to do something that you enjoy or like doing a lot. It could be as simple as listening to music or dancing or even watching the sunset.

  1. Nutritious Food & Sleep –

It is very important to eat healthy food because excessive consumption of junk can lead to various health problems which will in turn affect our mental wellbeing. An average adult requires 6 – 8 hours of sleep. The lack of sleep does have a negative impact on our physical and mental health.

  1. Travel –

Whenever you find time try to take small trips to a new place, go trekking for 1-2 days or even just visit a beach resort to just sit and relax by the seashore. Change in your daily routine and a new environment can be very refreshing and relaxing for the mind, body and soul.


As a whole mental health can be improved by taking small steps but what’s significant is to make the effort and improve your wellbeing.


Mental health is an integral part of ones individual, it includes the individuals emotional, psychological and social wellbeing. But through the years we give more importance to physical health and physiological health of our body. We need to show/give more focus towards our mental well-being as well. 
In this busy schedule here in the world where everyone is running towards their own goals forget to look after their own selves moreover forget their mental health. 
as many of people above me have listed many ways to improve or steps to take to help your mental health, i would like to express my own veiws or thoughts on few of the things i have come across which will help us with our mental health state:

  • The thing is to take care of yourself , pause your life for few seconds/minutes in your day to appreciate and notice yourself. like this one will not only be more aware of him/herself but will know what to do to improve him/her. This can be done by meditating , walking alone, pondering on life. 
  • Second is to help yourself and someone near you, this doesn't just increase your dopomine level, this act of kindness , it spreads smiles and kindness too as well. which will make one feel good from inside and spread this happiness. 
  • last i would like to say is that do what you love, this is a huge factor to maintain your mental health as it is the one thing that not only you love to do but will help you heal as well internally. one can cook, draw, walk, listen to music , talk to a friend, sleep, anything is possible to do what you do. These are the activities which will help you grow as well.

The above mentioned are few tricks and tips i have learned through a lot of interaction and observing people. hope this helps! <3



Mental health is just as normal as physical health for me. It has been made a taboo to even think and talk about it. People used to make fun out of it by calling each other mental, or go to mental hospital. Well ya now guess what each one of us need mental care, and its not a shame. Just like you need to be fit and active (physically), it is same or I would say even more important mental health is. By mental health one doesn't have to be mentally ill to start taking care of it. You have to let go and feel about something's, take a whole lot of unwanted emotional and mental stuff out that  you collect in from surroundings unknowingly and to sort of balance it. It is becoming dangerous now, this era will be called by mental illness era. Also on contradict  to it we are the most blessed and most sufficient era ever till date, still so much mental issues? Well that's for sure some problem is within us and that has to be really taken care of. Mental health became really important to me after a shocking news of sushant singh's rajput suicide (was it a suicide or death lets leave that). I had no clue why but it left me startled and amused, I started questioning about a lot of things. My jigyasa (curiosity) just rose and  I got really into this till date and on.

I take few steps to take care of my mental health on daily basis:

1. First of I try to consciously look on my thoughts.

2. Sort them out (positive and waste) and try to be solution oriented about my problems on daily basis.

Above said things sounds easy than done, so whenever I feel a whole lot of thoughts have stucked up or brain fog sort of thing happening us may call it a blue, burnout, anxiety even depression, trust me these things help- 

3. I give myself a break - walk alone, breathe deeply, do a phone detox, bath, mediation, dance, exercise, journaling, taking to close ones, or simply just sit in nature.

4. I try and load myself with positive words, by saying them, listening them or reading them by various means -novels, podcast, documentaries etc. to get a bigger picture sense. I'm not alone in this and there's lot more than this. 

5. Motivating others to take care of their mental health or just doing some small good act.


Mental Health: An area where all types of feelings comes out. It includes mood swings, frustration,  anger, lonliness, being happy for a long time, hiding actual pain etc can be called as Mental Health. 


 When it comes to keep a check on my mental health and well being the strategies I would suggest for everyone reading this is very simple not a hard task.











Mental health, if talking in technical terms then it's a state of mind that needs to be taken care of as much as physical health is taken care of.
It's that particular state of mind which more or less requires an ample amount of attention to work and function healthy.

It helps in regulating our long term, short term goals, to deal with our day to day hassles, to make our mental functioning more smoothly and more.
It takes a toll on a lot of things and almost everything at the same time.

Moving to Strategies to keep a check of one's mental well-being must include :
Weekly follow-up on own looking how and where one faced difficulty in the situation to deal it mentally.
Maybe to engage oneself in activities that help in relaxation such as taking short breaks between work, a short quick or a long conversation with someone close, listening to music depending upon the state of mind, diary writing and weekly follow-up in the same may work, venting out your thoughts through artwork or some other stuff.

So, these were a few strategies or Ideas I follow personally to keep a check on my mental health, I do agree that it also differs from person to person and their situations too but if these help someone it would be helpful for me too.

Because mental health holds the same importance physical health does.


Mental well-being directly affects physical well-being and vice versa. According to me, mental health is about being at peace with myself. Complete acceptance of my being and sense of self which would lead to feelings of integrity with not only self but also the universe at large which includes social, personal, psychological, emotional well-being. due to this mental well-being directly impacts how to respond to different situations in life, make decisions, cope with stressors, communicate and relate to other people. mental health lies beyond the mere absence of mental disorders but rather when we are able to put our best step forward and strive towards contributing effecting towards reaching our maximum potential and work productively to fulfill our ambitions and goals. Some ways in which I keep my mental well-being in check are as follows:

1.Meditating- It helps me improve my concentration and focus, regulate my breathing patterns which in turn creates an atmosphere of tranquility and increase mindfulness.

2. Exercising-  It helps me alleviate my mood, improve my sleeping patterns and feel an increased sense of accomplishment. The release of endorphins leads to feelings of happiness. 

3. Yoga- Practicing yoga regularly helps me manage daily stressors more effectively. It brings about an increased coherence between the mind, body, and spirit.

4. Driving- the act of driving for me is very cathartic. It acts as a personal safe space where I can in a healthy manner contemplate and self-reflect.

5. Hobbies- Investing sufficient time and energy in things we are passionate about is extremely important. Painting, dance, and photography are some activities that help improve my mental wellness.

6. Treks and Nature Trails- Being surrounded by rich flora and fauna, away from the fast-paced city life always manages to boost my mood, reduce stress, and increase feelings of calm and peace.

It is important to note the importance of individual differences. These are some strategies that work for me personally but they may or may not work for everyone due to the complexity of variables that are involved in the same.


"Good mental health improves overall quality of living" (source: WHO).  Mental health is a product of our social, emotional and psychological factors. Mental health, just like physical health, impacts daily effective living and hence, needs equal, if not more importance.

An important way to maintain mental health is to identify ones strengths, weakness, and triggers (positive as well as negative). This will provide with a "map" of meaning in the understanding and needed adjustment of self to environment.

It's okay to talk; we need to realize that mental health cannot sustain on its own self. Regular self-introspection as well as, expressing our worries, doubts and feels of inequities to the right people is an important step. With the right help and techniques, this leads to prevention of going down a spiraling path to self-hate and intensified inner pain and it also aids in emotional healing and effective coping mechanisms.

Deci and Ryan proposed 3 factors in the Self- Determination Theory which I use to navigate my mental health status; autonomy, relatedness and competence. Although all of the aspect are important, I thrive on relatedness and so, I check daily if I am able to full-fill it for a meaningful living.

  • Autonomy teaches us to increase our sense of agency and reduce helplessness. Acknowledge emotional exhaustion, if any and taking some time for to experience what you love doing, without the force or cohesion of others. For example, I created an interesting routine and found sense of control and satisfaction by adhering to it.
  • Relatedness, enhance and engage in conversation or activity with your social support.
  • Competence helps us check if we are effective in dealing with our environment.

Additional tips to protect mental health

  1. Have a fixed sleep schedule and a pre-planned day’s routine with self-time.
  2. Be intentional about how you spend your week. Do not drift. Engage and Set smart goals; realistic and specific.
  3. Regular exercise is associated with emotional resilience to acute stress in healthy adults.
  4. Do not spend too much time on social media. This will not feed your need for relatedness. In fact, it leeches off time, making you feel low in all 3 aspects of autonomy, relatedness and competence.  

I believe that all these hacks aids in, ‘meaning-making of our life’- making sense of each event and finding positive outcomes which eventually lead to personal growth.


Mental health is the psychological and emotional well being of an individual. Our mental health affects the way we feel, think and behave. Mental health determines how we handle the stresses of our day to day life situations and make healthy decisions. Mental health  is related to our physical health. For example, mental illness raises the risk of different physical health issues such as fatigue, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and so on. 


Often we fail to acknowledge the importance of mental health. Whenever we talk about mental health we often hear things like, "it's all in your head", "you're just overthinking it" or "it's just a phase, you'll get over it." Most of the times we also hear the word 'mad' when we talk about mental health. This shows how casually we think about mental health. And it is high time now to understand how important our mental health is. Mental health is important for every one of us, people from all stages of life- children, adolescents, adults and old age.


Taking care of our mental health is important for a healthy and balanced life. It is important for us to have a good mental health to cope with the stressful life situations, be physically healthy and also maintain healthy and happy relationships with the people around us. It also helps us to realise our true potential. Mental health plays an important role in our life and it impacts our thoughts, feelings and actions. A good mental health promotes productivity and effectiveness in our work.


Strategies to keep a check on mental health are as follows:

1. Indulging yourself in one or more hobbies. You don't have to be a master of it. Do it as long as it makes you happy. Painting, singing, dancing, cooking, etc., can help you calm your mind. Start doing new things so you discover your new talents.

2. Journalling can help you make your mind refreshing. It will make you more creative. Writing your thoughts make you calm.

3. Working out or yoga not only keep our body fit but also relaxes our mind.

4. Meditation is very important for calming our mind. Try practicing meditation daily atleast for 20 minutes. It will make your mind calm and help you concentrate in your work.

5. Reward yourself and celebrate every little achievements. It will enhance your performance in work. Value yourself and know your worth. Treat yourself with kindness because you deserve it.

6. Taking care of skin is very refreshing. Skincare or taking a warm bath relaxes your mind.

7. Prioritise sleep. An undisturbed sleep of 7-8 hours is very important. It is important for both physical and mental health.

8. Sometimes you just don't want to do anything. It's okay to take a break, you don't have to be productive every single day.

9. Listening to your favourite music can help you relax and you'll enjoy your own time.

10. Surrounding yourself with good people is very important for our mental health. The people around us impact our mental and emotional health.

11. Sometimes things gets messed up and it's okay. Everyday is different and it's okay if you feel low at times. At such times, open up to a trustworthy person. It will really help you to feel better and less suffocating.

12. Break the monotony of life. It will bring a change in your daily life and you'll enjoy the moment even more.





Understanding oneself from all dimensions and still having faith,love,courage, motivation to move forward is what i believe when it is to say all about mental health.
Thus looking after ones own Mental health is very important according to me the way we find peace and the way we give importance to  find  happiness in  small things and how we perceive it  in a positive way is mental stability for me.
Few strategies which i take to keep a check on my mental well being are

*Talking to the person whom i trust the most (best friend ,sister ,or mother)

*Writing the whole issue whatever i had been through releasing the stress with my writings had been a great help and tearing it into small pieces and throwing them gives relief.

*Paintings( I personally believe colors really do wonder when it is to release stress)/doing anything you are good at will help you boost your positivity and brings happiness to you.

*Instead of thinking it would have been better if i did that instead of this must be avoided and should think whatever happened it is past and we cannot change past but we can help our future by working in our present.

*Understanding oneself especially self love and self respect is very important if we don't learn to value ourself and feel happy for what you are then how can you value your emotions and understand what you want and what you are thus spending time for oneself is very important.

* Set goals concentrate on your likes and dislikes, prioritise your happiness.

*Physical well being is very important thus follow good diet and eat nutritious excercise,meditate,sleep on time,spend time for oneself,control smoking ,alcohol consumption.

*Take an appoinment with mental health professional for better help and guidance.




An individual is said to be healthy when he or she is physically, mentally and socially fit. People in general do tend to take care of their physical and social health as it is visible to them and the people around them. But when it comes to mental health, it is often neglected as it be very much internal as well as personal. 

What is mental healthy? as the name suggests mental healthy involves being mentally, emotionally and socially healthy. It affects how we think, how we feel, who we handle stress and what not yet it is ignored. It is one of the  most important as well as strong pillars of  that helps in development of an individual's personality. 

When an individual's mental being is disturbed, it results in affecting his or her feelings, mood, behavior, social interaction, intellectual abilities and even deteriorate our physical health. 

Having a positive mental health helps in being productive, coping stress, increasing our mental strength, improving social interaction and realizing our full potential. 

Measures that i would take to check my mental wellbeing-

1. take a break when necessary  as at times life can be hectic 

2. manage time effectively

3. let myself express  what i am feeling through journaling 

4. Mediate daily for at least five or ten minutes to keep away the negative thoughts

5. observe my surroundings and introspect.

6. Do what i like doing when i am feeling too overwhelmed or stressed (like cooking or dancing) 

Last but not the least give myself the credits to be strong and face challenges ahead. 


     Mental health has been a taboo topic in India since time immemorial. We Indians have grown up believing that there is no such thing as taking care of yourself mentally. We have believed that brain works on its own, why do we need to 'take care of it?' But then we have been experts in physical health also. Yoga, meditation, dietary recommendations from ancient texts, spirituality all come from our land, which is one of the oldest civilization. We must not forget that these things too affect our mental health heavily. Coming back to the present times, our times are stressful and hurtful than ever. We have slowly adapted the western lifestyle, whether it is corporate offices, fast food chains, social media bragging or the hustle mentality. These things hurt us more than ever. So first and foremost, taking the best of both worlds, Indian and western could be a solution for us: For example western culture is assertive and forthright, we Indians can pick it up to stop hurting our mental health from "what will people say?". Another best thing to take up from the western world is that therapy is comparatively less stigmatized over there. We can surely adapt this from them. We should not feel ashamed when we take up therapy and not shame others when they take therapy.

     So if someone asks me what is mental health according to me, I will answer in two parts: First and foremost it is about standing up for yourself. It is  about prioritizing your well-being over unrealistic expectation of people and prevent from stretching yourself too thin to come on a verge of breakdown. In the second part, I will talk about reaching out to others healthily. I personally believe that a person's mental health deteriorates when the people around him start invalidating his choices and alienate him for being different than them. I believe we can save a lot of lives from mental health concerns and suicides by validating people for who they are; trying to understand where they come from to know their source of choice. 

     The reason I talk about us and people both is because I strong believe in the concept of 'Wounded Healer' . He told that we heal others because of our own wounds. A simple tactic of remembering how we felt at a terrible position will make us realize that we need to stop hurting other people, because hurt people hurt others.

     So in conclusion, I would only want people to have sympathy for themselves and empathy for others.


This post was modified 4 years ago 3 times by Mehal Sampat

According to my Point of view, till now our youth is very well aware of the word 'Mental Health' but talking about Mental Health and spreading awareness about it will only work if we 'walk the talk'. If we just think of spreading awareness amongst people and will not prove or show people that how it works then it is just like doing engineering without any practical knowledge. It's like, yes, we know what is mental health and what is positivity but we ourselves don't show that that to others. What I am trying to say is that we should start awaring people by being an example of that by talking to people politely and listening to them and understanding them and making them comfortable about them themselves by not judging them not just expecting it from others and Kindness cost nothing so of course, we all can do this. I have seen my friends doing the same and even I have seen myself telling others to be positive and optimistic and I myself think negative and be a pessimist. 'Health does not always come from medicines'. I read this line somewhere and I think it is true that most of the time health comes from peace of mind, peace of heart, peace in the soul. It comes from Laughter and Love. So let's start spreading Love by taking care of our own mental health first so that we can help others. This message is for the ones who are a part of Mental Health campaigns. And start separating yourselves from Energy Drainers. Pay attention to your peace. 

And here are some of my tackle techniques or call it Techniques of making my mind a good place to live in:-

1. Choose a hobby/Skill- Everyone has their own skills and if you think you don't have any then you probably need some 'ME time', because this means that you need to know yourself in order to find your hidden skills as everyone has some skills and you're probably unaware of it.

2. Make a Gratitude Journal: Trust me, this will help you so much in making your life better and thinking with a clear mind. You'll start seeing the world from a positive perspective.

3. Make a bucket list: Sometimes, it's necessary to know what we ACTUALLY want in our lives. Just setting goals in life and not knowing what will you do after achieving them is vague, you need to know what will help you after success. Involve things in this list that will give you hope if you'll ever fail.

4. Keep finding HOPE: Start seeing the world from a bigger perspective. Hope is not a one-time thing, it is something that can be found anywhere and anytime and infinite times. If you fail in one thing then that doesn't mean your life has come to an end, that means it's time for something NEW.

5. Listen to music/Songs: Songs have lyrics and music has pleasing sounds so hear whatever you want to as it takes you to another world and it gives you a break from the actual world.

6. Eat your favorite food: I am the type of person who doesn't eat much but finds happiness in food or my favorite beverage. Give yourself a treat whenever you feel low or want to take a break.

7. Talk or write: Please don't ever feel what others will think when you want to discuss something with others, speak your heart out with your favorite person or with anyone you feel is non-judgemental to you as that will help you talk. And if you don't find people then try writing things out on a piece of paper or a diary. I write a diary but I have friends who feel good after writing and then tearing that page, you can do any of this and it ACTUALLY WORKS. Try it.

There are many more but these are my personal ones and I am also on the way to better mental health as I myself has some issues that I am dealing with so Understand that things might take time and you have to be patient about that and please Understand that It's absolutely Normal to have emotions and It's Completely Okay Not to Be Okay.

Lots of Love.

Shreshtha Negi




According to me, mental health signifies a state of balance and self-control. It not only refers to the state of mind or psychological well-being but also includes emotional and social well-being. It is only when a person is in good mental health, will they be able to cope well with daily stresses of life and learn to be resistant to it. In physiological terms, such a person would be considered as being in a state of good mental well-being. This ultimately affects our quality of life and the way we function in our daily lives, and leads to a happier and healthier life. Sadly, it is a widely underrated concept as people fail to realise it's importance just because any ailment in the brain is such that cannot be visible unlike physical injuries in other parts of the body that are provided with immediate attention. Thus, I believe that one must make mental health a priority as only then will they be able to lead a life with motivation, courage, positivity and love- firstly towards their own self and then later, others.

Few measures that I'd take to improve my mental health-

1) Talk to others around me, particularly those who make me feel better about myself and spread positivity.

2) Take out time for myself and do all that makes me feel better in this "me time", such as baking, painting, listening to music or even sleeping for that matter.

3) Engage in physical exercises/sports/yoga as physical well-being promotes mental well-being too.

4) Do my best to engage in a balanced healthy diet as what you eat determines what your brain gets and in turn affects mental health in a big way which is why it is vital to eat adequate nutritious meals.

5) Practice mindfulness meditation for inner peace, self introspection and to be more aware of what I'm doing and put my heart and mind into it, be it even the smallest of tasks.

Thank you.


Mental health is basically our overall mental wellbeing. When you wake up in the morning after a good night sleep, what are the thoughts in your head? Do you feel anxious? Do you feel sad? Do you feel insecure? Do you feel you are not good enough? These kinds of thoughts keep on coming in our heads when we are not keeping well mentally. Mental health is as important as physical health. As physical health consists of the health of our body, mental health is concerned about our mind. It is basically how we think and act. Mental health is an important aspect throughout our lives. From a childhood to old age, mental health constantly plays an important role in our lives. Fluctuations in our mental health can lead to several types of disorders. It is very important to keep up a good state of mental health in order to have a fully functioning life. If we experience any kind of mental health problems at any point of our lives, all our moods, thoughts and actions will be affected. Even though in most cases mental health can be depended on some factors such as, genetics, relationships, socio-economic factors and so on, it is also up to us that we take care of our mental health.

I would like to suggest some ways in which you can keep up your mental health-

  1. Since physical health and mental health are correlated, having nutritious food, good sleep and enough exercise can help to reduce stress and anxiety to an extent.
  2. Stay connected. Having your own time for a while is good but do not stay lonely for too long. Always stay connected with your loved ones.
  3. Try to engage yourselves with somethings. Get a hobby, like cooking, reading, stitching etc.
  4. Do not get too much involved in social medias. It consumes a lot of your time and it can also lead to addiction. Some studies also suggest that increased social media use can also lead to depression and anxiety.
  5. Get professional help if it is required. This is not easy as it sounds, but when you feel that things are getting out of your hands, professional help is required.

One last thing, always remember- YOU ARE NOT ALONE 😊


As the name itself suggests, mental health is the how we measure ones state of mind and its capabilities.Mental health, to me, is as important as or much more important, than our physical health. When our mental well being is damaged or affected negatively, it has been proven to prolong physical diseases, makes healing from an injury difficult and even our affect immunity. Physical diseases can be cured but the taboo our society has set for psychological disorders and problems make it difficult for us to recover effectively. Those are proven by the articles and studies we can find. I believe that its a necessity to develop a sound mind in a sound body to become the best version of ourselves. And for that, there are countless strategies and measures we can take. Some of them are

Constant introspection: Awareness, not only outward, but inwards to our own mind in important. We can take 15 minutes of our time daily at night and morning to visualize, plan, recollect and reflect on the events that happened and what we learned and felt that day.

Any form of physical work: Exercising, yoga, martial arts ,sports all the physical works helps balance the hormones in our body naturally. I would suggest any form of exercise to be practiced at least 3-4 days in a week

Meditation: Meditation in the exercise that we do to sharpen and relax our mind. Learning any kind of meditation, like zen, mindfulness, guided meditation making a habit of it will certainly improve our mental health and benefit greatly in many ways.

Positive reinforcement: Positivity is really an underrated concept according to me. Our very societies preach pessimism in a subtle way which most of us fall victim to, like, comparison, pointing the negative aspects first, throwing the blame and so on and so forth. If we try to look at everything in a fun and positive way, we will start find how awesome life could be

Newness to the mind: Reading a book, learning about a new concept, solving a puzzle and anything similar to that which is new to our brain will help keep the brain active and strong. Neuroplasticity talks more about its benefits for a lifetime.

Social interaction and self care: Spending time with trusted family and friends are as important as any other. Going out on a trip, admiring the beauty of nature or just being with our most loved ones will ease any burden that we carry. we must love ourselves as much as we love them too.

Good expression: Bottling up feelings is one of the worst things one can do to themselves. These repressed emotions are mostly the cause of any disorders and ailments. Learning to express ones emotions in the best and safe way possible in invaluable. We naturally tend to do that by creating safe spaces between close friends or family or love by instinct.


To summarize, mental health awareness is an education that every man and woman needs in their life. Communities like ours play a vital role in spreading the knowledge and I am happy, that we are beginning to understand its value. Contribution towards that cause in anyway is what and my aim will be.


Mental health is the emotional and psychological state of mind of an individual, at any point in time. It is what that determines the standard and quality of life. Mental well being on the other hand, is the healthy state of mind which leads to contentment with oneself and one’s way of life. However be the difference between the two, there very little knowledge and spread of awareness regarding the same. The very term ‘mental health’ brings in a notion of abnormality or disease whereas it simply means nothing but the state of mind. Just as physical health needs to be taken care of, mental health and especially mental well being needs if not more, an equal amount of importance.

Ways to keep a check on one’s mental health could be:

  • Introspect- Look into yourself, stick on to what you admire about yourself. Reconsider what you loathe about yourself. Yes, you do have flaws, everyone does. Nobody is perfect. Cherish your body and embrace your flaws.
  • Surround yourself with individuals who know and value your worth, people who push you to better yourself, and people who push you to love yourself.
  • Break your monotonous routine once in a while and give time for yourself. Engage in activities that are your stress busters, such as sketching, listening to music, etcetera.
  • Take care of yourself and your body. Eat healthy and think healthy and maintain hygiene. Experiment with activities in life but avoid addiction especially with drugs and alcohol.
  • Finally, never hesitate in seeking professional help if you find the need for it. It is not abnormal, it is not insane. It is help.


And whoever managed to get to the end of this post, I hope you all have a prosperous life with the will to get over any difficult circumstance, at any point in life, with no contemplation of giving up. And those who didn’t make it this far either, I wish them the same. Oh, and you’re beautiful. 🙂


Mental health, according to me, is when someone feels happy and content, and relates positively with the environment and with people around them. Stability is also a factor, in that little things should not bother people and in times of crisis one should be able to keep a level head without feeling depressed or anxious.

Why one should be mentally healthy is fairly obvious. Being mentally healthy allows us to have a good quality of life, stay positive and work more productively. Being mentally healthy prevents us from developing psychosomatic diseases. The body and mind are after all connected. And if one is spiritual, mental health is also tied into spirituality, making it a three-tier health - body, mind, and soul. 

So how does one achieve a state of mental wellbeing? 

First and foremost, I believe it is important to have an outlet. Whether in the form of close friends or family or as art or journaling, we all need someone or something to tell our problems to. Whether as venting or just resolving issues, talking is important. A quote about this that really stood out to me is, “We all need someone we can tell the truth to when they ask - how are you?”

Then comes self-love. Your cup has to be full if you want to fill other’s cups. Spend time for yourself, take a long bath or get a massage. Pick a hobby you used to have, or develop a new one, dancing, crafts, or even just watching wholesome movies or plays. Take up sports to keep physically fit and get a boost of endorphins. 

Then there is mindfulness. It is not confined to just meditating, but mindfulness can involve sitting quietly and observing your thoughts. Eating well, sleeping enough, and making sure we are really ok. Finding out when we get sad or angry can make us take positive steps to stay happy and positive. If you get “hangry” or upset when you’re tired, you can take preventive measures. If someone makes you tense, or unmotivated, you can distance yourself from them. But all this is possible only if we are mindful. 

Finally, if you think talking to the people around isn’t enough, DO NOT hesitate to talk to a professional. It is not shameful to want help, it is actually quite the opposite. It is a good thing that you are able to identify an aspect of your life you need help with and that you do something about it is a brave step. Talking to a therapist or counselor is different from talking to your friend or a family member, in that a therapist is a neutral person with no agenda or intention for you. Even a good, trusted friend will tell you only what they think is good for you. A therapist only facilitates us in our own journey of betterment.


According to me, Mental Health is a state of emotional, cognitive and social well being. It's such an important aspect of our body because it determines how we handle pressure, our active choices and makes us realise our potential and abilities. Mental health has been my priority over physical health. Why? I believe that I can be physically fit but the day I experience disturbance in my mind,it disrupts the overall function of my body. I get mood swings, there's a change in behaviour,I lose my appetite and it gets hard for me to socialize with people. There's more to it obviously. The thought of having a deteriorating mental state scares me to death. I didn't prioritise my mental health until life taught me to. I was only 14 years old though and just a mere thought of having failed got me housebound for 2 months. Ever since,I realised a lot many things.

First that how people perceive it- they think it's "not normal",it surprises me because they're so unaware of the fact that they're able to perform everyday task, getting through the day, making decisions because they have got minds. Ironic isn't it? 

Second, mental health is so very important! I kept doing things without acknowledgeding that I need to take care of my emotional needs,that I need to stop worrying about things that are beyond my capacity and things I've no control over and that sometimes mental health needs detoxification from consumption of media, too much interaction with people and from negative things.

Third, I matter. Yes,you matter. You're here because the universe needs you. It's funny how we don't get reminded of that often but only when people who are close to you too realise that you're at the end of hopes and you're going to take your life,they tell you how important you are. Well, don't worry. You don't need to have a near death experience to realise that. In fact,I'm telling you now that you're important. Now that you know you're important, embrace yourself. Try not being to harsh on yourself. Love yourself. I know it's not all bubble bath and having a three layered cheeze pizza but it's more about the journey to do so. The feeling of self acceptance,of being your most confident self would definitely make your mind filled with happy hormones.

I do the following to keep a check on my mental health:

  • I journal. I journal everyday. I pen down every negative and positive thoughts of mine,how my day was and how I feel. 
  • I acknowledge how I feel, consciously. For instance,I'm feeling sad I acknowledge it to myself so that I can do something about it,to not feel sad anymore or I let it flow,I cry my heart out. Living in denial makes it worse.
  • I meditate. I know that you've heard it probably a thousand times and it still doesn't work out,but it does. It takes a lot of patience and efforts for it to work. I definitely feel fresh, grounded and focused. It calms me. 
  • I read out positive affirmations to myself.This has helped me so much. Consciously feeding your mind with positive thoughts is a game changer. When you think positively about something consciously, your subconscious mind reacts to it by making it happen. 
  • I talk things out. I'm grateful that I have people I can confide in,I tell them how I feel about things very honestly. 
  • I invest in my hobby. I personally love listening to good music and read a book. It's therapy for me. Suddenly, everything seems good to me while doing so.
  • Taking time off from social media. I cannot emphasize enough so as how important digital detoxification is. You miss out on good real life experiences by engaging in social media too much.
  • Bonding with nature gives me peace. Feeling the breeze against your body, diving into serenity of nature. Be it stargazing at night or watching the sunset makes me realise how beautiful the world is. 

These are few strategies that have helped me personally,it may or may not work for you but what's important is trying to implement it and finding it out for yourself,that would also mean that you're discovering yourself. I hope these strategies helps even one of you,out there. You're doing great and better than you think. Happy growing <3!


Mental health is defined as the emotional psychological and social well being of an individual. It affects how one feels, think and act. It is true when one remains free from all kind of depression and disorder. An individual should have a clear and pleasant mind. One should be unconfused in making decisions and should not worry or constantly think about the thoughts that disturbs us. Sharing about the any discomforts in thought to close ones would help in the better mindset.
Yoga and meditation and also exercises keeps us both mentally and physically healthy. Listening to music when depressed also helps to Josh up. Involving in sports helps for better mental and physical coordination. Mindfully engaging in activities which one loves and makes them feel positive can help for better mental health. Mental health consists of many kinds of disorders

Early signs in mental illness
Withdrawing from the friends, avoiding activities they would enjoy. Eating and sleeping too much or too little. Feeling hopeless and being confused.
Measures I would take to keep check of my mental health
1. Interacts with others.
2. Asking for feedback.
3. Eating well.
4. Keeping in touch with everyone.
5. Accepting who am I.
6. Caring for others.
If I am not following all the above activities I know that I am low.

The most common types of mental illness are as follows:

Anxiety disorders
Anxiety relates to certain object or situation
Example: General Anxiety Disorder ( GAD).
PTSD- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which occurs after witnessing severe stressful events.
mood disorders
It is also known as Affective disorder or depressive disorder. It also includes 1.major depression ( constantly in low moods and loses interest in activities).
2.Bipolar disorder ( unusual mood swings and changes in energy levels).
3. Seasonal Affective Disorder- SAD( It is triggered during the reduced day light near early spring, winter and fall. It is found in countries far from the equator.
Schizophrenia disorders
It is the highly complex conditions. The signs include delusions, hallucinations and thought disturbances, withdrawal, lack of motivation and flat moods.


The WHO states: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." An important implication of this definition is that mental health is more than just the absence of mental disorders or disabilities. Mental health stands for being mentally healthy. Our mental health can be impacted by many occurrences and events in our lives - such as a traumatic event, stress, life changes, ending of relationships, family problems and what not. Ones mental health cannot be seen and therefore, it is of great importance to pay utmost heed to it. It is imperative to remember to take care of a body part that we cannot see.

While talking about mental health, it is also essential to understand how we can take care of our mental health. 

Specific ways to promote mental health include:

- Talking about our feelings acts as a great method to take care of our mental health. When we share out deepest thoughts with another person, it makes us feel lighter and makes us believe that we are not alone. This plays a great role in the maintenance of mental health. 

- Being active also boosts ones mental health. Regular exercise can help with self confidence, releases happy hormones which instantly make us feel better, it improves the quality of sleep and thus makes us more healthy mentally. 

- Good eating habits are also important determinants of mental health. If we consume a well balanced diet, with all the nutrients required to keep us physically healthy, our mental health will also improve as a result of this. 

- Reducing alcohol consumption to occasions also helps to improve mental health. People often see substance use as an escape from rally and their feelings, hence it is important to keep its consumption in moderation.

- Asking for help is extremely necessary. Whenever we feel stuck in situations and feel like there is no way out, it is very important to seek help from someone. 


According to me mental health is when our mind is really at peace and in a healthy state for doing things, solving problems without any sign of depression, anxiety or suicidal thoughts.

The measures to take to keep a check on my mental well-being are written below-

do things what you love to do.❤️

Give a day off for self care once in week.💅

Feed stay animals or visit a NGO of old-age people/animal rescue.🐥

Listen to good Music🎶

Grab your favourite food and watch favourite movies🍿.

Mansi Mundhra March 10, 2021 2:44 pm

We all know that "health is wealth". Health is defined as the physical and mental wellbeing of an individual. Mental health refers to an individual's psychological and emotional well-being. It has an impact on our behaviour as well as immune system. A disease-free person or a person with no disorder doesn’t mean that he)she as healthy. In the process of continuously exploring new opportunities and evaluating oneself, on everyday basis, it has become more important to maintain a mentally healthy lifestyle. Until recent times, people used to ignore their mental health concerns. But with the introduction of Psychology as a subject matter, people are now aware about such concepts and are able to share their experiences.

There’re various ways to develop/maintain a mentally healthy environment for self and others:

  • Talking with friends or anyone you’re comfortable with
  • Having a hobby and enjoying it
  • Taking break from work, as and when required
  • Checking up with a healthcare professional if you feel so or find changes in your behaviour
  • Taking proper diet and sleep
  • Doing exercise regularly
  • Trying to have a positive outlook towards things, others and self




Mental health is the emotional well being of a person. This may include Individual as well as social well being. Mental health is as important as physical health. Even mental health can affect Physical health in various ways. One needs to take good care of their mental health. There are various disorders that may lead to dangerous consequences. These days not many care about mental health. Especially the older generation, they don't consider mental health they think we dramatise them.
Though each and everyone has different feelings and thoughts some theories can really help oneself. First of all, one needs to know about themselves to know others better. Only when they know about themselves, they know what's bothering them or what really is the problem. One needs to be calm in anything they do. This can be said easily, but to put it in Practice maybe difficult. There are Various ways to take care of one's mental health. One subject that i personally  recommend is introspection. It's a term used to examine one's own Thoughts and feelings. It is the examination of one's own soul.

And if you feel so disturbed, nature can also help alot. A simple walk can change the mind. This is drive theory. Even drawing or writing something can distract. Because once we create art, we tend to forget everything and focus only on that particular thing. This may help on a greater level.

So these are my thoughts on mental health and ways to main it.
Thank you.

Sneha Goswami March 10, 2021 2:39 pm

On 24th March 2020, India was imposed with a nationwide lockdown. At that time, we could not even imagine the impact of this lockdown on us, on our health and specifically our mental health. According to a recent survey by the World Health Organization, the pandemic disrupted critical mental health services in 93 per cent of countries. This meant that people were not provided adequate help even when they wanted it. 

The lockdown meant differently for everyone. There were some positive and negative effects. For me, and I’m sure for some of you, these were really tough times. For the others, it might have been a bit better. 

Nevertheless, I feel that in some ways, it was and is a period of growth. However small that growth may be, it was there. 

Negative Effects of the Pandemic

One of the first things that impacted us was Negativity. The Lockdown was the first time where we were confined to our homes for such a long duration. Previously, we used to go out of our homes for everyday school or work. We used to go out with our friends and family. But, when the lockdown was imposed, it was so unexpected and unfamiliar. At first, it felt like a vacation. We were catching up on work, lost sleep among other activities. But how much sleep can you really catch up on after a week or a month? Drastically negative thoughts took shelter in the shallow confines of our mind.

The second thing that had an impact on our life was ‘Social Media’. When you are stuck with you and your phone for a long period, the only way to communicate is through online social platforms. Initial lockdown days started with long video chats on zoom and google meet. But as the lockdown proceeded, video chats decreased and so did our ‘friends’. Instead of social, we were anti-social. Going through our Instagram feeds, pictures of models lounging at beaches with multiple hashtags popped on our screen. I would not say that I did not feel jealous. I did feel that why am I not doing something fun. Later in an article, I read that those pictures were photoshopped. In the pandemic, when people were losing their lives, being bombarded with such pictures of perfection made me feel less and I felt flawed.

Moving on to my last point, i.e., there were periods of hopelessness. After a month or so, the lockdown kept on extending and there was no clarity when it would actually end. The death toll kept on rising, stigma became stronger. There was a fear of what would happen even if we actually went out of our homes. 

Our combat strategy was to engage in a bubble of our own hopelessness and helplessness. I have always favoured action instead of inaction. And not doing anything depressed me.


Coping Strategies


There is still high uncertainty whether the Pandemic is actually over or not or whether we will have to go through the lockdown once again. Just to be cautious and prepared, I will now suggest some strategies that you might use in addition to what you think will be good for yourself. 


The first strategy is to vent out your feelings. During the periods of hopelessness, as mentioned in the previous slide, I used to pour my heart out to my mom and dad many a time. Although it did not really solve the problem, I did feel a sense of relief that I have someone to share these problems with. For me, my family was my safe haven. Sharing your feelings with your friends might also help. You share your feelings with someone who you feel will not judge you or make you feel uncomfortable. And that will be the perfect person to bond with. 

Be Positive! This is the second strategy. I can never stress enough how being positive takes you out of the most negative situations. Even if the world is filled with void, there will always be some ray of light to guide you through. The best way to be positive is to detach yourself from negative thoughts. Once you stop replaying all the bad thoughts, I feel half the problem will be solved. Take a break from social media once in a while. Just living life without feeling the need to go through all the over the top perfect pictures will be relaxing. Spending time with your family will definitely help. 

Last but not the least, being patient will help a lot. All bad things will come to an end. There is nothing that can go on for time immemorial. In the meanwhile, you can pick up a new hobby. For example, I started a blogging site and I fell in love with writing after that. Many of my classmates also started a new business which helped them to be busy and occupied. We need to also understand that everyone is going through equal bad times if not more. However, being empathic to someone else will not only make the person feel better but yourself as well. 


Mental Health to me is the wellbeing of my mind. It means that  I'm in a state of mind where I am at peace with what I have, including my flaws. It doesn't mean that my life to be perfect. It also doesn't mean that I don't work on flaws to become a better person. Mental Health and piece of mind is something that everyone should want to achieve and are able to achieve.

Measures I take to keep in check my mental health are:

1. Take a day off - usually during this time, I like to sit back and relax. I don't try to think of stressful events. 

2.Watch my favorite movies and listen to favorite songs. 

3. Read a book

4. Talk to my friends so as to ensure I don't bottle up my feelings

5. Spend more time with my family. 

6. Introspect - I like work on my flaws so that I can be the best version of myself




Do you feel anxious whenever you go to an unfamiliar setting? Do you feel anxious even when you are in a familiar setting, but you’re supposed to address a larger audience? Do you feel anxious before taking a test or during a test? Have you ever felt that you cannot work under a toxic environment or live in a toxic household ? Have you faced issues with your sense of self-worth? Have you ever experienced persistent and pervasive sadness? Well if your answer is yes to any of the questions mentioned above, then we can say that mental health isn’t a western concept after all.

Health encompasses physical as well as psychological health. Thus, our mental health is as important as our physical health. The worst thing about stigma is stigma attached to health-related aspects can have dire consequences. Therefore, it becomes the need of the hour to eradicate stigma and educate all age groups, be it children or adults, about role of mental health. But only educating them isn't enough as we've seen psychology students who are well aware about every psychological aspect, yet ignore their own mental health. The carelessness is so entrenched that even some psychologists give in to societal pressure due to stigma towards mental illness in India.

Now, it's not just about education but making everyone capable of handling such issues at their own level. Clearly, nobody can replace a psychologist or psychiatrist but just like in any disease if one is aware and knows how to prevent it, it can do wonders. Likewise, preventing emergence of a mental disorder is important too. Teaching importance of art on well-being, maintaining a journal, and in general, self care based activities should be promoted. These activities not only calm your mind and/or provide relaxation, but also helps you to become self-aware and be in touch with your inner self.

For those who struggle with spiralling negative thoughts and indulge in overthinking, should know that ignoring your issues, negative thoughts or emotions isn’t going to be a solution. To be self-aware, one needs to be aware of all the current emotions or thoughts s/he is experiencing. Suppression wouldn’t be healthy and ignorance isn’t a bliss either. So, to accept that you are struggling and then, consciously focussing attention on other relevant and contrasting topics would surely help. This way, you acknowledge your emotions, yet, do not succumb to your emotions/thoughts. A mentally healthy person would be able to acknowledge, accept and control his emotions and not the other way around.


Mental Health presents the state of mind of an individual in any given circumstance. Our minds are prone to pick up negative cues most of the time. It is imperative that one chooses to have an optimistic outlook as it ensures individuals feel good about living life. At the end of the day, all one wants to feel is love, happiness, contentment, and absolute peace. All this is achievable when one has a positive mental attitude towards life and all that it throws at you.

Firstly, I have always journaled my thoughts and feelings downs and I reflect on them, try to figure out if they are even rational in the first place. Like many at times, our thought processes become so negative that our mind may only elicit irrational thoughts. So first of all, keep your thoughts in check. Awareness is key to having a positive mental attitude. 

Secondly, try not to over-analyze your thought processes, over-thinking is bad for the soul too. It gives cause for worrying.

Thirdly, if it helps to TALK-IT-OUT, then please do. It helps to vent out, be it writing poetry or playing music, or even running. Do whatever you need to do to get your mind off things that are negative. If something is bothering you and it needs to be dealt with, then don't choose any form of escape, JUST FACE YOUR DEMONS AND BE DONE WITH IT!!! Never give in, fight the good fight in your head. 


Quit worrying and in that time, find a way out and fight your demons. There is never NOTHING that you can't do. As my favorite author, Napolean Hill puts it, "Whatever the mind of man believes, it can achieve."



Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual can carry out all his daily activities, can cope up with emotional and psychological changes, and can work productively, and is able to contribute to his/her community. Our Mental health affects how we think, feel, act as we cope with life. It also determines how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices. Mental health is very important at all stages of life whether it's childhood or adulthood, a good mental health leads to a good life.

Mental health problems are affected by some common factors like,
Biological, genes; life experienced like trauma or abuse; family history; etc. Mental health problems may be common or severe but it can be easily cured by consulting psychologists.

There are some early signs of mental health problems:-
Distancing from people
Too much or too little sleeping and eating.
Excessive smoking, drinking, drugs etc.
Feeling helpless or hopeless.
Feeling low energy
Constantly overthinking and crying.
Having severe mood swings causing relationship problems.
Thinking of harming yourself.
Unable to cope with emotions.

Some Common mental disorders are:-
Clinical depression.
Biopolar disorder
Mood swings, etc

In order to have a good Mental health and a healthy mind you need to take some preventive measures as follows:-

1). Have a good sleep.
Sleeping causes production of harmones in our body. This hormones are very important in managing our moods and emotions.

2). Eat well
Eating well not just important for our body but also for our mind as it full fill mineral deficiencies, such as iron and vitamins, which are needed for a good health.

3). Exercise.
Doing regular exercise is an essential part in order to get healthy mental health. Exercise, yoga or playing any kind of sports promotes production of chemicals in our brain which help to get in a good mood.

4). Do things what you love and enjoy:-
One must do things that makes him/her happy.. it can be anything like, singing, drawing, dancing, watching TV shows, or anything. These helps to have a healthy mood and mind.

5) Avoid smoking, drinking and other bad habits:-
To have a good mental health you have to avoid these habits of smoking, drinking, etc.. as it causes bad mood and various mental problems.


Mental health a topic diverse and so different. To define mental health; it is different for everyone. It varies from person to person, for me it is at being peace with your mind and body. For others it might be something different but what is important when you feel you are not well, you are not well. Don't go by what others say or what others think. Its a saying, the more number of mouths, the more kind of talks. So, just be yourself and focus on what you feel. Its important for us to feel good. 


Mental Health is basically good Diet to your body . Like if you eat healthy you stay healthy similarly if your mental health is good your mind will keep healthy . If your mental health is good , you can do anything as mental health is as important as physical health . Mental Health plays important role in individuals life , the way you behave , they way you live everything has a crucial role in keeping your health at it's best . 

One must take out time for maintaining mental health . Give time yourself , do physical activity , keep hydrated , have your favourite meal. 

If you feel low talk to somebody , no one is perfect and no one can handle everything . Look upon yourself and take time for your personal favourite activities.  Get solutions to cope with daily life problems , issues . Don't feel bad about anything .


Mental health includes cognitive, behavioural, and emotional well-being. It is not just about how people feel but also about how they think and behave. Mental health means being a state of well-being in which an individual realises his or her own abilities, can deal with the seemingly normal stresses of life, can work productively, and can contribute to his or her own community. The World Health Organisation asserts that mental health includes various components that are more than just the absence of mental disorders or disabilities. Proper mental health not only includes avoiding possible conditions but also looking after ongoing wellness and happiness. The WHO also emphasizes that preserving and restoring mental health is crucial on an individual basis, as well as throughout different communities over the world. The National Alliance on Mental Illness in the United States estimates that almost 1 in 5 adults experience mental health problems each year. There are various ways to look after mental health. Some of them include eating properly, drinking a good amount of water, keeping in touch with friends, asking for help, caring for others, doing something we like etc.  

We can keep track of our mental health through various ways. Some of them include:

Meditation: it includes focusing on an object of words and changing our focus towards something else

Mindfulness: it means being in the present:

Talking with a close friend or family member: it provides a sense of belonging

Pursuing a hobby: it also makes us engaged in something we like

Doing something we like: it makes us happy

Exercising: good for the body, thus good for our overall well being

Staying with a pet ( subjective): it releases serotonin to help us be happier

Having a positive approach towards life: it makes us hold on to our life despite of any bad happening




Happy day.

Mental health refers to cognitive, behavioral, and emotional well being. It is all about how people think, feel, and behave. This is the the general definition of mental health. But according to me mental health is the way to live life, to be with people and to be involved in a situation. Generally, when someone is physically ill people will pity them they will help them. But if a person is mentally ill then people will humiliate them before helping ( I mean the people I saw).

I'm glad to see that this situation is Changing atleast among the younger generation. And it feels really great that the field of Psychology is growing in India nowadays. I just want to use this platform and say that there's nothing wrong in seeking help ( it's better than being alone with no one to share your feelings).

I maintain my mental health by always being surrounded by people and sharing my feelings with others, breathing exercise, eat well, proper sleeping, and I do whatever I love to do (not if my actions hurt others feelings). I don't mind what others think about me. I live my life to the fullest. MOST IMPORTANTLY I LIVE THE PRESENT. I WON'T WORRY ABOUT THE FUTURE AND INCREASE STRESS AND ANXIETY. AND I DEFINITELY DON'T REMEMBER THE PAST ESPECIALLY IF IT INCREASES DEPRESSION.

Oh my god I forgot to mention about depression. Well it's a story. One day when I asked my neighbour (10 years old, who looked sad)," what happened?" And she said that she's depressed. At that age I don't even know what depression means. Depression comes with a number of feelings that certainly turn the mood down and we are in need of various methods to uplift ourselves. Atleast once in a lifetime everyone will feel depressed. Without knowing the taste of sadness we can't enjoy happiness to the fullest. So, life is unpredictable. Sometimes life will kick you around but you to keep moving and give yourself another chance to be better than yesterday.


Thank you for taking your valuable time and reading this comment. You have a great life ahead keep moving don't give up.




A person according to me can be defined mentally healthy when
‌they are capable of performing basic mental processes like thinking, perceiving, memory retention etc.
‌they have a good understanding of their emotions and how to handle them or regulate them be it negative or positive emotions like anger, happiness, sadness, excitement etc.
‌they are in touch with their inner child and understand the consequences of the environment and the genes in their upbringing
‌they are able to take responsibility for their actions and can build up courage to correct the wrong actions that can be harmful to others or themselves
‌they are able to see the world from their unique perspective and so of others are realize how to respect other people's perspective
‌they respect themselves and value themselves and can learn to accept themselves and their shortcomings and of others
‌they realize that being human means learning from mistakes and not thinking that mistakes are bad.
‌they can set healthy boundaries with other people and respect other people's boundaries.
‌they try to solve problems which can be resolved and are under their control and also at the same time realize that not all problems can be solved and learn to live with them in peace within.
‌take healthy and effective steps in always improving oneself.
Mental health definition can not be easily defined as that of physical health. Every person may have a unique perspective to it and everyone does have different ways in which they maintain their good mental health and someone of them according to me are
# a person can maintain a good mental health journal so that they are aware of what they are feeling and can easily identify what actions they need to take to improve their mental health.
# a person can also go into therapy to better understand themselves or others or even strengthen their relationships with others and themselves. Oftentimes therapy is seen as something only people with mental health problems go to but therapy is for everyone and everyone should try it.
# a person can have some good mental health rituals for themselves which makes the individual feel good both mentally and physically like exercises, meditation, listening to songs or Painting etc.
# a person can inculcate habits of reading about mental health and what can be done to improve it.
# a person can develop healthy habits of appreciating themselves and things they are thankful for.
# a person should surround themselves with people of healthy mindset and boundaries so the person can always learn from them
# a person should try to get more knowledge about their body and mind and try to dismantle the outdated wrong perspectives a person could have due to upbringing or societal norms.
# playing with animals is also said to boast mental health.


Mental Health in technical terms is emotional and social well-being. It tells how a person can think, feel and react to any given situation. It is often related to mental disorders but it is more than just mental disorders. Mental health, or in general, health, can be determined on a range of factors such as social, civil, economic, biological factors, and not merely by the absence of a disorder. Few symptoms of weak mental health are visible while the others remain implicit. The term 'depression' has now become a common word - actually used a slang these days - but an actual depressed person is told "it's just a'll be fine!". Understanding how important mental health is should be a lesson taught to every individual. 


Mental Health - an upcoming, overlooked, yet very important aspect of one's life. It has been gaining a lot of momentum from the past few years but still has a very long way to go. Mental health refers to one's mental wellbeing and a healthy state of mind. It needs to be looked at as something internal rather than outside the body, and thus treated the same way as any other physiological issue.

Mental Health also refers to one's way of life; one's family dynamics, interpersonal relationships, work/study environments, etc. All these aspects are connected and understood as a whole as well as its parts. Sometimes there are some minute things affecting an individual's Mental Health like Commuting to work. This might be an extremely tiring process and might add to the stress of an individual. But sometimes Mental Health can be more deep-rooted from childhood experiences and unconscious desires. It can also be a result of constant bottling up of emotions and not providing an outlet. 

Mental Health is a topic that is usually ignored and heavily stigmatized. It is overlooked until it begins to affect the daily functioning of an individual. Mental Health Advocates I feel are like Feminists; they aren't trying to get Mental Health to have all the attention but to gain an equal amount of consideration as the rest of the aspects in daily life. It isn't looked down upon when visits the Dentist and it should be the same response for when one visits a Therapist. A better fulfilling life is achieved not when one's bank account is filled but when one is content and at peace with oneself. Mental Health is all about that - a peaceful state of living. If the mind is in a constant state of unrest and anxiety-filled, that isn't the way one would find peace.

The foremost way to take care of one's mental well-being is to spend some quality 'ME TIME' i.e, spending time alone in order to truly understand oneself and one's needs and desires. This helps in acknowledging the parts one needs to focus on. One should ensure to spend time doing things they love and not do it out of force or peer-pressure. They should also give out 10 minutes during a day to just breathing, calming one's thoughts, and to make sure and hydrate! Engaging in one's interest or hobby is a must, which boosts one's self-esteem and is a contributing factor to happiness. Having a healthy diet also determines one's state of mind. Visiting a Therapist when not feeling as upbeat as usually can be normalized. Spending about a half hour with one's loved ones could also do wonders. Most important of all, one should learn to look within rather than outwards as a constant source of happiness. 



For me mental health is a healthy mind or emotion. It's as important as healthy body. Mental health is a habit, it reminds us to take care of ourselves mentally too.  If one is not fit mentally, one's physical health will also decline simultaneously. We need to be aware of this issue and face it. People should be made to understand it as a normal health norm. Professions such as Psychiatrists,
Psychologists, Counsellors are called pointless and
psychology as a subject is considered impractical. But, they are more important than ever. 

The "Depression and anxiety is nothing! It's just a trend these days, you will be fine after some time." And  "Psychiatrist? Wo pagalo ka doctor? Haha" need to be stopped. The days when mental health was a taboo are gone. Now it's essential! It's a daily chore and one is supposed to follow it .

There are several ways in which one can keep their mental health in check like :

  • Meditation and yoga is important for health.
  • Doing things which make you truly happy and comfortable.
  • A small break from stress can do wonders too.
  • Stay hydrated, it too affects one both physically and mentally.
  • It's fine to take some me time for yourself. Staying alone is not always selfish.
  • Try talking about your problems to people around you who you are comfortable with.
  • If you feel way extra trouble, seeking a counsellor or therapist is not something to be embarrassed about.
  • And most importantly give priority to it. Cause it is important!



Mental health a word that we come across so  many times but its innate meaning is more deeper and intense. How we feel mentally, the way we deal with the numerous thoughts in our head, the turmoil of emotions, the actual inner state through which we make all the core decisions. It not only includes our mood chains but much more than this the way we connect to people mentally. I keep a check on my mental state I begin my day by my meditating as I personally feel it is important for one to keep a check on the core as well  as our subconscious is like the sea ever flowing water of never ending thoughts, ideas and emotions. We need to mend the direction of this flow by training it in such a way that we are immersed in the power of flow of our goals, kindness, positivity and happiness. The second most important part of my daily chores is to smile and spread happiness everywhere like the butterfly who moves from flower to flower but carries her own spa wherever she goes. To reconnect with nature I go for a walk daily. In this rat race we all are running after success we should go a bit slow by being thankful for the good people that have stayed in our lives always and to the environment that provides us with everything we need. We all are engrossed in our own world of whims and fantasies that we hardly care and make an effort for the people and the animals. I feed my stray dogs as well  since I love animals. I am very opiniated kind of a being who feels are dogs same and I oppose people who always make labels. Either its your pet or the dog on the street or any animal all our beautiful and we are blessed to have them. Breaking the norms moving above them everyday. When you do good things, you have a clear purpose, you are well aware of the acts you do your karma then you are able to discover the meaning of your life and lead your life with a peace of mind. You need to make a good schedule being well aware of your priorities. Not only this technology matters there is much more to life than this. By being grateful and thankful you don't take anybody/ anything for granted as you know its real worth. End of the day we all have a ray of hope for everything then why not believe in your inner light, the power of your subconscious and the true nature of your soul and do things accordingly. All the temporary and materialism will fade away within a span of time what stays till the end is the things that aren't measurable or can't be weighed in any terms. You would feel satisfied by doing what you always to do not by copying or doing things just to satisfy other people. We need to take charge of our own-selves completely and a bid goodbye to all the negativity surmounting us.

Life isn't easy won't ever be that is the beauty of it. How we act when adversity hits us. Maintaining a calm and composed mental state is not easy it requires effort, awareness and acknowledgement and is the need of the hour. If you can deal with your inner turmoil by not avoiding it. You grow everyday and you heal and inspire the other beings around you.

So what's stopping you? Start from now !



Mental health is the well being of our mind. Now that's a very simple way to put it, but in reality, it's much more complex. When it comes to physical well being, people have a number of ways ready to maintain a healthy body. But ask someone about their mental health and you'd see them having difficulty in even identifying there's something wrong. So what makes this concept so hard to comprehend? Mind in itself is quite an abstract concept. So how exactly do we take care of something we're hardly aware of?

It's extremely important to be aware, conscious of one's life. Be mindful of even the smallest thing that happens in your life as it'll help you understand things better and have a more insightful perspective. Being aware of oneself isn't a simple process but that'll help in taking care of one's mental well being. 

Be mindful of what you feed your mind. Nutrition is important to keep yourself healthy. But the type of people, environment, books, etc. that you surround yourself with all determine what kind of person you become and what you experience. Constantly being on social media trying to keep up to unrealistic standards and world view will get you no where. It'll instead lead to anxiety, stress, depression. 

Exercise! It helps release a lot of happy hormones that can lift up your mood instantly. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant. It can be as simple as taking a walk or stretching your body. Feel each movement in your body and imagine all the good it will do to you.

Positive self talk is something that most people will tell you about to keep yourself happy. But what I feel is more important than that is to acknowledge all your thoughts. Know when you're upset or stressed or feeling negative about something. Once you're able to accept it, only then you can move towards changing it. Move away from toxic positivity. Let your feelings flow and then give yourself self affirmations. It could be through a diary you keep where you can write some of your favourite quotes that keep you going, or it could be by standing in front of the mirror each morning, taking time to process your being, be aware of yourself and begin your day with a smile.

Take time for yourself each day. Even a few minutes will suffice. In this time, do things that you love. It could be reading a book, pampering yourself, listening to music, or just laying down and let your thoughts flow. Anything that will give you moment to breathe mindfully and step back from the heavy burden of all your responsibilities. This will definitely help you get back to your duties with vigor.

Taking care of your mental health is a process that requires effort and a willingness to be better. It cannot happen overnight. It's a habit to be built through constant practice. Some days will be tough where you don't love yourself and learning to forgive yourself on those days will be one of the toughest things to do. Take each day at a time. Don't be disheartened with setbacks because that's a part of the growth journey. And always remember, you're not alone, so reach out for help whenever needed. There's no shame in it. Just encourage yourself to be a better version of yourself without being too harsh.

And believe me, you can get through this 🙂


Mental health to me means acceptance of your own self. We are surrounded by converstaions around the topic of mental health and on the era of social media, while trying to create a world of positivity, we have inevitably managed to build something called toxic positivity. So while we have successfully started conversing about mental health, we have also put too much into the idea of "getting the perfect life", which has done more harm than good.

Over the years I have realised that it is very important to accept the negative aspects of your life and be comfortable with not wanting to change them immediately. Change takes time and patience, not only that it requires alot of self work to be done. The pressure to be positive is a trap that one must be very careful of. 

For me I have devised ways and means to boost my own mental health,

I use alot of humor, i think it enables me to see my life from a different perspective while adding a little bit of laughter in my life. Humor has become my most used coping mechanism.

I started journaling. I wouldnt tell you that I do it everyday, its more so when inspiration strikes.

I also gave myself time, years infact to understand certain things about how my mind works. 

I did try therapy however i decided I wasnt ready for it. This is something I would like to tell everyone, it isnt necessary for you to be prepared for therapy. So give it a shot, if it feels like too much, take a step back and do not feel guilty about it. Acceptance that something needs to change happens before the change.

It is slow process, often I felt that I needed to "fix" myself, which was more detrimental for my health. Learning to accept is the primary step towards taking control of your own health.


Mental health according to me is the mental well being or the mental peace of a person that ensures no particular dysfunction, distress or danger. Mental health is the first step to feel comfortable with the way people live and the people around them. Mental health is happiness, comfort, pleasure and satisfaction. Mental health is the attribute that gives one the ability even to deal with obstacles of the physical health. Thus, taking care of the mental health is primary to people from all walks of life, all sexes, ages, occupations etc. There are ways to ensure mental well being. Some of them are : 

• LIFESTYLE: Having a healthy lifestyle with vigilance towards one's diet, exercise, sleep and work patterns. One should not exert oneself or even slack when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Yoga, meditation are also ways to maintain a hassle free lifestyle. 

• RELAXATION: One must always detox, take a break and engage in activities that are relaxing to them. Whatever makes them happy like shopping, skincare, journaling, dancing, listening to music, reading, travelling, sports etc should be done whenever there's a chance. 

• SEEKING SUPPORT: There cannot always be a golden phase life. There can be distressing phases, difficult situations when there's no way to feel better. It that case, one can always seek help and support. There are trained professionals, counselors who can do this job. Some can also reach out to their loved ones like friends and family. Either way, this should not be ignore.

The last step is always self-love. Loving yourself and taking care of yourself like you do of other people is also going to go a long way when it comes to mental wellness. Be happy and spread happiness.
